
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Let the hellfire comfort pt.1.5

At one point, a ship girl with her own unique abilities inadvertently glimpsed an event, about another possible future that may occur. Witnessing the event firsthand, this was not the first time for her.

And it wouldn't be the last.




「The Flying Garden of Babylon, Throne Room」

Within the chamber's confines, myriad battle scenes unfolded and played out on an ethereal monitor suspended in the air. Here, two men found themselves in starkly contrasting circumstances.

One of them reclined with ease upon his elevated throne, exuding an air of leisure and laughter, while the other slowly succumbed to the relentless assault of poison and gashing wounds gnawing at his body's durability.

There was no need for detailed introductions, they're Yulijer and Als.

"Can't you pick one already? I'm getting tired shooting my precious swords at dummy." ☆Yulijer☆


Yulijer sat comfortably on his throne, laughing as he casually fanned through a stack of documents. His gaze remained fixed on the screen where several ship girls commenced their battle. Meanwhile Als stood in silence, his gaze steady while calm like usual

However, amidst the scene, there's something peculiar.

Standing between the two men was a ship girl, her form transparent as if fading away, observing the duo intently. Clad entirely in white, she appeared slightly perplexed, though not entirely unaware of the situation she found herself in.

'Dream? No... premonition, but why is Observer over there?' Shinano, the dreamwalker ship girl, whispered softly in the chamber, her voice barely audible as she observed the two figures with her special ability.

Unbeknownst to her, Shinano seemed to have unconsciously tapped into her abilities related to dreams and the flow of time from other dimensions, placing her in the position of a Dream walker, where Yulijer and Als were still preoccupied with their own affairs.

'Commander... your state.' 


Shinano's voice trembled as she observed her commander's state. Despite the faint smile on his face, she could see the blood steadily flowing from his mouth and numerous wounds caused by swords embedded in various parts of his body.

Meanwhile, Yulijer burst into laughter again as he observed Als's expression, seemingly finding amusement in his demeanor.

"Pffft! What? You still actually tried to protect them? Damn what a fucking idiot. Don't you understand the term used goods!? Those bitch are practically used goods! Some goddamn whore who already got their hole busted by some random stranger. Yet you still want to... do these shit? For what huh?" ☆Yulijer☆

With a deep gaze fixed from his throne, Yulijer continued to stare at the miserable-looking man. From what Shinano understood as she observed the flow of the dream, it seemed that Yulijer's words were part of his plan.

He aimed to instill more trauma and despair, tormenting the commander's soul and conscience until they shattered. Yulijer would not be satisfied until he achieved this.

'Why did you endure... commander. You've saved us, but yet why do you seek more?'

Shinano herself became engrossed in the conversation. Although it wasn't the first time she had met her commander, this was probably her first chance to understand the motives behind his actions.

Unfortunately, just as she longed to hear her commander's voice, Yulijer interrupted her thoughts.

"You yourself ain't some saintly commander, are you? You're just a bastard who'll use them when the chance comes, just like now!" Yulijer continued to speak, unveiling his vile intentions at this opportune moment.

Leaving Shinano speechless and bewildered by the depravity of the man before her.

"Tell me... which girl you already laid? I'm sure there's quite a lot. I'll take her here and it'll end that easy! I got some good fuck, you could live a little longer and probably do one or two of them! We both win! But why are you being so GOD DAMN... stubborn." ☆Yulijer☆

"Hah, could you take your urge to mate somewhere else?" (Sakura Zeimachi)

Upon receiving those words, Yulijer who once again got offended unleashed several more swords that darted, and continued to slash and stab at the target he had chosen. This caused an eruption of fresh red fluid, splattering in all directions.

Shinano tried to intervene, but sadly in her current form, she couldn't influence anything.

She could only watch as the commander's blood flowed, and grew paler with each passing moment.

At this moment, Shinano knew she needed to wake up as soon as she could.

Because if left unchecked, her commander would truly die.

Unfortunately once again, something was disturbing her thoughts, which is none other than Yulijer.

"Shit, I didn't mean to kill him off just yet. Hey, use this. I can't have you kicking the bucket right now. Hold on a little longer. I haven't even shown you how your beloved ship girl got messed up dealing with me!" ☆Yulijer☆

Shinano, still able to catch a glimpse from the side, seemed to find hope there, as she assumed that Yulijer still seemed to want her commander to remain alive.

'Please hold out a little mor-'

However, there was a sudden turn that stopped Shinano in her tracks before she woke up.

Rather than reaching for the artifact, Als, bloodied and battered, broke into laughter. It was a hollow, bitter sound, the kind one makes when confronted with something decidedly unfunny, yet forced to display a façade of joy.

"This world is not based from any souls game, not even Black Souls. I wonder why you keep talking about rape this and that, hah." (Sakura Zeimachi)

"You still could talk?" ☆Yulijer☆

"Indeed my friend, happiness at the expense of someone's life is nothing but mere misery. Shall we die, and yell we've lived gloriously?"「Als」

"Trying to push your luck more and more, fine I'll just pull out your tongue." ☆Yulijer☆

But betraying the System user's expectation, at that moment he began to sing a haunting melody.

Pushing hard his voice muffled by the clotting blood.

E le genti che passeranno

O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao

E le genti che passeranno

Mi diranno: "Che bel fior"

Even Yulijer himself was perplexed by why Als suddenly started singing instead of promptly using the artifact he had provided. However, he also considered the possibility that the man was already near death, perhaps driven mad in his final moments.

"What the fuck are you saying..." ☆Yulijer☆

'This language... from Sardegna?'

Only Shinano realized something was wrong, especially when she suddenly noticed her commander was now directly staring at her. Shock washed over her, but what stunned her even more was when she saw what her commander was doing.


"Don't worry, everything in here is no more than a simulation in the end."「Als」

And with a grip on one of the swords embedded in his body, Als seized one of the swords beside him and decapitated himself. Leaving a Feather flutter carrying Shinano out of her slumber.


"Gasp Ahh... another premonition. This one, a nightmare. Ayanami, you and your friend need to go quickly to the commander's side."「Shinano」

"That's what we wanted to do, but given this sudden encounter... and what he had done."「Ayanami」

"We can't just walk and leave!"「Javelin」

Meanwhile, at the heart of the Azur Lane Academy, where the ship girls were busy with their own affairs, trying to save themselves and protect the academy, a walking catastrophe had arrived at their doorstep in the form of a young man with flamboyant turquoise hair.

His previous disoriented state caused by the aerial intoxication had vanished, replaced by an imposing demeanor full of omnipotence, akin to a deity from another race dwelling on the moon. 

Ayanami, Javelin, Laffey, and Z23, who were assisting Shinano at the Sakura Empire Dormitory, found themselves unfortunate to confront one of the System Users, Freidhard who seemed to be acting separately from his companions.

"Not after we strike back."「Laffey」

"I do kind of agree, but let's not be careless here. Our opponent has been categorized as a level 5 threat, let's cooperate and accomplish our escort mission at the same time."「Z23」

"No... you four have something more important to be accomplished, leave this one be and go."「Shinano」

Observing the girls who continued to converse before him, Freidhard remained polite, patiently waiting for them to finish.

With his hands crossed, the God of Otsusuki glanced around at his surroundings with a serene gaze, disregarding the bodies of several ship girls lying unconscious, some even serving as his seats.

Despite the chaos around him, Freidhard appeared calm and peaceful, in stark contrast to the ship girls who were on edge, witnessing their friends and comrades being treated in such a manner.

"It does resemble Konoha, doesn't it? Or perhaps more accurately, Japan? Yuli did explain it to me, but I must admit, the scenery here is far more beautiful than that of the moon. Sigh, if only Suzu hadn't driven me away from Earth over there, perhaps I could have seen the same view." ☆Freidhard☆

Understanding the behavior of the System User was proving difficult for them. Despite this, they found it challenging to approach or utilize ammunition from their rigging, fearing that their comrades would be caught in the crossfire.

Therefore, the only course of action available to them was to get close, then to separate Freidhard from the reach of their companions and friends. However, this task was undoubtedly not as simple as they had imagined.

With caution yet agility and readiness, Javelin advanced, spearhead first, attempting to launch an attack with her weapon. However, as she prepared for a powerful swing, "Khyah?!" she suddenly found something gripping her ankle, causing her to stumble and kiss the ground.

"It seems like there's something disrupting the space and dimensions in this place," and from there with a little difficulty, Freidhard withdrew his arm from within a black space that appeared out of thin air.

What he had just done was one of the basic abilities possessed by the Otsusuki clan, Yomotsu Hirasaka, which enabled the aliens to move freely from one dimension to another. With that ability alone, he had managed to incapacitate numerous ship girls using sneak attacks.

However, now it seemed like he wanted to try something different.

"Isn't it you who needs to learn!" Ayanami seized the opportunity, vaulting over Javelin, and swiftly launched her sword-armament towards Freidhard.

A resounding clash of steel echoed through the air as Freidhard intercepted the blade with his bare hand, sending a shiver down Ayanami's spine. For a moment, time seemed to freeze as their eyes locked in a tense standoff.

With a menacing grin, Freidhard hurled the sword back at Ayanami, who remained suspended in mid-air, her heart racing as she realized she was unprepared to evade the incoming attack.

Just as the deadly blade seemed destined to strike, a swift intervention came from her black bunny friend. "Careful, Ayanami," Laffey's voice pierced through the chaos as she deftly parried the sword with the hull of her ship's rigging.

The force of the impact sent the sword spiraling into the sky, momentarily suspended before gravity took hold once more, driving it to the ground where it embedded itself beside Ayanami, who let out a relieved breath.

"How's it going, Nimi-chan?" Javelin asked, turning to Z23 who had been watching the brief skirmish unfold.

"Alright, I've sent our current data and information. I've also analyzed some of his abilities. So command said we need to hold our for a while," Z23 replied promptly.

"You don't need to worry of this one, more importantly..."「Shinano」

Impressed by Z23's quick response, Javelin praised her reliability. With their morale boosted, Javelin, Ayanami, and Laffey prepared to advance together, ready to face Freidhard once more.

They also made sure to inform Shinano of their decision, despite her persistent attempts to urge Ayanami and her companions to go to their commander's location.

"Eh? But... the commander is in the Command Center, right? There should be someone strong enough to protect him?" Ayanami was correct. Based on what they knew, their commander was currently stationed at the Command Center.

Many powerful ship girls were gathered there, so they shouldn't have to worry about his safety. Of course, that was assuming it was the truth, as reality often differed.

"Ayanami, I know what you're trying to say, but we can't fight him with burdens in our head. Lady Shinano, I ask you to please provide us with air support," Z23 urged, redirecting their attention back to the task at hand.

"Commander will be fine... maybe."「Laffey」

"Are we done now? Great, give me that fox right now. I'll at least spare you all from being raped., but if you still tried to be silly... don't blame me going rough to all five of you." ☆Freidhard☆

As Freidhard's chilling words hung in the air, a tense silence fell over the group.

The ship girls exchanged wary glances, their resolve wavering in the face of such a sinister threat. But then, the only one who didn't waver stood up holding her resolve.

"The wind caresses the sea, starlight rises o'er the horizon. May courage fill my heart."「Javelin」

Javelin stood tall, her grip tightening on her javelin spear as it began to transform, crackling with newfound intensity and sharpness. Despite the looming danger, her expression remained vibrant and resolute, undeterred by the figure that threatened to engulf them all.

"We will stand and fight to protect our comrades and our home."「Javelin」

"So Javelin the hero spoke desu."「Ayanami」

"We'll follow the hero's lead... let's go."「Laffey」

"Indeed, thank you for the morale support, Javelin."「Z23」

Receiving praise upon praise, Javelin blushed. Her resolute expression fading as she shyly laughed. However despite this change in mood, her friends regarded it as nothing out of the ordinary. After all, it was just Javelin being herself.

"Sigh... it seems I'll have to adopt you all as my daughters first before you come to your senses. Be grateful, soon you'll be calling me father when I'm done with all of you on my bed." ☆Freidhard☆

After that, they continue the postponed fight.


My mind is in a mess right now, but thankfully I didn't channel it into this writing.

Therefore, as a precaution, I have created another fan-fiction that contains the contents of my troubled mind.

Rest assured, I will only keep that fan-fiction in a folder so it won't affect anyone for now.

Oh, and did you fellas watch yesterday Holo concert?

Now then...

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts