
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Side story : Sepia crystal and salt

「Previously in this side story」

Having completed his mission in the current world, the man known as Zeimachi prepared his belongings to embark on another journey far from that 「World」.

However, just as he was about to depart, he unexpectedly encountered individuals whose memories he had manipulated, implanting false recollections into their minds. 

Whether those memories were good or bad, whether he had done it for their sake or his own, nevertheless those fragments were now erased and destined to be forgotten forever.

In the end, despite rejecting the generosity of others, he had undertaken unimportant deeds in pursuit of others' happiness, forsaking his own.

Now, it was time for him to bid farewell to this world. 

He did so, ensuring the safe placement of a certain Loli Necromancer in a nearby location before proceeding to pass the final hurdle that would strip away his last vestige of humanity.



"Thank you very much! Please come again!"

In a quaint gift shop exclusive to the city, brimming with an array of charming knick-knacks, the shopkeeper expressed gratitude to his sole customer for their visit and generous spending.

At first, the shopkeeper appeared surprised as the humans entered his shop and even asked if they had gotten lost. However, to his astonishment, the sole customer produced a unique, complete collection of cards that unmistakably identified them as a fan of the Demon Diva.

Nevertheless, the shopkeeper didn't dwell too much on where these cards had come from, as all his merchandise had been swiftly sold out, courtesy of Zeimachi.

With a sense of delight from this newfound windfall, the shopkeeper meticulously rearranged his remaining merchandise one by one.

Among them was a piece of his merchandise—an eye catching poster depicting a girl with horns and a tail, resembling someone from a demon race. She wore a cheerful smile while holding an idol concert in Hell, serving as the backdrop for the little devil's debut within that drawing.

"It appears your popularity has reached even the human world!"

Indeed, it was true; he was overjoyed because his merchandise had sold so well.

However, beneath his happiness as a merchant, the shopkeeper also felt a deep sense of joy, accompanied by a warm feeling for the girl in the poster. Today, he had met someone who shared her likeness.

"I'm grateful I didn't close my shop... Miss Aloe."

The shopkeeper continued to gaze at the poster. As a side note, Zeimachi had initially wanted to purchase it. He had been willing to part with a considerable amount of money for that piece of artwork.

Unfortunately, the shop's owner simply couldn't bear to part with it, no matter the offer. Whoever tried to buy the main attraction of his store would undoubtedly regret it.

After placing the poster in his shop's window, the shopkeeper returned to his seat, patiently awaiting more customers to enter his demon-themed store.

He began tallying his day's income and sent a message through his phone, eager to share the good news with a certain Baphomet-looking girl.

The shopkeeper was elated at the prospect of connecting with other fans and discussing the adorable little devil in the city.




Returning to the person who continued his shopping spree and engaged in various activities to exhaust all his currency in that 「World」. He visited a food store, a school supply store, a clothing store (excluding underwear), and even a nursing home in the unnamed city.

He wasn't typically one to splurge, but certain circumstances dictated that the currency he held couldn't be used in other 「Worlds」. That's why Zeimachi decided to make the most of his wealth before departing from this particular realm.

"It can't be helped. I've spent approximately two years in this abandoned world. Now, it's time to move on..."

The day was gradually giving way to the night, with birds soaring beneath the evening sky that adorned his overhead view as he prepared to continue his journey from the nameless city, to his next destination.

"Hopefully I could find another one with VTuber theme so I could get their merchandise again ehe~ But... I guess I wouldn't remember much about them..."

Observing the city's atmosphere transitioning into a quieter state, as it readied itself for the bustling nightlife, he hastened his pace while carrying two plastic bags brimming with food and souvenirs that he had legally purchased in that 「World」.

"*Sigh* No use to complain about it. This much should be fine, Nakiri-hime has finally gain the free life she's been looking for, maybe it'll need some miracle but I'm sure Ina will be able to control her power thanks with the help..."

During his road trip, he engaged in conversations with his other self, though it was still nothing more than a sprout or an egg that couldn't respond. He chose to speak to them nonetheless.


Regrettably, not long after he was still elated from his shopping spree, having acquired numerous items for his collection or personal use, another wave emerged, threatening to wash away everything.

The once-orange sky, signaling the approach of night, suddenly transformed into an ominous dark expanse, with black clouds trailing lightning behind them.

"... Yeah, guess this is about to happen. There's no point in complaining."

For a moment, he stood in awe of the scene above his head, where the sudden appearance of black clouds had begun to form a vortex in the sky, releasing raindrops all over the city and completely overwritten the orange skies before him.

"... Counting down... Pinpointing the location..."

Despite the rain soaking his clothes and shopping bags, the man stood still. The water droplets posed no harm to him, allowing him to forego seeking shelter. Unfortunately, the items he had bought didn't share the same fortune.

With his keen eyes and intuition, he sensed something about to emerge from the center of the vortex. He compelled the manifestation of three shimmering feathers, glowing a brilliant red.

"Protect them, please."

As if understanding where they needed to go, the three feathers pointed in different directions, causing him to furrow his brows. They shot off towards their respective destinations.

This notion renewed his surprise, heightening it once more.

He had initially intended to use only two of the feathers, but seeing one of them also darting towards what he had presumed, a sense of unease filled the man soaked by the rain.

Nevertheless, this made him feel a little relieved, as he hadn't acted too late or being petty by holding too much of his abilities.

"Not just one, huh? Ck, predicting... anticipating... landing time is less than... ten seconds."

Deciding to leave his soaked belongings in a safe place, he, who had already set his course towards the center of the vortex, witnessed something emerging from the core of the storm in the sky, a threat to someone's life.

Even in such a situation, Zeimachi remained composed or at least he tried to.

"... Talk about good timing."

His words, almost like a self-curse, proved to be true.

From the heart of the vortex, a creature resembling a dragon, composed of electricity, began to take form. Accompanied by a deafening roar, it caused violent vibrations throughout the city.

And now, the fate of that 「World」, whether it would flourish or be cast to the ground, rested solely on his shoulders.


"The last time you really did me a good time huh... Dragon woman!?? Now take this and turn to another shit from my strength!!! KIRIN!!!"

"What is... that..."

The scene then shifted to the rooftop of the city's tallest building, where a white-haired youth with ruby-red eyes faced off against a dragon woman named Kiryu Coco.


From the young man's hand emitted a cluster of electricity, which he appeared to be using to command the electric dragon hovering above his head. With a vengeful swing of his hand towards Kiryu Coco, an impending attack loomed, accompanied by a thunderous roar from the electric dragon, which fixed its bloodshot eyes on the dragon woman.


Though not perfect, Kiryu Coco swiftly initiated her dragon transformation to block the 〈Jutsu: Kirin〉attack, which had struck like a bolt of lightning, causing her blocking hand to burn due to handling the electric dragon bite.

However, she couldn't afford to let the attack pass through her, considering they were in the heart of the city, putting the surrounding area at risk of utter destruction. All she could do at this moment was endure.

"AHAHAHA! How is it?! This Ninjutsu that I had painfully learn after stealing it from that Sasuke?! It took me a few month to master this and now you'll be my new target practice!!! Another one! KIRIN!!!"

"Another one?!"

Kiryu Coco felt panic setting in as she grappled with the dire situation. 

It wasn't just one electric dragon trying to overwhelm her, now there're two more lightning-bodied dragons emerged from the black cloud vortex in the sky. Now, she had serious doubts about her ability to withstand the assault of the three lightning dragons in her humanoid form.

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to transform into a dragon yourself? AHAHA! Well, it's not like you could block all of... THEM!!!"

With the banter of a petty criminal, the young man vigorously swung the arm he had raised earlier and directed the two electric dragons above them to swoop in the desired direction.

The two electric dragons descended from the sky, resembling lightning beasts bringing destruction to all who tread on the ground. 

The dragon girl's assumption had been wrong; the young man deliberately aimed to target the city with the remnants of his other Kirins, attempting to further provoke the dragon before him.

Feeling victorious, the man wore a satisfied expression.

He relished the opportunity to witness the desperation on the dragon woman's face—the one who had thwarted his lascivious adventures of collecting harems and amassing anime power in that 「World」 before.

He felt utterly humiliated by the dragon woman before him. Not only did she not show respect for the country of his birth, but Kiryu Coco had also mentioned the forbidden 'name' that shouldn't be uttered in his presence.

To be honest, I really want to write blablabla again for his back story, but... let's just be generous and give him some merit. So when he meets his end, it'll be all the more satisfying.

Even trash will burn nicely if flamed well.

"Looks like you still haven't learned your lesson... punk."

On the other side, Kiryu Coco, who had been restraining the first 〈Jutsu: Kirin〉 attack, slowly began to manifest her dragon form. Her ears were in far more agony listening to his taunts than having to restrain the three electric dragons. 

As a result, she had no intention of holding back any longer.

Scaled wings sprouted from her back, and her dragon claws became more pronounced as the two horns on her head extended.

As she unleashed further stages of her dragon transformation, she effortlessly opened her jaw and engulfed the electric dragon she had been struggling to restrain. 

The process resembled a scene from a comic book, with her mouth expanding and contracting in an instant.


Appearing almost entirely like a dragon, but more similar to be called as a Dragonian. The awakened baby dragon utilized the magic innate to her dragonian form. She conjured a magic shield to intercept the assaults of the two electric dragons, protecting the city she called home.

Despite a resounding impact, the 〈Jutsu: Kirin〉 attack failed to breach the magic shield that Kiryu Coco employed, guarding both the city and her family of Kiryu kai residing within.

"Now it's different. This level won't put much dent on my scale, but don't ever dream to walk alive after you mess with my Kiryu-kai... brat."

Fueled by anger and annoyance, with a burning desire to rip the young man's handsome face, Kiryu Coco clenched her now dragon-like, orange fist-claw. 

Unexpectedly, despite witnessing her complete dragon transformation from the front row, the young man sported a sinister smile as he summoned a sword from the extradimensional space he referred to as {Inventory}.

He seemed to have been eagerly anticipating these moments.

"HAHahaha! Yes... YES! This is not right if I were to kill you in that human form. Come Balmung."

"...You're mad to the core, brat. Don't think you can pull that trick on me again."

His laughter grew more maniacal, and with a sword in his hand, the young man with white hair now looked more like a human compared to Kiryu Coco. 

Their stage seemed to have been meticulously set, where the hero would conclude his quest for vengeance and finally slay the dragon.

It resembled the tales of heroes that common folks often heard.

"Ohhh? A trick, you say... Then how about THIS? Mangekyou Sharingan. I'm still searching for a way to attain the eternal and evolve it into Rinnegan, but this should suffice against someone like you."

What an unfortunate moment.

Clueless about why and how her eyes moved that way, Kiryu Coco accidentally locked eyes with the young man. It was an enormous mistake because the moment she saw those spinning patterns, the dragon woman fell into a genjutsu created by the power of a Mangekyou Sharingan.

Her eyes glazed over and lost their luster, her gaze akin to that of a puppet being controlled by another.

This, of course, further fueled the young man's pride in the very real illusion of his Dojutsu abilities, which could even subdue a dragon.

"Aaaah... it turns out you're this weak, just when I wanted to blast you with Hougu. Just when I wanted to pay you back for everything you've done to me. But you've become so easy to kill with only a glance of my eyes. HuhuHAHAHA!"

The young man stepped arrogantly towards the dragon woman, ready to kick Kiryu Coco as a way to vent his annoyance because it was so easy to achieve the revenge he desired.

"Hehe... Now that I think about it, you got a body aren't you..."

But even after he gave the unmoving dragon woman a kick, which made her fall helplessly to the floor like a doll. The young man became tempted to taste the dragon woman's body perhaps one last time.

His depraved lust could still emerged, due seeing Kiryu Coco's dragon form which had been soaked in rain, and with the condition of most of her clothes which are torn due to her transformation.

Furthermore, the dragon woman's body is now lying helpless beneath him. No matter how hard he treats it, the young white-haired man is certain she won't rise again even if he tried the worse on her.

His hand began to move towards the dragon woman's chest, and his gaze becaming more focused on her beautiful and smooth skin on her cleavage. 

Kiryu Coco who couldn't realize and can't do a thing to fight back could only stand still, stuck within genjutsu and become an outlet for the desire of the man who had held a grudge against her.




Or so it should be.

"Edge of Taixuan, Eminence."


Amidst the storm and lightning outside, a commotion erupted within a building.

"GUaahhhhgg!!!?? W-What was that??!"

Inside the building was a reception desk, reminiscent of those from adventurers' tales and legends, with the nameplate "GUILD" adorning it, strikingly confirming that this was indeed the Guild House in the city where adventurers roamed, taking on missions displayed on the GUILD's Quest Board.

However, presently the inside of the GUILD was in disarray. 

Numerous individuals were injured stacked in the state of fear, and several pieces of furniture lay broken due to a brawl that surpassed a mere bar fight. It remained unclear what had transpired, causing them to hesitate to intervene in the ongoing battle.

A thunderclap roared, shaking the surroundings.


In that place, there's a girl named Uruha Rushia, tears welling up in her eyes, hiding behind a sofa that was almost torn in half. She had opened her eyes after Zeimachi escorted her to her resting place.

Around her stood an undead knight, guarding her. They're none other than the undead creatures summoned by the Loli Necromancer.

"Was that Shinra tensei?! But she shouldn't even have any Rinnegan on her. Oi! Spill it out, what have you done?!"

Not far from the necromancer girl, a man appeared to be embedded in the wall from the force that propelled him away from her. Much like the white-haired man at the top of the building, he possessed equally captivating features.

He yanked his body free from the wall, causing dust and debris to shower his clothing. Then, he strode toward a katana firmly embedded in the ground, his weapon of choice from the beginning.

After freeing himself and brandishing the deadly blade capable of ending lives with a single swing, the young man with a black ponytail fixed his gaze on Uruha Rushia once more.

"I'm s-sorry! ... I-I don't know." 

Uruha Rushia stammered, consumed by fear, her response driven solely by her anxiety.

As Uruha Rushia's eyes locked onto the menacing blade, fear tightened its grip around her, rendering her speechless. Her tongue, heavy as if turned to stone, betrayed her as the words she desperately sought to vocalize slipped through her grasp.

The yearning to take action coursed through the Necromancer, yet her fear held her in a paralyzing embrace, intensifying when she heard his chilling threat of wiping out everyone in her vicinity.


In the midst of the man's menacing threat, Uruha Rushia used her Necromancer powers, conjuring and ordering several death knight troops that swiftly lunged at the man wielding the katana.

Their swings were fierce, the black sword surrounded by a corrosive aura. 

Their intent was clear—to obey their summoner and halt the man from carrying out his malevolent plans. However, as they closed in, their bodies crumbled to dust with a single piercing stab from the katana, leaving them utterly powerless.

"Didn't I told you it's useless? This〈Nichirin Sword〉could literally K.O-ed your undead in one attack, adding with its feature from〈Murasame〉where I could destroy them from inside with just one single slash."

The man effortlessly vanquished all the troops summoned by the Necromancer, then rapidly closed the distance to the frightened girl attempting to flee on trembling legs.

Without hesitation, he kicked aside the sofa concealing the girl, revealing a necromancer girl whose face was contorted in fear and terror.

"You're dead now."

Despite possessing a striking figure with long black hair and eyes as captivating as the ocean, all of that starkly contrasted with the expression on his face, which seemed to view the girl before him as nothing more than a walking piggy bank.

Indeed, it was true that if he killed the loli necromancer, or as he knew her, the 〈Apprentice Necromancer: Uruha Rushia〉, he would receive a substantial reward.

Unfortunately, before he could claim his bonus...

"!!! Another one?! Don't you think the same trick will work again- Uagghh!??"

The arrival of an unfamiliar figure foiled his plan and sent the katana-wielding man crashing back into the wall... once again.


The last place was a shop that the one known as Zeimachi had previously visited, or rather, the place where he bought numerous items featuring the image of a demon girl named Mano Aloe.

His breaths were slightly ragged, and his hair falling wetly obscuring his vision.

There, the rain-soaked man faced his final obstacle—an innocent-looking young man with blonde hair and green eyes, bearing a striking resemblance to characters often described as having "puppy eyes" or other endearing terms praising his cuteness.

Unlike the other two, this blond individual didn't immediately attack, prompting the rain-soaked man to engage in a brief conversation. 

They continued to converse, and as the rain-soaked man observed the blond's actions, Zeimachi instantly grasped the kind of person he was dealing with.

"... I see, so there're in total three of you, failure who came back to this world after you've failed your previous quest."

At the entrance to the shop that had once brought him joy and made life feel worth living, Zeimachi lowered his head, his gaze fixed on the lifeless body of the shopkeeper sprawled on the floor, clutching a phone in hands now stiff and devoid of life.

There was no discernible emotion in the expression on his face at that moment—only a profound sense of speechlessness.


How could I have been late?

Was this to be expected?

Was such an end already predestined?

Why did this have to happen?

Shouldn't I have been more cautious with my enjoyment of time?

He was a good man, giving his best in his work.

I hardly knew anything about him.

Why did it have to happen now?

I should try to help him, shouldn't I?

But he's already gone.

How could I have helped him?

Why did it have to happen now?

As it turns out, Zeimachi found himself engulfed in a fictional guilt, drowning in the regret of allowing destiny to snatch the life of this good man.

The once minimalist yet devoted shop, which had exuded a sense of neatness and was adorned with merchandise belonging to a hellish rookie Idol that had charmed Zeimachi with its cuteness, now lay in ruins, a testament to the deeds of the man who had acted unnoticed.

Meanwhile, the young man, who candidly explained their purpose and presence in this world, nonchalantly entered the shop he had decimated, a testament to the 'Justice' he so proudly upheld.

He embodied a purity of nature, yet his devotion was disturbingly twisted.

"Then as expected! You're also a transmigrate like us right? Actually, we're here to settle our debt in this world you know~ Just like killing that arrogant dragon kin, and then putting an end to the hell that has been expanding its territory. As a hero of justice, you should know about my feelings right?!"


"Hmm? Well you know!? This guy is a demon! He dare to sneak into human society and blended in to let this wench called... Aloe? Hah! What a useless name. Yeah he wanted to spread her fame and popularity in this city and then to rise her demonic power! I'm sure about it!"

The blonde-haired youth, casually trampling over the remnants of the shop's items as he entered, and not long soon after he laid his eyes on a poster affixed to the shop's window. 

It was none other than the very poster Zeimachi had been unable to afford, as the shopkeeper had deemed it a treasure, the hallmark of his establishment.

And without a shred of hesitation or remorse, neither with a shred of ingenuity, the young man effortlessly tore it to pieces right before Zeimachi who remained crouched, clutching the shopkeeper's phone.

From thereon, he could no longer see the blond young man as a being.

"So then... you'll also help us right? We need to clean this world from the evil! And I'm sure if this shop is my first step to-"

"... Did you know?"

His 'puppy eyes' still gleamed with a sense of contentment, much like a dog oblivious to its recent actions. Once more, the young man continued his chatter, but...

Just before he could complete his sentence, Zeimachi abruptly halted the conversation, fixing his gaze on the phone in his hand.

"What is it?"

Though the young man felt a flicker of irritation, yearning to crush Zeimachi's indifference, he restrained himself, deciding to hear Zeimachi out first—or so he told himself.

"There once was a tale of an apprentice succubus captivated by the emerging trend of singing and dancing."

Zeimachi carried on with the conversation, engrossed in the writings on the phone's memo.

"She practiced tirelessly... Until she finally debuted as a Diva from the underworld. And then, driven to understand the origins of this culture, that Diva's fame transcended all the way to the upper world."

With his gaze still diverted, Zeimachi continued his narrative of another's story.

"However... It turned out to be harder than what she thought of, and not only that, some of her fans left her as they thought if she's becoming a depraved who wanted to enjoy the "Human" world."

Zeimachi's finger suddenly stopped when he read something that pierced his heart.

"... Then here comes the interesting part. There's a fan who was very dedicated to her and even agree to spread her fame in the human world. That fan was only a stranger for the Diva, but strangely without any of them realized it... they have worked together for so many years..."

Concluding his reading, Zeimachi set the phone down and once again crouched to retrieve the lifeless body at his feet. 

"But here comes the hard part... What would happen when that Diva know, if the fan who was with her turns out to be dead by now?"

"How could I know... More like, are you showing your hostility at me?"

The young man responded firmly, exposing his core belief that dismissed anything not aligned with his idea of justice. If one could peer into Zeimachi's thoughts at that moment, they might find them quite repugnant.

The blond youth began to emanate an oppressive aura, akin to 〈Haki〉, he asserted his dominance with a show of strength.

"Please don't misunderstand me, I'm merely posing an intermediate-level question, something you might encounter in an ethics textbook."

Zeimachi then gently placed the shopkeeper's corpse on a table and returned the phone to the lifeless body, his expression laden with regret. Despite sensing the youth's intimidating〈Haki〉, he paid it little heed and continued to pay his last respect.

He's not the type who like to be cahooted with anyone, but having to met with someone of same preference was definitely an unexpected joy for a tired soul like him.

"At least you delivered the message, pal. Sure she'll be joyed with it, but...sigh..."

Zeimachi handed back the shopkeeper's belongings, now cold in his arms, and placed them over the man's body. He closed the shopkeeper's eyes, marking the end of that shop keeper's story.

And when one ending concluded, it was time for another's to open and follow suit.

Something that shouldn't have been opened, something that wouldn't yield to a dog with 'puppy eyes' or to a sense of justice that only saw through its own lens.

So, what exactly was this 'something'?



It turned out to be something inconsequential to anyone who cared to inquire.


It's indeed unimportant, because what's more important than that.

Zeimachi had seized the young man's head, and wrenching it from his neck before he teared away those spine along with his filthy head. 

Blood gushed everywhere, even spurting directly onto his eye that didn't care about it, and ultimately, he throw that lump of meat away from his sight. A perfect gory spectacle for a blonde young man with a 'Puppy eyed' nickname.

Well yeah this took a wild turn just like what I expect.

The calculations has been done, but dang I'm suck at math!

Who knows when these disturbing things will stop...

I really want to put another Hololive member in, but...

Now will be not the time for that.


See ya

Edit : Too much using 'Zeimachi'

Strunomcreators' thoughts