
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

reino and herul plan


Reino and the others have departed from their tent to continue their mission

Their uniforms were tattered and had slash marks everywhere

rudy even had it worse all he wears now was just a simple t-shirt

the only reason they were able to win against someone who could yet win against rudy was because his power type wasn't defense and also because his reaction wasn't fast enough he wasn't able to escape from the blast

While Reino's group was able to avoid the explosion due to Herul's cooperation, the same also applied to their chances of survival which were increased due to the preparations and potions they had stored before their departure.

Their horse-drawn carriage still survived the explosion because Rudy placed it in another place underground which had also been given mud for protection and food, drink and light were prepared for the horse down there even thought the horse became worried and uncontrollable after the explosion and we have to calm him down for a moment

Their goal is to examine the plants and water in this forest for checking as their final stop in this forest

after they get the composition of the water here they can go home safely

but the hard part is finding the water

a lot of monsters were drinking the same water and by the size comparison those monsters had to drink quite a lot of water

Reino and the others have walked over 5 hours just to find the water but they never found it

"I hope we can go home as soon as possible, it's very tired."

those were the words of an inexperienced person who went to the battlefield without preparation or who could be called alaz

It was true that half of us were exhausted, especially Rudy who had bandages around his body

"We have to be patient a little more"

other people were all chatting about various things but Herul and Reino noticed something strange since this morning

there was someone following them from behind

Reino was the first to find out about this, followed by Herul who discovered Reino's strange behavior

Reino has done a lot of telepathy with Herul to discuss the stalker but telepathy is only Reino's power so it is one way communication and the way for them to discuss is that Herul has to blink his eyes once if not and twice slowly if yes

they can't just tell other members about the person following them because most likely the person following them will also know that they are already aware of that person

even thought Reino could use his telepathy to give to others, but because he only had a little spiritual energy left, Reino couldn't do it, besides, the fewer people who knew about this stalker, the safer messages they were.

there was one more oddity about these stalkers when Reino first noticed that there was only one person following them but as time went on more and more people followed them

the number of people following them now was more than ten and it was possible that all of them were magicians

with unknown power

The thing that Reino is most worried about is fighting without preparation, but in the time since they started following Reino and the others, Reino has had time to prepare.

the same goes for herul as he also makes a few plans in his head for any action reino takes

Along the way, Reino collected several plants and insects to try out the composition of the potion he had just learned

Reino had collected quite a lot of plants while they were all researching the composition of this forest

and because that was the job of Reino and the others, the stalkers were not suspicious of Reino's action besides they just sat there and watched

Reino was concocting a potion that he knew quite well

The composition of this potion is

corpse moss, crow brain, devouring fungus

reino get a corpse moss and crow brains from the belly of a giant monster

that giant monster was eating a crow and reino succeeded in taking that thing and because corpse moss doesn't just grow in humans but also reino monsters can find them easily as for devouring fungus this forest has quite a lot of it disguised as moss

This potion was the same that reino uses in his thief when he first meet alaz and the others

At that time reino infiltrated the stadium with this potion

The last thing to do is mix the ingredients with water, the water reino uses is their water supply

However to not attract the stalker herul does some random things in the horse carriage with doing something suspicious

which makes most stalkers lose their focus and divert their attention to herul

This made Reino successfully make the potion and all that was left was to throw it at the stalkers who were gathered and run as fast as possible

Reino was hoping to their survive and save against them