
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

mysterious man

standing in front of rudy was a mysterious figure that was emotionless yet calm

alaz and the others following behind reino

but all the faces they showed were shocked. What they saw was the object behind Reino

Rudy is in a torn state. Rudy tries to hold his feet so he doesn't fall but his head bows towards the mysterious figure.

The figure came out of the shadow of the forest and revealed its true form

A young man with a blond hair approached Rudy whose armor had been destroyed

that man's voice echoed around us

"help me"

Alaz threw his wind blade into the air at the same time Chandra started his transformation

suddenly alaz and chandra face got cut off by something i don't know

Chandra Mask fell to the ground and showed his face which had been split in two. The wound was very big from forehead to chin, but the wound was not too serious and Chandra still had a chance of surviving, so did Alaz.

not just their faces but several other body parts

also has slash wounds

Apart from Alaz and Chandra, Reino found himself getting an invisible slashes all over his body

only herul remained from the mysterious man's attack

Rudy couldn't possibly fight with half of his body getting an injury

A similar situation happened to Alaz, Chandra and Reino

However, judging from his abilities and spiritual energy, the mysterious man is definitely a level 3 magician or above

with his strength, Herul couldn't possibly win against the man and they could still win as long as they all ran away from the man

"protect Rudy"

a familiar voice rang in herul's brain

Reino used his telepathy to send the message to Herul as Reino found his solution to be still alive

Herul who was between Alaz and Chandra dropped all the jars on the ground

all the fallen mud gathered and clumped into a giant ball

that mud ball flies straight at rudy

The ball of mud stretches itself and one end sticks with Rudy, the ball of mud pushes itself against Rudy and starts covering his entire body.

The other end sticks to Herul's hand, Herul uses his power to pull Rudy close to him

A rain of slashes was directed at Herul the closer the man got

Rudy fell into Herul's arms, while 3 strange balls rolled near the man's feet

The man's face remains emotionless and devoid of mercy


a bright explosion occurred in the forest at night before dawn

As the person at the front, Reino was blown away by his own grenade explosion

with 3 grenades the explosion was very strong to blow them all away

to ensure safe landing

Herul used his mud on one of the trees and held Alaz and Chandra, but Reino was still able to survive after the explosion occurred.

Reino tried to maintain his consciousness by stabbing his hand in a harmless place

Reino raised his head and looked up in the direction of the explosion

the smoke from the explosion started to make a miserrable silhouette appear in the center of that smoke

half that man was destroyed and nothing but flesh and bones

the remaining blood was flowing from his body

and the other groups

was having a problem similar to him, Reino and the rest were getting heavily injured, especially Reino and Rudy

If only one of them was hit by the man's slash then he would probably die

the man's voice and breath getting heavy as times went on

it has been 1 minute since the big explosion happened

and what left was an injured and tired body

Reino took out a gun from his pocket but his hands were shaking but it didn't take long for him to be ready to shoot that man


The bullet that flew from the barrel of the gun landed and made a small hole in that man's head

The man fell to the ground and crushed several of his bones and flesh

but that man's expressions changed second before he died

that man expressions now was relieved smile

Reino, who saw this, also felt strange about the man's expression, but he didn't care about anything other than his own safety at this time.

Reino tries to ask Herul for help to keep all of them safe but

because he had difficulty moving his mouth

Reino sent his telepathy to Herul

"Use your mud to send us back to the tent, it shouldn't be destroyed from the explosion earlier."

Herul who received the message from Reino carried out his orders

and collect all of them

Herul covered part of Reino's wound with his mud to prevent Reino from losing his life

Alaz, Chandra and Rudy's condition is serious but not as serious as Reino's, which should be a priority

with all of his remaining strength Herul managed to bring all of them into their underground tent

this action was to prevent attacks from monsters or even humans