
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Sengoku part.5

*His PoV*

When you've been given the power to changes the world, then what would you do? Be the strongest? The richest? To gain every woman to your collection? To rewind time? To erase somebody existence? To change the world as how you wish? or maybe some other idiot things to do.


Some will be in the happiest moment of their life with their newfound power. When you have lost someone, you can get them back. When you made a mistake, you can fix it. When something unexpected throw up your plan, you can rebuild it again completely.

[...Be careful, there's an animal beneath you.]


"Just leave it, others will pick that up."

Human who have now gained the power rivaled a god, have appeared at the same time you received that power. Then...what? After you have accomplished everything with that power, you have completely become the god or ruler of that world.

Everything will be moving to how you will it to, and you can erase anything you deemed a bother. You'll be the strongest and then...you meet another one with similar power. Just when you have completely dominate your home world, another entity with the same throne have appeared which make them a threat for you.

[...Let me heal your arm, is that fine?]

This contest of strength will gone further into galaxy and maybe passing over that. Conquest of power will not end, as long you have a power then there's a chance another counter of your power to exist. And then...everything will be the same again.

"Do as you like."

Most gods thought like that, human will be dangerous if they have a great power and decided to control them. As long the tyrant and the slave role still exist, then another discord will take place.

[...Is it better? Do you need me to regrow your arm?]

I...Never want to be those gods, even to have such great power like altering the fate of world within a single snap of gauntlet. But in the end, this happen.

Creating this world just like a kid playing with their sand box, deciding which role is however they want. Remembering her face,that pink hair on the TV and to compared her with this absentminded girl. Their role are clearly different, we decided which one is good product, while the left be an extras.

Deciding which one will be happy and those as the pillar of their happiness, the extras will live their live in the shadow of important character.

"I don't need another arm, this will be fine."

To shoulder their fate as the creator of this world, even for me, its an idiotic things to do. He's not a god, only a human who can make the pathway for those gods while deciding when he'll die in the future.

Those deep hatred towards their system and also his guilt from every world he went visit. Shouldn't be impossible to take for a human mind, though he keep denying it, but he'll growth into another being and stop being a human the more this idiot act of his to continue.

[...I see...Are you tired?]

Love and hatred, evil and justice, despair and hope, light and darkness, the end and the beginning, the sun and the moon, hero and demon lord, the brave and the coward, blessing and curse, savior and destroyer, purge with salvation, fallen with enjoyment.

He passed through more of them than what gods thought of him to be, they act as a supervisor who tested him, only to have their life disappear within his hands.

"Not really, do I look that weak?"

Golden Fleece, the bearer of this armlet should have more or less the same story. Though they're from different dimension, Zei still took the path of rebellion just like Kratos.

[...Hnn...You're not weak at all, if you're tired I want to give you this. Is this to your liking?]

The worlds that have been created even now are still in the four digits, and there will probably be many more. Those worlds which were created from their will and also Zei's as the one who gave them a life, have become too much for him a human to handle.

Throughout the idiotic act he called the journey, many more girls like this would accompany his life. However, there's only a few he can called the one for his heart, while others are just like a part of his journey. To make it worse, he who regretted his foolishness later on… would cut his ties all over again.

"Do you...Nah, thanks I guess. You picked the right one...What are you doing anyway?"

With a reasoning such as unworthy and tearing his heart apart, that stupid will made another tragedy he never thought to exist in his life, and I know that, but...even then, I can't stop him either.

Everyone have something they like and something they hate, those things are supposed to be normal for everyone, but for Zei, we are both. One who like those things, will met other who hate that things. The concept of like and dislike will be muddled, and he'll accept everything as long it have a connection to his mind.

[...After you left passed the broken block, I chase you again. When I noticed the feather around here, I immediately found you with your tattered body. That's why I'm here.]

It sounds sickening clearly, even I thought he'll be nothing but a crazy mutt who will follow his inner desire for anything and everything in this world. Following his crotch and the control of his power, to end up as another cannon fooder of those gods.

"What I'm asking is what are you doing, not why and how you are doing."

But he didn't, he didn't become a human who have drunk with their power needlessly and quench his thirst for everything he don't have from his life. Like collecting ancient treasures, baiting beautiful goddess or lovely fairy, defeating anyone who insult him, and controlling everything from his hand.

[??? What are you doing??? I'm giving you this drink, I thought that woman from before told you its your favourite? and I healed your hand...and then...talking with you?]

Instead he chose to be the watcher of both humanity and gods from clashing again, and bear this burden to give 'life' in each world being created as his journey. Which made other higher being give their 'HUMBLE' attention at him.

"...Nothing, why don't you try some? Maybe I could get another soul hooked into this one."

...Now that I remember it, when was the last time he ate? He's been becoming more and more like a monk through his journey. Maybe this is one of the body's nutrients for the first time in a long time. tiramisu cream on top of strawberry milk huh...Its from one of his journey maybe?

[...For me? Then I'll take some....Hnn...its good.]

"Oi! I never tell you can drink all of it?!"

Gone it is, everything has been sucked into her tiny mouth as she slurped everything from its cup...Is that damned pheromone still active? Everything has been a mess, from when I can't take Thomas and transported back into this city.

Everything I want is just to literally smash my enemy, if they're strong like Thomas then it'll be a good challenge for me and also this body to grow. To be stuck within daily slice of life theme world is not my thing, it would be better for me to play Dark Souls or Elden Rings with Shub , or Wii Sports and Ring fit adventure with Yjor.

With different rule from human one.

[...Sorry its very tasty, do you want to taste it? I still have some in my mwouth.]

In the end though, there's nothing better than to break your enemy's heart with your bare hands as they helplessly begged for their life, ah...yeah, I think there's one from before...It was.....That Adaptability sicko! Yup, I almost forgot about that time, shit didn't I told them about my fill?!

"...That's disgusting. Don't play with food, absent minded girl."

Damn, Zei will find out and cut off my future turn. Well...I'll blame some to that simp because he's the one who called me.

[*Gulp* Yes, I think there should be one who sold it over there. Want to see it? Sengoku?]



"Stop that, let me give you a friendly reminder. Maybe you heard about us from that simp, but don't mistake it. We are him, not different him."

[...Hnn, you're one of his pieces. A fragment who complete him, I heard your name is Sengoku right?]

Time has passed and he can't hold his old motive to be steady as a rock. He need to be more flexible when handling different world with their different case to solved, sometime soft while sometime cruel, sometime with trick while sometime taking with sword.

Through this act of him, he slowly forget who is he and succumb to his new identity in different world. As time goes on he obtained the key of sentience from different world or dimension, and used that to preserve his identity, which means branching different him from different time into his mind.

The first time I opened my eyes, there's only two of them inside that chamber.

"You got that fast, I don't need to waste my time to explain it from tiny little bit for you. Now you understand that, just call us with his name. Calling us with our name will only snip your brain cells."

This is getting cold, my right hand is still right there isn't it. That bunny must have froze it using her blade since there's a sharp like tingling from my shadow hand...Shadow hand?

"I got a great idea. SHADOW BALL!"

[...Why did you throw that tree?]

Don't think I forget about what you have done Chiffon!...I mean, KEBIN! Take that log to fix that loose brain of yours! ...I hope it wouldn't missed by far.

"Not your business, let's go. Show me the way absentminded girl."

At least one twig, just one twig is enough so stab that white head of his! At the same time, take his picture when a log landed on his head Pink Head! I'm rooting for you.

[...Then grab my hand, Sengoku. This way I can show you the way.]

"Hello? I only got one hand here, don't tell me even you have some problem with your hearing."

[...Just one is enough, and then. Because I want to know more about him, that why I also want to know more about you. Through knowing more of his unknown, I can more understand him.]

"...You become more talkative aren't you. Suit yourself, there's nothing good by the end of your great search of him, but...I'll at least admire your resolve."

Another journey to know about him huh? What is so good about it.

[...Hnn...Then let's go! The seller almost closed his shop because of the news.]

Ah...Why did you said that just now. If its about that, then the perimeter around here should have been cleared already from any citizen.

"...You know what...Maybe I can wait for another drink, let's go to another place."




"Kevin! Didn't I told you to be more humble and low that pride of yours!?"

"...Long time no see, Himeko, Hua, Sakura."

"...Yes, long time no see."

"...It's been a long time since we met."

A small group of Himeko, Fu Hua , Yae Sakura and Kevin who is having their small reunion at the site where Monolith No.8 have fallen and horde of Thomas drone attacking them from before.

Himeko who have catches her breath scolded her friend after she saw his cold attitude to one of news girl.

"...Is there no more enemy?"

"Yeah...You're pretty late, most of small fries had been done for. For now we have to protect this are preventing those things from stepping inside."

Since Kevin couldn't see any enemies in the area, he inquired about their status. As no one was answered him, Himeko spoke up and told him about the previous scene.

"...Who take them down?"

"That was-"

KeBin asked her more for the identity of the one who defeated them, though his brain is still thinking if Fu Hua or Sakura and Himeko was the one who did this, KeBin see a scorched ground which make him more curious to know about the perpetrator.

Until someone interrupt them...

"Excuse my self, I'm Agent sent from Special Law Council of Soukai City, code name Silver Wing. Are you the one they called Kevin?"

Bronya have appeared to protect her family. She confront KeBin with a little bit of dirt on her clothes and her dignified standing pose.

"...Are you one of the warrior who protect this city?"

"If by what you mean is rescuing their life, then that's true."

KeBin asked her with his chilly attitude the same from before, while Bronya slightly glanced at Fu Hua before she returned back to answered his question.

"...Then who is the one?"

KeBin also showed some eye movement to Bronya's weapon and he found out if she's also not the one who can created that scorched earth.


However Bronya didn't answer him which made him more suspicious.

"...Are you friend?...or foe? Choose one."

"Kevin! What are you doing?! Put your sword down! Ummm, lady Silver Wing, I'm sorry but please told him the truth! As you know we were also there since beginning, lie will only worsen this problem."

KeBin brandish his sword at her, there's no hesitation from his eyes. He can slash Bronya down as long she's on the side of unknown being right here right now. Himeko tried to stop him, but neither KeBin nor Bronya backing away from their decision.

"...Fine, I'll ask you for further detail later. For now, don't show any suspicious move and be with my friends in here."

Fortunately KeBin didn't went sicko and killed her on the spot where many eyes are seeing them from those reporter behind them, but Bronya feel a bit dejected because she have failed to protect his brother(?) or niece(?) and let him alone to unknown land.

KeBin approached Bronya to push her to the side of his group.


Suddenly an unidentified object approach him from the sky, it moved fast to his way. Sakura already know about a presence of killing intent from somewhere, but because it didn't aimed at her or Yae Rin, she decided to watch and see.



While KeBin who noticed it on time slashed it with his sword and burned that tree into pieces.


However, his hand which was almost an inch from touching Bronya, was stabbed with a small branch from the tree, and as if to make him more shocked, not far from Bronya's back, a Thomas round engine was punctured with a piece of burning tree he sliced.


He froze for a few seconds, until he found Bronya's slightly red face with a faint and warm smile.

'...Thank you, you protected me again. However don't you dare think I've forgiven you.'


"I can walk fine, thank you."

Bronya did exactly as instructed with a brighter mood than before because she knew Sengoku was fine.

How did she know? Call it maternal instinct or maybe sisterly? then elderly?

Hmmm, to much bug in here. Maybe I should've buy an insect repellant or something.

See ya.

Strunomcreators' thoughts