
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Sengoku part.4

About the condition of current main story, so far there's three persona who have been introduced in the box. First is El Dust, second is Nanekluh ref Rednialsig and at the moment the third persona Sengoku who is having his turn.

Each of them have a cause effect to those around them in this world. Back in the beginning, this world was created from El Dust as the one who initiate the first turn, but the world responded to take each of the persona will in one and made this world to become more mashed up.

Ofcourse Zeimachi is not counted as a persona.

I'll not blatantly bleak everything for the content, instead little by little the truth will be prevailed, be it for you the 'stranger' and for Cera to know.

"zzz....zzzz...zzzz...I'm not awake...zzz..."

Back to the main thing, Sengoku and Vill-V got moved into a pretty common living room without anything to gave them a sign of teleporting. They have a little clash back at the sea on Leviathan and Thomas face, and as he want to sacrifice her body to summon Mikage this teleport accident take place.

In another unknown place, Sengoku look for any clues to find the truth.


"Lame, its just like a church based confess room."

Sengoku walked around the room touching anything he deemed worthy of his interest, but unfortunately every furniture, didn't pique his interest more than good or common. He leave Vill-V alone on the cold floor and continuing his tour of this room.

Though he didn't passed the door, Sengoku moved quite fast in this room be it looking under the table, touching the chair, unplugging the plant inside the clay pot, and turning on the TV. Sometimes he accidently step or kicked Vill-V who is laying on the ground.


He switched the TV on.

["Right now behind me is the Monolith number eight. As you can see everyone, one of the shield of Soukai who have protected us from outside have now fallen! Before, a lot of bystander have testify a thunderous and bright light appeared before the Monolith destroyed, its indicated that was the reason for the destruction of Monolith No.8 behind me!"]

"...No time differences huh. Still in the same dimension and same world line...There's no defect from the feather either."

While watching the TV with the news of broken Monolith , Sengoku also checked the feather in his pocket. This feather which also the key of remaking this world weighted more to the resident of this world as everyone who hold this can basically do whatever they want to this world, or maybe be a god.

"Because most of them from Honkai...Could it be Otto? or maybe Flame Chaser...No, there's still more to guess."


He looked back where the unconsciousness(?) body of Vill-V layed on the floor. Vill-V was faced different side before, and now she have faced onto different side.



"...Pardo is behind you."

"!!!! What?! That cat! Where's she?! The last time she got-..."

Vill-V have opened her eyes.


Using a cheap trick to wake Vill-V, Sengoku greets her with his left hand who is still in the middle of recovery. His body is not in the good shape either, but he greeted her just like its Tuesday.

Vill-V did heard some of his monologue from before, which was a very risky considering she's someone from this world. However that's not the problem Sengoku concerned about, what takes the priority of his mind right now is about the one on the TV broadcasting the news.

"I'm leaving. You can do whatever you want as long you don't follow me."

"Oh...Yeah. What about my body? Do you still want it?

Vill-V who have been busted from her sleep pretend, confusedly asked him about that time he wanted her body. Though she got shocked and couldn't clear her mind completely, when she's looking at Sengoku's wounded body more or less she found out the reason of her misunderstanding.

"Not anymore, you can use your body however you want."


Vill-V peeked at the TV screen. Over there she can see a woman reporter with a light pink hair tried her best as she reported the news of Monolith No.8.

"Aha~ I see, so that's your type~ *Sigh* If that's your type then just say it. Hmmm~ I don't know her, could it be a new girl from Daily Soukai?"

"...Daily Soukai? Kind of news report company?"

"More or less, they take any news in Soukai city as their main dish for content. They could even know something you wouldn't expect. So is she someone you know?"


Sengoku swat her question away and keep watching the TV, his eyes didn't blink for once as he watched and heard each of her voice. Noticing this Vill-V become more confused, do he know her? or is it really about woman? thought like that passed over her head while she stay beside Sengoku watching the same screen.

["Excuse me! Everyone want to know about this accident, can you tell us something?"]

The news reporter on the screen asked someone with a white hair.



The news reporter become slightly nervous as she pushed herself with a smile to him.

["...That...Is not your place to know."]

He walked away leaving those cold remarks.

"Guuh...That Kevin, he can't stop being a prick whenever I see him."

Yes, that white hair being interviewed by the news reporter is none other than Kevin. Vill-V who have saw Kevin's face become slightly unmotivated. While Sengoku didn't care to the two of them.


The news reporter girl unconsciously apologize because she thought she's being inconsiderate to Kevin as she lowered her head with the stream still ongoing.

"Ahh...It's over for that girl. To mess with Flame-Chaser, got that remark from him, and messed with her show. Just why is someone incompetent like her got chosen for something this big?

Vill-V voiced out her opinion because based from her reason, it is right. A great news such as the fallen of Monolith which are like Wall Maria in AOT to be taken by a newbie reporter is a grave mistake to be made, if she's good then her career will leap up, but if she fail then its the otherwise. How can a great company of Soukai stake their fate to her.

"Don't they know to never asked the 'white guy' in their show. *Sigh* Their rating will plummet right away...Hey? Why are you so silent?"

"...What? I thought you're talking with your own imagination, just like how a magician are."

Vill-V didn't noticed, if when she was voicing out her opinion, Sengoku almost break her leg if she's not careful enough to not adding her explanation.

"And that's where you're wrong. What it means to be magician is- O-Oi~ Don't leave why I'm on the best part."

Sengoku leave the chair and walked to the door, however when he want to open this door another paper fell to his feet. He didn't care about it and blast the door with his crippled hand.


"Seems like there's a mechanism of how to open this door. Let me see."

Sengoku punched the door, but the door didn't budge. Vill-V come to his side as she also want to tag along with him for a while to gain more info about him and a strange feeling which made her do that, she picked the small paper on the floor.

"...Just let me ask again. Do you...still want my body?"

Vill-V doing a face palm after she read the content of that paper. While Sengoku keep punching the door again and again.

"Don't make me repeat it again."

He stopped to answer her question because she's acting like a fool.

"Is that so, then how will you escape? With that crippled hand of yours? I think this method will give you more benefits~"

Vill-V gives him the paper, while on it, she's starting to act strange, such as fanning her chest with her hands, and moving her body weirdly with those plate behind her. Sengoku thought there'll be another boss battle with explosive armor.

But his prediction is wrong after he read the paper.

"If you want to open this door...Kiss your partner for five minutes."

His facial expression didn't change a bit even after he read those words. Next, he move to different doors to punched- to open it which is the same, he can't open it. Vill-V do the exact same as before, she come to his side but more closely than before while showing him the content from its paper.

"...To open this door, let your partner pushed their body to yours...while they hold your genitals bare naked huh? Are they a scientist who can't say a d*ck or p*ssy?"

He moved to the third door which is the last and found its content, which is more or less the same with the other one.

"Have sex. That's simple, oi Phill bend over, Heh."

Sengoku who got fed up with this doujin content said that as a joke to her, he want to use the impact from her slap and broke the door which act highty mighty in front of him. However he didn't knew, Vill-V who have been affected with the effect of that plant he unplugged.

"Y-Yes...❤ Are we going with the sex❤?"

"...What are you doing?"

Sengoku looked at her just like when he looked at a talking Pelican. While Vill-V become more succumbed to her desire with the effect of the plant slowly covering her mind.

"U-Ughh...Not good, it looks like a pheromone from a certain type of plant. Huuuh...Haaa....It's hot...Please...Hurry...❤ Kuhhg...Even my mind got eroded, what a terrifying weapon."

Vill-V tried to regain her control back, but it only last for a second before the effect of the pheromone make her leaked more sweets moan with her skin become more shiny with her sweats covering her body.

"B-But if we don't...do it...H-Hey?"

Vill-V asked him, as she slowly succumb to her inner desire and the itching from her body. Her face become red as bit, her legs quivering as she tried to stand properly, and her breath created an erotic steam from her mouth with everything put in motion.

"Do you want my body? ❤"

Vill-V asked her after she have lost contact with each of her pieces of mind and fall into depravity, her body showed more sensuality as she gave him a peek from the thin fabric covering her chest. But she's not doing it without any sense of shame, Vill-V used her hat to sometimes hide her eyes or face from time to time.

Which make her charm sky rocketed every time she showed those maiden emotion. And now....

Another great challenge have come to Sengoku. What will he pick? Will he pick the dish in front of him just like a scumbag protagonist? Wait the next part in Dragon Ball Z.

Dokkan dokkan suiteru.

Dokkan dokkan ashita mo.

Kotae wo mou tamashii wa shitteru no sa...

Doragon Souuul....




Yeah sorry, let's keep moving, thankfully no one is reading this.

What was it again? Ah yes, about that.


Sengoku who didn't let out any sound keep watching her just like when he saw a talking pelican. Because this body which have most of its sensor ridded of, he didn't know about the aphrodisiacs when he unplugged that plan, the body indeed got affected, but its not enough to affect him.

Vill-V who is burning within her desire to mate and to hold her pride, fell to the floor slumped with her damped clothes. She can't hold it anymore because each time she fights it, the result is her desire will be doubled in return.

"...Do it...I...I can't hold it...Uhnn ❤."

She moan inside of her of inner turmoil and her hands slowly moving to touch herself, and Sengoku keep watching her just like when he saw a talking Pelican.

["...Takeya Yuki...Reporting from the scene..."]


While they're 'busy' with their own thing, Sengoku heard her name which he already predicted when he saw her on screen. Takeya Yuki, the name which made a mark inside of them. The name which slap him back to reality of his current situation. The name which stop him from looking at Vill-V just like when he saw a talking Pelican.

And when he heard her sound which is not as high from before, it stabbed him right in his heart.

"...Huhu...Hahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes THIS PAIN!"

Sengoku laughed, he laughed so loud that the air trembled from his laugh and made his wounded left arm healed slightly. He covered the left part of his face, just like when a villain have killed the hero in a story.


Sengoku then punched the door stronger than before and made a huge crater on the wall because he blasted the door with the wall away. He used his left hand which got slightly healed along with the Golden Fleece as a gauntlet to punched it harder than before.


While the dust from the wall mask his figure, the pheromone from the plant also being washed away from that room. But Sengoku didn't care to any of that, after he heard about Takeya Yuki from TV, he can feel a surge of strength have been awakened inside of him.

"Huft...Huft...Now that hnnn I think about it, h-how can you be fine?"

Vill-V asked him while looking at his tall figure from the floor. She can grasp her surrounding better because Sengoku have created that huge wall on somebody else home.

After looking at his figure for a while, she sensed something different from him, something which is different from what she thought of him the first moment she met him. He's not an animal who want to devour any meat, he's like a great sage the bane of all evil even his own.

"Hey...Can you give me a clear answer for this time...what is your preferences?"

Vill-V asked him for this one last time to verify her thought.

"Clearly not you."

Sengoku leave the scene leaving Vill-V gasped to process his words. An image of a talking Pelican keep popping inside of his mind after he left.


*In a certain room.*

"*Sigh* Experiment number 3768 have failed. The subject escaped through the wall and destroying the test site, though he's not in a good condition but the pheromone won't works on him. The partner he choose this time is a member of a dark organization who has been chasing the truth of this world."

"...Just how many will I do this test is unknown, but as long he didn't have a mate. This test will have to be continued."

"Saving it to the record, date XX month XX, year XX afternoon, XX.XX. Soukai city."

Hmmm...What should I say? I nailed that dragon ball song pretty good.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts