

Hero? Protector? After fighting countless battles, people started calling me “The hero of this kingdom," but what's the benefit of having this title. Soon, the king accused me of being a traitor. My wife and children were burned alive on his orders. He ordered the knights to execute me. If I could avenge my family. *You have been chosen as player.* *Congratulations* From that day, I started living a different life and promised not to make the same mistakes again.

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7 Chs

Fake magic duel victory

Certainly, here's the edited version of your article:

I couldn't believe her. Do I not exist? Isn't that a rather perplexing notion?

"Hey, whoever is controlling this menu, where is my real body?" I questioned.

*"If you change something in the past, the future will also be altered."*

I hadn't altered anything. So, how did my body disappear?

*"You wished to go to the past. That's why some things in the past changed,"* came the cryptic reply.

It appeared that much had indeed changed. I needed to gather information about Javier.

I inquired among the maids, butlers, and guards for any insights.

I happened to be the youngest of the king's four children. My mother had passed away during childbirth, and I lacked any proficiency in magic or swordsmanship. Consequently, I was constantly looked down upon, earning me the unfortunate reputation of being "Good for nothing."

Once hailed as "The hero of this generation," I was now labeled as "Good for nothing."

*Quest: Complete the following training:*

- *Push-ups: 0/30*

- *Sit-ups: 0/30*

- *Running: 0/5 km*

*Rewards: Stats +1*

A quest? But what if I choose not to pursue it?

*Penalty: Stats -1*

Wasn't that rather harsh? I couldn't afford to lose any more intelligence; it was already at -1.

Reluctantly, I commenced the training. Back in my previous life, these exercises wouldn't have posed any challenge, but 20 push-ups? That was proving to be more difficult than I had anticipated.

"7... 8... *Huff*... 9..."

I could hardly continue. It was excruciating.

"Hey, Messenger, can't you lower the difficulty?"

*"I can't,"* came the unhelpful response.

"Go to hell. Why did I even ask you?"

Moments later, I finally completed the push-ups. Now, sit-ups awaited me, followed by running, and...

*A few hours later...*

It was over. I lay on the ground, utterly drained of strength. Peering outside, I noticed it was already afternoon. The sun hung low in the west, painting the sky in shades of orange, the clouds drifting lazily. It was a picturesque scene, but suddenly, a pop-up appeared before my eyes.

*Congratulations. You have completed the training.*

*Rewards: Stats +1*

I accessed the menu.


Name: Javier

Title: Good for Nothing

Class: None


Strength: 4

Stamina: 6

Agility: 3

Intelligence: 0

??: 0


Luck (SSS)

Sometimes things will go your way.


At least, my stats had increased by one. My intelligence was no longer in the negatives.

After a meal, I ventured outside. I could roam the town, but my reputation was far from stellar, and I lacked friends to engage with.

My choice led me to the basement, rumored to house an array of swords suitable for training.

The underground basement lay quiet and surprisingly devoid of trainees. Perhaps the hour explained the solitude.

Numerous swords hung along the walls, designed for someone of my caliber. I randomly selected one.

To master the art of swordsmanship, it's crucial to understand one's adversaries. Focus on comprehending your opponents and...

"Wow, look who decided to join us, our fledgling trainee," a voice dripping with condescension rang out.

I glanced toward the staircase where three boys lounged, leaning against the railing, their taunting smirks unmistakable.

Unperturbed, I resumed my training, reminding myself to remain vigilant of my surroundings.

In a heartbeat, a fist raced toward my head, but I sensed it just in time.


The aggressor mocked, "How dare you ignore me, you miserable wretch!" His words garnered support from his companions.

"Teach him a lesson!"

"Yeah, give him what he deserves!"

I regained my footing, vexed by the unsightly stain on my new shirt as the belligerent youth prepared for another strike.

Swiftly, I intercepted his punch, resulting in a *smack* as my fist met his nose, drawing blood. He crumpled to the ground, while his companion attempted a futile assault.


I seized the second assailant's collar and issued a stern warning, "Listen, you insignificant troublemaker. I'm in a generous mood today, sparing you further harm. If our paths cross again, steer clear of me. Understand?"

He nodded in submission, leaving my hands marked by their bloodstains. With a sigh, I exited the basement, a sense of accomplishment washing over me. I had at least mastered the initial lesson.

"There you are."

A female voice reached my ears. I glanced left, finding nothing, but then, to my surprise, I spotted her to my right. The lady I had seen at the training ground stood before me, casually attired.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned, as if my presence were unexpected.

"To train," I replied succinctly. She offered a smile.

"Who are you?" I inquired, aware of the oddity of my question. She appeared momentarily flustered.

"I'm your teacher, of course."

"What is your name?" I pressed.

She seemed to struggle with my query. "Umm... Scarlett?"

Scarlett, as I learned, was around 22 years old. I left her presence without further interaction, feeling drained after a challenging day. A deep slumber in my comfortable bed beckoned.

Fatigue had caused me to forget to eat, and my stomach's rumblings greeted me in the morning. The maids soon brought food, and after breakfast, I reclined on my bed. Scarlett didn't appear today, so I reluctantly headed to the training ground.

All eyes fixed on me as I arrived, likely due to yesterday's duel.

"Oh, you've come," Scarlett exclaimed, her eyes gleaming.

"Today, you will face me."

"Pardon?" I stammered. What did she mean by 'face me'? My confusion mirrored that of the others present. The atmosphere grew tense.

She stomped her foot.


The ground trembled, silencing the commotion. Scarlett looked at me expectantly.

"I know it sounds strange, but I'll use only my left arm. If you can move me—excluding my left arm—you win. Sounds simple, right?"

Simple? Even with only her left arm, I knew I'd be defeated. Still, I was up for the challenge.

"Alright, I accept your challenge," I replied.

She smiled and declared herself ready when I was.so I picked up a sword, reminding myself to stay calm, focus, and understand my opponent's stance. Breaking her position wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to try. As I began to approach her, it became clear she was fully on guard, unsurprising for a skilled trainer. If I were to launch a sudden attack, I'd surely lose. I needed to employ some tricks.

With a swift decision, I dropped the sword and focused my attention on both my arms, causing them to emit a radiant glow.

"Wait, you can use magic?" she asked, her guard momentarily slipping.

This was my opportunity. I summoned the sword towards me like a magnet and rushed forward, catching her off guard. She raised both hands to block the attack, but the sword never reached her.

"I win," I declared confidently.

She was visibly shocked and questioned how I had achieved victory.

"You stated that if I could make a move, except for your left arm, I would win," I reminded her.

As she recalled her own words, she acknowledged my victory. Even with her restricted use of only her right hand, it had been a formidable battle. I was just a beginner, while she was an experienced trainer.

"By the way, why didn't you tell me that you can use magic?" Scarlett inquired.

"I can't," I replied.

"But how did you produce fire with your hands?" she pressed.

"These swords are coated with oil to prevent rust. I rubbed my hands against the oiled sword and attached a thread to it. Then, I deliberately dropped my sword to draw attention to my hands. I used two small stones from the ground to create a spark and ignite the oil. When the fire started, you let your guard down, and I seized the opportunity to pull the thread and attack you. You couldn't react in time, and that's how I won."

"You appear more intelligent than you may seem," she remarked, patting my head (I'm 13).

Word of my victory quickly spread throughout the entire kingdom. Later, while I was resting on my bed, a knight entered my room.

"The king is summoning you, young master," he informed me.
