
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Let the Hellfire Comfort pt.1

In a certain place, a conflict sparked by the decision of one individual.

A conflict born from a decision made solely to fulfill his selfish desires, from an individual who're akin to a villain who prioritizes his own interests while others bear the burden of his actions, whether it's for the greater good or the worst outcome.

Despite no one asking for it, he carries out both acts, blending his feelings of selfishness and the hope of selflessness carried by those who followed him simultaneously, turning himself into a monster that is difficult to understand.


"... You little traitor."「Akagi」

"N-Nyaaanyaa... p-please calm down first nyaa!"「Akashi」

The conflict has already been unfolds before their eyes, intertwining the fate of the fallen star with the hopes born from humanity. It can no longer able to be postponed, and the result will contain blood much dirty for the beautiful world.

Passing through the destroyed earth, and gazing upon the fallen heaven, finally the gates of underworld loose out with the inferno within. Their confrontation encompasses not only vengeance and anger, but also justice and punishment for each side.


Hopefully... may the curtain of tragedy did not fall upon them.


Moving on from the Command&Center room to the Void, where Sengoku and Amour fulfill their role.

Somewhere within that space of dark and lonely, one of his selves has begun to be engulfed in a madness that relentlessly claws at his sanity. It's a madness he harbors within, one that will never dissipate—a force he wields to purge all evils within his sight.

However this time, the rage coursing through him felt different from his usual demeanor. It was more primal, darker, and murkier, with the sole intention of mercilessly annihilating everything in its path.

It was an old sensation, one he could only feel when 'they' were nearby.

The madness and rage, about the truly foolish cultist who dance to die.


"You feel it too, Sengo?"「Amour」


"Because you are that side of him, you should be able to feel all of it. That wrath flowing incessantly, causing your blood to boil at this very moment."「Amour」

Their task within The Void is to serve as guardians of the mainframe.

Given the vast number of Feathers that hold the memories and seeds of a world within, they bear a tremendous responsibility. Their duty is to engage in the Endless Mode, confronting creatures—whether magnificent or grotesque, massive or minute—within The Void.

Until the specified time limit reached.

「[〈₥ł₦Ɇ! ₮ⱧØ₴Ɇ ₳ⱤɆ ₥ł₦Ɇ!!!〉]」

"Shut up."「Sengoku」

「[〈₮ⱧØ₴Ɇ ₳ⱤɆ ₥ł-〉]」

As a sinner bearing "wrath and hatred," Sengoku unsheathed his large sword forged from the bodies of sinners. With a fluid motion, he swung the sword in ease despite its size nearly matching his own height, and began to exhibit a subtle change in his demeanor influenced by the characteristics of his persona.

Some parts of him began to wither and turn into rust, while his eyes took on a menacing yellow gaze. Strange, solid black steel even began to unnaturally protrude from his back, adding to his eerie transformation.

"Mikage... rend."「Sengoku」

Meanwhile, as a sinner embodying "love and compassion," Amour stood behind him, clad in a robe that cascaded down to his feet.

Witnessing the wild and savage transformation of Sengoku into a state of chaos, Amour believed it was best to entrust what lay ahead to Sengoku. Meanwhile, he would attend to matters "behind" them on his own.

Furthermore, just like how Sengoku was now infused with a flowing "Rage" from The Fool, Amour too continued to be filled with "Love" and "Affection" from him, the two feelings that could help them "warm" inside that space, just like the two side of the same coin with opposite meaning.

As as he drew strength from these feelings, that persona began to fulfill his duties with a flicker of concern for the enemies he was about to face. Whether it be in The Void or elsewhere, he deeply care for each side.

"There's no room for dark days or nightmares here. Yield... or perish, one after another."「Amour」


Finally the last place, the climax of the event where all conflicts would converge.

The howling wind passed through as they carry a fresh taste of salt from the seven seas, where two opposing forces were ready to commence their own battle upon the seas beneath the same sky.

On one side, an imposing armada of warships loomed, their steel hulls gleaming bravely as they advanced in a formidable formation. Each vessel represented a colossal force of destruction, a stark reminder of their unmatched might.

In perfect alignment, the Row of Winter Air, the Fighters of Freedom, the Fallen Leaves of Cherry Blossom, the Iron Steel Liberators, the Holy Flame, the Watchers of the Mediterranean, the Knights of the Templar, the Republic Dragons, and the Queen's Servants stood, each in their designated positions.

United by a blend of love and fear.

"So... is that little girl the one? Since Soyuz is not here, let me repay her debt in full!"「Sovetskaya Rossiya」

"Is this how the Northern Parliament operates? Fufu... I thought you were as cold as the Arctic sea over there, but I guess I should change my view of you all."「Le Terrible」

"... I suppose we have reasons to fight the same battle."「Tirpitz」

They formed a formation, consisting of hundreds of Ship Girls ready to set sail. Whether it be aboard vassals resembling warships they rode upon or just with their rigged weapons primed to fire live ammunition.

On the opposing side, where the flying fortress should have dominated the skyline, a mere handful of individuals defied gravity as they floated with ease in the air. Their presence seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly brilliance, obscuring the sunlight that attempted to illuminate their figures.

They're but a small group of three person, dwarfed by the sheer magnitude of the enemy fleet bearing down upon them. Yet despite the overwhelming odds, these three figures exude an aura of calm amidst the chaos, gazing down upon the enemy formation.

For they knew, they would not feel defeated in this battle.

"Whooho, look at those ships! Never thought I'd see this many actual warships in my life. Katchy, I know you're pumped about Merit, but leave some for us, alright? Your Nomu will definitely steal a bunch of prey. You too, Zuko, learn some self-control," Julian exclaimed, his voice filled with exhilaration as he unsheathed two swords from his back.

"There's really a lot of them, isn't there? I thought their numbers were impressive back at HQ. Well... more Merits for me, I guess," Katchia replied, her tone tinged with satisfaction.

"Yeah, that's for sure. They're born from warships used in World War I and II, and I've heard there's some even older than that right there. If they all gathered in one place, the numbers would be staggering," Suzuko added, her voice resonating with knowledge.

The three of them were at the forefront, ready to charge ahead.

Julian soared through the sky using a pair of fairy wings that emerged from his back, while Katchia traversed through space effortlessly, thanks to one of her Quirks. Suzuko, on the other hand, gracefully soared through the air using her Susano'o.

They looked immensely thrilled and couldn't contain their excitement, imagining the multitude of rewards they would reap later. Despite the whereabouts of Freidhard and Mourgant remained unseen around the trio.

However, this didn't mean they felt uneasy about being outnumbered.

They exuded confidence in their victory, knowing that their powers were unmatched by the floating masses of iron. That was their conviction.

"Rock..." Katchia called out.

"Paper...." Suzuko continued.

"Scissor!" Julian concluded.

They even found time to play a quick game of rock-paper-scissors as the ship girls below them prepared to unleash their salvos and volleys. Despite knowing that the ship girls could initiate their attack at any moment, the trio remained unperturbed.

They were all poised to commence their operation, many of them eager to do so. However, it seemed there were reasons why the ship girls remained on standby status since earlier.

"Her Majesty, everything is in place. May I ask for your orders?" Warspite inquired.

"[It's not time yet! Don't shoot, Warspite. Whatever happens, DON'T SHOOT,]" Queen Elizabeth's voice resonated through their communication channel. Warspite was taken aback, as it was unusual for the queen to sound so angry.

Not only Warspite, but also the ship girls who received messages from their faction's command found themselves in a state of confusion, torn between whether to open fire immediately or await further orders.

This confusion arose from the fact that when they posed the same question, the majority of the orders they received were eerily similar.

"Akagi nee-san... turned out she's there."「Kaga」

"It seems something is happening at command. Looks like Shinano's prediction was correct again."「Musashi」

"Don't start it, hold your line, prepare for the worst," or similar orders flooded in, instructing them to refrain from initiating fire. This left them in a state of uncertainty, even including the flagship vessels that had been designated for frontline duty.

The hundreds of warships that had set sail found themselves in a dilemma, forced to adhere to these orders. Consequently, they remained immobilized, unable to act due to the absence of clear directives from their Command Center.

As they found themselves in the precarious situation of confusion amidst the war, the three System users reached their own agreement. With cheers echoing behind the game they played, they drew even more attention to themselves.

"I won, so I'll be taking the first blood. Alright, let me get prepared first." ☆Suzuko☆

"Ahhh, you must've read my moves with Sharingan, right?!" ☆Julian☆

"... Hmph, as long as it's not this pervert. Go on, Suzu, make sure to leave some for us." ☆Katchia☆

Having decided who would take the first move, Suzuko the victor, proudly floated away from her two companions as she swaying gracefully in purpose. Before stopping to take a deep breath preparing herself for the forthcoming jutsu.

"I have enough chakra, now..." ☆Suzuko☆

Her renowned dojutsu eyes began to spin, forming a symbol that brought an aura of change around her. One of her Sharingan eyes underwent a transformation, evolving into the eye possessed by the gods of the shinobi world, capable of fulfilling the desires of its wielder.

The eye of the Rinnegan.

Followed by a surge of fiery chakra, her Susano'o underwent a transformation as well. With her guidance, the colossal avatar altered its form, following the hand seals performed by its master, resembling a three-faced Buddha statue.

This marked the culmination of her technique.


A profound silence enveloped them.

Like dancing flames extinguishing slowly, the chakra storm unleashed by the colossal avatar gradually subsided as Suzuko completed her jutsu. This brought about a sense of tranquility and wonder among those around her, marveling at Suzuko's feat.

However, their astonishment would soon be answered.

Soon, a chilling sensation crept into the bones of those present as they gazed skyward, where from the heavens emerged a darkness capable of annihilating human civilization if used right.

"What kind of monster are they?!"「Tallin」 

"Whaaaaaaa?!!! M-M-Meteoooorr!!!"「San Diego」

A massive object, known for its origins from outer space, loomed menacingly as it descended towards the Earth's surface, a sight that instilled despair in those who beheld it.

Its size rivaled that of a mountain, and while it didn't burn with flames it's large enough to flatten the ship girls beneath, and sunk them together with their Academy.

This sight left them struck with a mixture of awe and fear, some even resorting to pinching themselves in a futile attempt to deny the reality unfolding before their eyes.

Meanwhile, Suzuko, the user of the jutsu herself, jokingly remarked to her friend behind her, "Oops, sorry~ Hopefully, there'll be some remains tehee!" with her tongue in a comical manner.

They didn't miss the chance to toy with the situation all the time as long they gained the high ground.

Although they momentarily resumed their squabble over Suzuko's recent selfish act, both Julian and Katchia found themselves entertained by the ship girls' panic, likening it to ants facing an oncoming boulder.

"This way that annoying barrier will also gone right?" ☆Julian☆

"Most likely," Katchia replied, a mischievous glint in her eye.

The System Users understood that the ship girls were not foolish.

Therefore, considering their intelligence, the ship girls should have anticipated the consequences once the massive meteor landed—whether it triggered tsunamis, earthquakes, or other smaller natural disasters.

Moreover, even if the ship girls managed to destroy the meteor, the resulting debris would still wreak havoc at the academy.

With this realization, the System Users had gained a significant head start advantage. For them, victory seemed within reach, and the rest would simply be thinning out the remaining survivors with ease.

That's what they thought as they plotted their next moves.

Unfortunately, they were unaware that the ants had received a bit of assistance from a robotic cat from the 21st century, capable of producing anything from its pocket.

Well, not exactly a robotic cat but... whatever.

"Hmm? Hey, what is that shining thing over there? And right over there as well?" Julian pointed out.

Not long after the appearance of the massive meteor, several small electronic devices flew through the air on their own accord.

These were electronic devices designed using knowledge that didn't exist in their world, while also one of the piece prepared for such occasion where reality could easily become distorted due to a creature or event.

These devices were called Reality Anchors, with their purpose to draw the forced reality back to its original state.

As the Reality Anchors hovered, they emitted a field that encompassed the area around them and began to rearrange the reality altered by Suzuko's jutsu. Even Julian, who hailed from a technologically advanced world, was unfamiliar with such technology.

As the three System Users continued to watch in curiosity, the Reality Anchors successfully carried out their task. Eventually, they altered the laws of causality in the skies, causing the giant meteor to vanish, leaving behind a thick plume of white smoke.

"Huuh?! What the? You know about that stuff?" ☆Suzuko☆

"Hell no, I've never saw anything like that." ☆Julian☆

The ship girls breathed a momentary sigh of relief. The threat that had previously made their legs tremble was now overcome, easing their fear of death.

Indeed, many of them now became more aware of the kind of monstrosity they were up against.

However, there were also those who became increasingly enthusiastic and passionate about what they had just witnessed. Examples include Yuubari, Reno, and Leonardo da Vinci, who compared the technology to what is often used by the SIREN.

Nevertheless, this was not the time to admire technology.

"That's too bad for them. Impero, Aquila, follow my lead!"「Littorio」

"Don't let this chance escape!"「Warspite」

Although what they had just witnessed was a law and power unknown to them, opportunities wouldn't come twice, and victory could be decided in just a few crucial moments.

The time is nigh, and the hour of reckoning draws near.

Furthermore, just as the meteor appeared previously, they've received new directives from the Command Center that fortunately, authorized them to retaliate against the recent attack by their enemies.

"All carrier-based aircraft in position, anti-air defense preparations complete. All forces, full speed ahead!"「Essex」

"Let there be light."「Illustrious」

"I did not expect to be fighting alongside you all... but, well let's keep it at that. 1st CarDiv, Kaga, weighing anchor!"「Kaga」

Utilizing the white smoke left by the giant meteor as camouflage, the fleet, each commanded by their respective flagship divisions, has now launched an assault to seize the opportunity that has arisen.

Hundreds and even nearly a thousand courageous planes soared from their runways, followed by numerous bomber aircraft conducting a synchronized formation as all planes departed from their carriers and passed through the billowing smoke.

Realizing this, the three of them became increasingly excited by the sight.

"Looks like I underestimated them, well if that's what you really want!" Suzuko once again tapped into her powers of Sharingan, summoning her Susano'o's chakra sword that blazed brightly with chakra as it was drawn out.

The swipe of the giant avatar's wing effortlessly cleared the smoke clouds, revealing hundreds of aircraft flying towards them. And with ease, the giant humanoid avatar's swing decimated a significant portion of the gallant flying aircraft.

But of course, it wasn't all of them.

The aircraft fighters continued their aerial maneuvers, firing all their ammunition, while the high-flying iron birds dropped their explosive eggs weighing hundreds and thousands of pounds.

"No holding back then!" ☆Julian☆

"Now this is interesting." ☆Katchia☆

Several attacks hit them, but most didn't seem very effective and could be easily deflected by the trio.

With a combined assault of glowing swords and black tendrils unleashed by them, the three were able to neutralize the onslaught once again. Suzuko, in particular, managed to clear many aircraft with a swing of her giant sword again and again.

Fragments and debris of the iron birds fell onto the surface of the sea, leaving behind a trail of black smoke as they were destroyed.

The first wave of attack had been completed, or so Katchia, Suzuko, and Julian thought, asserting their dominance once again over the ship girls who struggled to reach them.

However, suddenly...

"Is that all you go—" Julian received a kick and an arrow shot that knocked him down.

"That's not really challeng— BOOM" Katchia, too, soon after glimpsed a cannon hole aimed at her face.

Their overconfidence and carelessness proved to be their downfall as they failed to notice two planes that had slipped under their radar, maneuvering all the way to reach Suzuko's Susanoo's blind spot.

While these planes didn't manage to launch bomb attacks or unleash their ammunition, they accomplished their mission nonetheless. Their purpose? To deliver the passengers riding atop them.

"Am I late?"「Enterprise」

"That was some good point-blank shooting, but to think she still stood up after that."「New Jersey」

The two ship girls, accompanied by several others who had previously been assisting with evacuation and conditioning at the harbor and academy, had now arrived on the battlefield with their respective means.

The duo even managed to land the first strike, successfully bringing down two of their enemies into the water, undoubtedly providing another advantage for the ship girls' side.

They yearned to converse with each other, but once again, opportunity may not knock twice.

"Although there's been a slight change, submarines legion! Launch underwater attack."「Musashi」

"The 9th Symphony... in unison!"「Friedrich der Große」

The submarines, poised like wolves and sharks in the open sea, clearly heard their call to action. Despite this being their first large-scale joint operation, these diving girls displayed remarkable coordination.

Following the patterns established in their communications, the stealthy killers no longer needed to lurk. Their task now was to unleash a barrage of special torpedoes upon Julian and Katchia who remained on the surface of the open sea.

"Shie?!" ☆Julian☆

"Run you idiot!" ☆Katchia☆

"Commence bombardment!"「Sovetskaya Rossiya」

Of course, they wanted to flee, but the battleships, primed with their main cannons disagreed for once. Even the cruisers didn't approve of their wish and began firing cover fire into the airspace above them to cut off their escape route.

Following suit, a salvo of rounds and volleys erupted from the waiting beasts of steel, showcasing their firepower.

Their main cannons and numerous secondary weapons unleashed a barrage of highly explosive rounds, causing heavy damage to the surrounding areas and annihilating any chance for the two to escape into the air or even under the water.

This made it difficult for Katchia and Julian to take flight back into the sky, forcing them to endure attacks coming from all directions.

As a consequence, when they least anticipated it, the rows upon rows of previously launched torpedoes exploded beneath them, setting off a chain reaction of explosions underwater. The detonations sent water shooting high into the skies, resembling geysers erupting from the depths.

Witnessing this, even New Jersey herself wasn't sure if she could safely escape from the combined onslaught. Even Suzuko who remained above, entertained similar doubts.

"No, that shouldn't even compare to a tailed beast bomb. With this Susano'o, I should be fine," Suzuko remarked as she looking down below, showing no intention of aiding her two friends whatsoever.

Whether due to confidence or indifference, that Susano'o user simply observed everything from above. Like Gongen Wyzen who could destroy anything with just one finger, Suzuko continued to look down upon the ship girls.

While the brave warriors of the sea themselves were aware of her indifferent attitude, most of them were more concerned with the outcome of their opening onslaught. Had the combined bombardment, artillery, and torpedo attack yielded favorable results?

And as the sea mist created by the explosions began to dissipate, they got their answer.

It seemed not.

"YOU bastard! I actually thought I was going to die just now!" ☆Julian☆

"... Ughh, I'm used to fighting superpower users. Didn't realize how brutal human-made weapons can be... bleggh, saltwater got into my mouth." ☆Katchia☆

There they are, the two System Users, still breathing.

Despite showing some signs of injury like torn clothes or burnt body parts, both Julian and Katchia were still alive after enduring the total onslaught from hundreds of warships just now.

Surprise was undoubtedly the predominant feeling as the mere human figures before them managed to withstand and even consider their combined onslaught to be bothersome.

"System Call : Recover Durability." ☆Julian☆

"Quirk activated : Healing Hands." ☆Katchia☆

Furthermore, to the astonishment of the ship girls, Katchia and Julian now appeared to be back to their original states. Utilizing their abilities bestowed by the System, all the wounds from the onslaught they endured seemed to have vanished.

This surely presented a discouraging sight for some of the ship girls. Nevertheless, with the same command as before they didn't just stand idly by, and continued their total onslaught with all they had.

Rounds and rounds kept getting fired one after another, reminiscent of the previous merciless onslaught. Unfortunately, now there're a few things that would change.

"Quirk Activated : VOICE!" ☆Katchia☆

Feeling overwhelmed by the cacophony of explosions around her, Katchia unleashed her Emitter type Quirk. One with effect to amplify sound waves emitted by its user, aimed towards those ship girls.

As Katchia's voice projected these amplified sound waves, the ship girls found themselves affected. They experienced immobilization and slight disruptions to their radar and communication devices.

"Sheeessh... right beside me? Really..." ☆Julian☆

"Nomu army, attack." ☆Katchia☆

Additionally, Katchia now unleashed her troops without hesitation to counterattack.

"And there they go," Julian murmured, his eyes narrowing as he watched Katchia's forces spring into action. "Now then, I should get ready to. System call..."

Secondly, it's regarding the young man with flaming red hair and golden eyes.

With silent intensity, Julian's hand moved to his side as he muttered a mantra known only to himself. A surge of energy began to course through him, visible as a faint glow enveloping his body.

As he did so, his swords began to gleam even brighter, now radiated with a brilliant intensity.

Together with his dual wielding and a swift movement, he swung them through the air. Each swing was executed with such rapidity that they appeared as mere streaks of light, matching the relentless barrage of ammunition fired by the enemy ships.

"Starburst stream!" ☆Julian☆

Ammunition was cut in half and destroyed, with hundreds of bullets being parried or blocked by the blades and flesh of the Nomu. It was a sight that defied logic, yet one they had to witness.

To worsen matters, some of the Nomu numbering in the hundreds led by Julian and Katchia, had now escaped the artillery barrage and were heading towards the ship girls.

They moved swiftly, agile, leaving no doubt they could make the mother of the sea tremble with the ripple and parted waves they left in their wake. Their speed and power were beyond ordinary human comprehension.

"The black beast!"「Takao」

With a thunderous crash, the Nomu descended upon the decks of the war vessels, their impact shaking the very foundations of the ships. In an instant, chaos erupted as the artificial superhumans unleashed their fury, tearing through everything in their path with unrelenting brutality.

Cannons were ripped apart, hulls were sundered, and flight decks were demolished as the Nomu rampaged across the ships. The air was filled with the acrid scent of burning metal and the deafening roar of explosions, intensifying the sense of impending doom.

Fire erupted from every corner, licking hungrily at the splintered remnants of the ships, casting flickering shadows of despair upon the chaos below.

The tension in the air was palpable, a thick cloud of fear and desperation that threatened to suffocate all who dared to stand against the relentless onslaught of the Nomu.

"Unmanifest your vassal, Takao! Use your rigging and switch to close combat instead!"「Kirishima」

"Got that!"「Takao」

Due to the unfavorable circumstances, many ship girls had no choice but to switch to close combat mode, refraining from manifesting their warship forms.

The warships, previously floating, gradually transformed into cube-shaped lights, before reshaping themselves into equipment directly attached to the bodies of the ship girls.

From previously relying on their massive steel bodies, they now transitioned to their small rigging, resembling armaments and enchantments attached to their bodies. Now, they could also wield their close-range weapons such as swords, arrows, spears, and others.

At the same time, the Nomu, once freely leaping from one ship to another, now lost their foothold and were forced to plummet into the sea.


"... Don't fret, I could still take you on."「Takao」

It's crucial to remember that even though these rigging manifestations were smaller than their warship forms, they still possessed the same power. The ship girls remained formidable opponents, retaining their status as beasts of steel even without their large vessels.

So it would be a grave mistake for the Nomu to underestimate the ship girls now.


With monstrous speed, the black Nomu launched itself toward Takao, a relentless force of destruction hurtling through the chaos of battle. Despite being struck by heavy cruiser turret rounds, it pressed on with unyielding wild instinct.

Its single-minded focus fixated solely on Takao.

Every movement of the Nomu seemed calculated, purposeful, as if driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction. Takao keenly observed this notion, her senses finely attuned to the approaching threat.

As the Nomu drew closer, its movements grew increasingly erratic, a stark contrast to its earlier methodical advance. Desperation tainted its actions as it resorted to frantic maneuvers, darting in and out of the water in a futile attempt to evade Takao's relentless assaults.

Yet despite the Nomu's erratic behavior, Takao remained a bastion of calm amidst the chaos. With unwavering resolve, she tightened her grip on her sword, her blade gleaming with deadly intent as she prepared to face the Nomu's impending onslaught head-on.

"... Swift death..."「Takao」 

With a malevolent grin etched upon its twisted visage, the Nomu swung its fist towards Takao, its primal roar echoing through the tumultuous air. But in the face of this relentless assault, Takao stood firm, her serenity a testament to her unyielding strength.

And with just a single stroke, she cleaved the black Nomu's arm in half.


With just a single stroke of her blade, the black Nomu's arm got split in half. But it's still weird for her, because not only there's no blood, but even more bizarre was the Nomu's ability to regenerate despite the grievous wound.

"Regeneration... like what it was told."「Takao」

The same with Kirishima, who contemplated the situation beside her where another Nomu is ready to be her opponent.

"You couldn't withstand my blade... but at least you have enough tenacity to endure that."「Takao」

"They're not too tough, but quite a hassle to handle. Some destroyers even find themselves in a bind because they lack sufficient firepower to eradicate these creatures. But so far, their capabilities align with the information we have."「Kirishima」

"Don't be concerned, I won't let my guard down." Takao reassured in her voice as she prepared to face the impending threat.

Their cannons and turrets realigned, locking onto the approaching Nomu that loomed before them. The combination of piercing blades and explosive rounds echoed across the battlefield, signaling the beginning of another intense clash.

I kinda forgot how Reality Anchor actually work.

I ended up waste too much time in repairing old chapter.

I didn't forgot about Moriarty.

I want to MEAT, GHuuaahh!

Well, setting aside some of the troublesome matters, I truly desire to pen down the thoughts lingering in my mind.

Regardless of whether they are deemed good or bad, safe or perilous, I aim to express them without depleting myself in the process.


See ya.

Strunomcreators' thoughts