
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Starless horizon

「Realm of Dream : Leizpig」

"Be careful on your way so you don't trip okay~"

"Eeeek!! C-Commander stop slapping my hip..."

"Aha~ Sorry... But it looks like you're in need of a light push so just walk on, Leizpig. You're going to be fine."

In a certain dream of a timid ship girl from Iron Blood faction, there's a man who waved his hand to a ship girl who stepped closer towards the gate of light that welcomed her to a brand new world behind the pleasures of her dream.

"... Commander, thank you. Hearing your words that keep supporting me... Really helps me! And it makes me happy too."

The ship girl is the owner of this dream world, Leizpig. Even though she's from a faction that is fierce and thirsty for blood, in fact she is one of the ship girls who's easy to faint due of her personality which is very easy to get scared.

The same with some other ship girl, regret, loneliness, fear and misunderstanding. The two of them have experienced many things in that「Dream world」, but now is the time for the ship girl to wake up and also this'll become the final role of the man who continues to fight for his own beautiful things from the other side of reality.

"... Farewell, let us meet again in the future. Hopefully, you will stop being a klutz as well."

"L-Like I said, I'll do my best so stop teasing me again... Commander!"

After Leizpig and the man argued for several times, the ship girl remembered the beautiful memories she had made with that man.

The plate that was broken by being burned on the stove, the fruit that had been stored for too long because she had forgotten about it, the first time she received the small ring that stuck to her ring finger, and many flashbacks that very quickly flashed through her mind.

"... Commander... Thank you."

Those memories were indeed beautiful things, but she knew that they would disappear when she woke up from this dream just like what the man had told her before.

"I'm really... Glad. Having commander to stand in my side in all those time, even if it's just a dream."

Leizpig then looked at the man's face that she had seen so many times during their days together beneath the same roof, and from within her heart, a slight worries arose whether she too would forget how this face looked like and instead Leizpig would think of him as a stranger when she woke up.

However, the man won't let her doubts stop the ship girl from attaining her new beginning.

"Next time, why don't you let me taste your cooking again, Leizpig? And this time, you're also going to be the part of my menu~"

"H-Hueeh? C-Commander what are you... Do y-you mean?!"

"Ah... But it's not cannibalism oka-"

Red color started to spread from her cheeks and a steam came out from both sides of the ship girl's ears. It seems like she imagined something VERY different from what he's going to say.

"N...No. Nooooo!!! Please don't eat me agaiinn... Not noooow!!!"

The bashful Leizpig with her face that she tried to cover with her hands, then took a thousand steps and immediately disappeared from her「Dream world」 leaving that man with a smirk on his face since he got succeed in making Leizpig showed another one of her cute side once again.

"Woaahh... Unbelievable, she even already mastered the art of Joestar in such a short time. As expected of diligent yet klutz type."

While stroking the beard that had grown quite thick on his chin, the man seemed to be very amused by the farewell he just went through, however, he slowly wiped the smile previously plastered on his face and returned to how he used to.

The man then lay down in a「Dream world」that would soon disappear while staring into the distant night sky on the top of his head.

"This is for the best."

One by one, the stars that hung on the night canvas began to fall, making the sky silent and dark without a single source of light that could be used to decorate the void.

Simultaneously with the disappearance of the stars in all his sights, the man feels if his role is about to come to an end but together with an end, there'll be a new chapter of love stories from those hip girls.

"I'll be awaiting in here... For another bud of emotion to bloom again in your heart, me on the other side. But as expected... It'll be really lonely in here without Cera to keep me accompany."

The glitter of the shining stars disappeared one by one until finally, all the stars in the night canvas have disappeared. There is only the dark, endless and lonely sky decorated by a single moon that has lost its bright shine.

The moon doesn't give off a warm light that can guide someone in the darkness, nor could even tell the story of someone with all the goodness that the person has forgotten.

However, the moon still persist in there, in the black and lonely canvas.

"Now... What is he doing then? Could it be he's enjoying some "Quality time" with my gift for him~? Hehehe..."

[There's not much different from here and there. Could that moon even fill its function as the satellite for this planet? If its not then isn't it just another defective pawn to use?]

"This is just a dream, my elementary Observer. Anything could happen."


Deep in his boundless dream... He gazed at his warped self.


Opening his eyes in the encirclement of darkness wherever the eye can see, Sakura Zeimachi found himself at the bottom of the same ocean he had previously visited to calm his mind in the serenity of silence.

He looked to his left and then to his right, and sure enough, there was nothing but darkness that spread throughout the place that was not only capable of swallowing the light from the upper world, but could also drive a man to madness from the sense of uncertainty about what would happen at the exact next second.

{cOmE hERe... oVeR hERe...}


{wE hAVE bEEn WaITIng fOR yOU...}


After his eyes looked around for any traces of living things, Sakura Zeimachi then heard a group of voices from within the darkness of the ocean that seemed to be calling for him. He certainly didn't want to know whatever "it" was that was calling for him, but apparently he wasn't given such an easy chance for an escape.

{yOU cAN'T rUN... lEt'S jOIn uS... iN hERe...}

{lEt'S pLAY mORE...}

{wE cAN bE onE aGaIN...}


Before Sakura Zeimachi could take out the「Feather」which was his main weapon at any time, the sand and the water around him suddenly moved in swift and precise movement towards his arms and leg in order to shatters his limbs.

The two objects moved unnaturally, and Sakura Zeimachi who could no longer flail his arms neither his legs saw a kind of bone structures that are neatly arranged and can be considered like a railroad tracks, but on the other hand the structures are similar to a human teeth, crept from within the darkness.




The blood gushed out from his wound made his vision even more difficult to see however, he could still feel the presence of "That" figure which is still watching over him from the darkness of the deep sea. The creature seemed to be very happy with what he had done, but not with Sakura Zeimachi.

"Ya... Long time no see, Gurathnaka. You're as playful as ever."

That's why he called for that figure's name in order to end this charade so he could quickly finish his paper work, and also to secure his unconscious body before some unwanted ship girl grab a hold of it.




"... Your last chance."

Sakura Zeimachi who called out the creature's real name, then showed a domineering face while releasing hundreds, and even thousands of「Feather」ready to move at will aimed to one position in that pitch of darkness.

His limbs that had been shattered by the figure he called Gurathnaka also returned to how they used to be, and all of the foreshadowed darkness that were crawling in there turned even more agitated after Sakura Zeimachi also changed their surroundings into a hall, adorned with the glorious light of gold and silver banners.




Can't stand the splendor of an ever boding country, one of the incomprehensible creature known as Gurathnaka slowly seep into the eerie darkness that the creature brought within, but who knows what will be done by one of these creatures that are difficult to understand.

"... It already got this worse huh. It won't be long before another huge champ knocking on my door then."

Convinced that he was done with his dream business, Sakura Zeimachi then closed his eyes to quickly wake up from his sleep in order to continue his duties in the real world. In his dream where he wasn't wearing a blindfold, Sakura Zeimachi rubbed his eyes a bit before he then woke up to the real world.

"Ah... Those ladies who slept for too long should be waking up soon too… Another problem then. Hopefully I could make it in time."

And he wakes up with a flag he shouldn't have jinxed.




「Azur Lane Academy : Commander Office, dawn」

In the silence of a leader's office, there is the Azur Lane commander who can be found lying with his eyes covered in blindfold on the top of his work desk.

Neatly arranged paper filled with pen marks can be seen next to the head of the commander who is resting, and is a sign that he has successfully completed the pile of work that still needs to be completed by using ink and paper.

"Hhh... Hmm? Yeah as expected I fall asleep. Ever since becoming normal again, I keep forgetting if I could feel fatigue, pain and such... Hooaamm~ What time is it?"

The current Commander, otherwise known as Sakura Zeimachi has been awakened from his slumber after he took over his dreams from a creature capable of eating someone's dreams.

He then reached his hand towards the bag that was under his desk and intended to check the time from the smart phone that he always used. Previously the smart phone was in the hands of a ship girl named Warspite, but now he has got it back and is charging it so that the battery doesn't run out when he wants to use it.

"Ah... If I'm not wrong, there's a clock over there. Umm let's see... Wait I can't see!? But from the air around me it's around... Four in the morning? That's pretty early."


Just before his hand touched something under his desk, the man opened up his blind fold, and saw a clock on the wall clearly above the door which made him pull his hand back from touching his bag along with whatever it was beneath his desk.

"What with these sweats? And my throat is hella dry."

Because he was also feeling thirsty Sakura Zeimachi then got up from his work chair in order to satishfy his thirst, and as soon as he stood up, the man felt pain from his neck, waist, and legs that made him freeze for a few seconds due to the discomfort from the tingling and joint pain that was throbbing in his body.

"U...Ugghh... What is this... Am I a granpa or something?"


He then stretched his body and made several cracking sounds from the joints he moved or twisted, and for some unknown reason it seems like Sakura Zeimachi is really acting like he doesn't want to notice a ship girl hiding under his desk.

"Huuughh... Let's go to the kitchen or somewhere, there should be cold drink to grab."


By not making any suspicious movements or behavior, Sakura Zeimachi then immediately wiped the cold sweat that was slowly flowing down to his lids and immediately moved towards the door to quickly get out from the room which gave off a more dangerous aura than the creature he had faced before in his own dream.

"... Safe. What? I'm not escaping though~ I don't understand what you're saying~"

Luckily he managed to escape from his own office room and then continued his way to the kitchen where he would find a glass of water to quench his thirst after he woke up. He also argued a bit with the other part of him about the deal they had made, but Sakura Zeimachi feigned ignorance about what the other part of him was talking about.

He later forgot to tie his blind fold.




"Pheww... Mizu ummai. Now then, since it's still morning should we take a bath? Hmm? Breakfast first? Uhh what, strolling is first priority? You guys better shut up or I'll block from watching."

Finished with his first activity after waking up, Sakura Zeimachi then decided what activities he would do next.

Is it cleaning his body that is drenched with sweat after falling asleep on the table, maybe filling his stomach first since he also got his sense of flavor again, or maybe going for a walk while not many ship girls have woken up to relax his vigilance which has always been at a very high level lately.

"Now that you guys talk about it, where's that Lia girl? She's definitely not training right now. With Unicorn-kun? That's another possibilities."

He then looked around several corners of the kitchen while thinking about other things that were his responsibility.

Regarding the kitchen, it was actually one of the rooms available and provided for all the ship girls in the academy's dorm. However, the kitchen he was visiting at the moment is a public kitchen located near his office which was a little far from the dorms belonging to each ship's faction.

Simply put its a kitchen for any ship girls from any faction if they want to, however since it's close with commander office, barely anyone who used it in the past considering the past commander's affinity toward his girls.

"I thought those food was created in here, but it looks like they brought it all the way from their dorm's kitchen huh... But maybe, it's because he wanted to eat together with those girls isn't it? So he doesn't used much of this place."

Even so, Sakura Zeimachi still looked at the positive side of things he didn't know for sure and didn't go around labeling the previous commander as a person lacking in heart. Sakura Zeimachi is indeed a murderer, destroyer, and liar, but besides that he was also someone who easily put his trust in someone, thought in the end he always got the hard side of the truth slammed on his head.

He then took the kitchen knife that was already available in the drawer, and sharpened the sharpness of the knife before he took a banana that was strangely available in the refrigerator along with some other ingredient in that cold box.

"What a coincidences, you're the rumored Commander am I right? Good morning and pleasure to meet you. My name is Hood from Royal Navy, excuse me if I'm intruding you at the wrong time. Are you having a morning snack commander?"

"Hmm? Ah greetings Dame Hood. Pleasure is mine to take since having a great chance to have you as the first girl I met in the morning. Although I wouldn't call it as a snack but, you're right."

After he spent his time skillfully and efficiently peeling bananas, it wasn't long before another ship girl came into the kitchen room while carrying a basket at the front of her stomach. He also suddenly remember if he's not using his blind fold so he just closed his eyes while continue to sense the ship girl's presence.

Sensing the elegant ship girl that he knew stepped in with a luggage, Sakura Zeimachi then acted like a butler and reached out his hand to kiss the ship girl's hand while offering himself to carry the basket that was being carried by the ship girl named Hood.

Hood then let her fore hand to be kissed by the man, and happily gave her luggage to him because she was feeling very happy with the gentleman-like attitude he's giving to her.

"Oh... This is unexpected. To think you could make my heart flutter with just your act alone commander."

"Did I make the glory of royal navy fall for me I wonder?"

"I do appreciated your effort commander, however it'll be better for a gentleman to look at his partner when he greeted her. How about let me how clear you eyes are for an example?"

"Ahaha sure, but it'll be the next time for you to receive that surprise."

After that, the two of them talked about their reasons for coming to the kitchen.

And it turns out, the reason why Hood came to that place was to chase a ship girl who had made her drink a cup of tea branded as an oriental dragon jade relaxation tea by a certain ship girl, but it turned out to be a tea full of wasabi and dried matcha leaves mixed together with some acacia powder.

"T-Then... How does it taste?"

"Ara commander... Would you like to taste? I happen to brought a cup with me in case someone need to taste it~"

"... I'll... Pass, yeah."

"That's too bad, then shall I help you with creating a breakfast? I'll gladly broadened your view in Royal cuisine."

"Not a bad idea, but I like to eat a handmade food of a girl in a more better place with her. So maybe next time Hood."

"... I see, then please look forward to the place I will prepare for our next time, commander."

Hood let out a voice that signaled slight disappointment, but she elegantly hid it and continued their conversation.

After that...

Sakura Zeimachi then continued sharpening his knife, but unfortunately Hood stopped him because the ship girl thought that the commander was still playing games by closing his eyes in blind fold even though he was using a sharp object.


Maybe this fact has been burried within the time, but be it Zeimachi or Sakura Zeimachi they're glass-cannon type of people.

The type that is very easy to let out some romantic and beautiful sentences, but on the other hand they knows how cringy they're when they repeat the word that has been spoken inside their head.

So, even though he was now acting like a gentleman at Hood, deep inside he's actually screeching like a gremlin covered in tomato ketchup.



See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts