
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

herul rahge

20:00 pm

Since then we have fought at least 3 A rank monsters and dozens of B rank monsters

we made an underground tent and used herul mud as protection

some of the giant monsters here can tear this place down easily

This room is medium sized and can accommodate all of our supplies

this place is safe from almost all threats in this forest, the only problem is the discomfort which fortunately we all managed to endure

None of us have yet been mutated due to too much contact with spiritual energy due to Herul who turns out to be the Archbishop of the Church of God of Guardians who is of course capable of using the cleaning method.

So far, Reino has only used a few weapons that he can still save until this mission is successful, but actually, Reino still doesn't know the purpose of the mission. Moreover, Reino has another goal in carrying out this mission, which is actually to go to the small village that the sender of the letter told Reino to check.

and the second reason is that Reino is not interested because he is more interested in strategies and ways to find and kill the person who is holding his parents hostage

For the horse and carriage herul took them to different place underground

After dinner everyone takes turns on night duty, 2 people watch and the rest sleep, each shift lasts 2 hours

Everyone was on guard inside and monitoring the outside so nothing dangerous happened to them

and by chance I got a shift with Rudy

I don't know why but it feels like talking to my senior

yeah but I don't have a problem with that

At around 02:00 Reino and Rudy woke up to see the surrounding conditions

The night was very quiet, there wasn't even a single sound apart from the two of them, there wasn't a single source of light here either

we just poked our heads out of the door of our "underground tent."

Getting out of here is quite difficult because the barrier to the top is a medium wooden plank modified with some mud from herul

Even though it's just a simple wooden plank, this comes from trees around us which have evolved into trees that have long roots, thin stems and hard wood. We made plans to make our underground tent under this tree, but because of its long and hard roots, we discarded that optionbut actually, even if we succeeded in making an underground tent under the tree, it would be much more dangerous than under normal ground

due to several factors such as the tree itself and other factors that may not be known

While waiting for our turn to finish, Rudy and I chatted about several important things about the world of magicians

Like some ingredients for making potions, Reino usually buys the finished goods and not the ingredients

and this is a collection of the ingredients

powder from illusion butterflies and electric bee honey mixed with water that has been mixed with dirt makes a paralyzing potion

Human skin mixed with animal blood, rose flowers and the heart of any monster makes a health potion

half a bottle of illusion butterfly powder mixed with hot water and alcohol makes an illusion potion


I also learned that Herul was Rudy's adopted son who was found in the middle of the forest when Herul was still 14 years old. At that time Herul was found dying near this forest 6 year ago.

After that, Herul was trained to become a reliable magician who also turned out to be a member of the Umta Official Magicians

But Herul prefers to be a shadow member who rarely communicates and meets other members

Herul apparently had lived in this forest for 6 years before he met Rudy, but one day he tried to go deeper which resulted in him being attacked by a monster.

his swamp power describes his past where he often lived in the forest and swamp which was his home

For a moment, Reino was a little jealous of herul level 1 power which made him able to create living tentacles from mud

which is much better than Reino level 1 power

Another surprising fact is that Herul has a bit of difficulty speaking because of his past where he never spoke to other people and that's why he rarely speaks because he is still learning the language

Reino was actually have another question about rudy power becausd he's a bit curious about Rudy's power as Knight of Hunger Dragon and wanted to ask him but there wouldn't be a strong person who would tell the secret directly to other people so Reino found it useless

About 1 hour and 30 minutes have passed since Rudy and Reino's turn

They didn't chat anymore from 1 hour before and because of their silence no monsters came close to their tent in that time

but both the instincts of professional assassins and kings of hunger dragons sensed danger from a distance

Rudy prepares his big sword and Reino takes his potions and grenades which have never been used when fighting monsters since he was here.

Rudy turned to Reino with a worried smile

"wake up the others"

Reino ran into his underground tent

Don't forget he also brought his torch with him

he shouted to the other members who were still asleep

"The enemy is coming!"