

Hero? Protector? After fighting countless battles, people started calling me “The hero of this kingdom," but what's the benefit of having this title. Soon, the king accused me of being a traitor. My wife and children were burned alive on his orders. He ordered the knights to execute me. If I could avenge my family. *You have been chosen as player.* *Congratulations* From that day, I started living a different life and promised not to make the same mistakes again.

BoringStuff · Action
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7 Chs

Is this.... the end?



I'm bleeding badly. The pain won't stop, either. I've lost too much blood. I'm feeling dizzy. It looks like I'm gonna die here.

I'm J. I lost my parents in a battle when I was young. One day, the king visited the slums. He stared at me for a few moments. Then he told me to follow him. He took me to his palace. I was living a comfortable life. I received training. When there was a battle, the king always chose me. I always returned victorious.

I fought countless battles. If I stacked all the people I've killed, it would reach heaven.

There was peace everywhere in the kingdom. I was living peacefully with my wife and children. When there was a sudden attack on this kingdom, almost every knight died. I alone fought them and gained the title "The Hero of this generation."

The king was jealous of my fame. For some time, I became a more respected person than the king. The king couldn't bear it. He accused me of being a traitor. He burned my wife and children and ordered for me to be executed. I hid in the mountains. One day, a group of knights came to the mountains to find me. I attacked them. It was a small battle. The soil became red because of the blood. I killed all of them, but one managed to stab me with a poisoned knife.

Because of the poison, I began vomiting blood and experienced significant blood loss. I sat on the ground.


That son of a ***** managed to stab me. At this rate, I will die. I won't be able to seek revenge.

I looked at the sky. It's beautiful.

Am I really gonna die here without getting revenge? Isn't there any way?

I wish I could turn back time.



*You have been selected as a player.*

*Make a wish.*

Am I seeing things now? I must be hallucinating due to the loss of blood.

Make a wish, huh? Then take me to the past.

*Your wish has been granted*

Huh? What is granted? I'm still here. Maybe I'm stupid.

My eyes were closing. Everything went dark. It's so warm. Is it death?

"... Javier?"

Looks like the angels are calling me.

".... Javier?

It's getting louder.


Wait, the voice sounds familiar.


I opened my eyes. Ceiling? Blanket?

bed? Where am I?

I looked at my surroundings. It seemed familiar.

Wait, who called me? I looked to my left side. No one is there. I looked to my right and saw a lady. I don't know who she is, but damn. She's hot. Is she an angel to guide me to heaven?

"Hey kid, get up or I will punch you."

Kid? I'm a grown man, lady. Am I dreaming?

The lady grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed. It's too real to be a dream. I can even feel her arm.

"I want to see you at the training ground in one minute."

She left after saying that.

Okay, time to think. Who is she? No, no. The real question is who am I?

I looked in the mirror. It's a boy who is about 13 years old. It's not my body. What about my wish? I wish to go back to the past. To shape the future. But, WHERE IS MY BODY?

A screen appeared in front of my eyes. It's the same as what I saw before I died.

*Your wish has been successfully granted.*

*You have returned to the past.*

Hey, I meant to say "my past." Not others.

*It appears that there was an issue.*

*Sorry, we can't change it*

*A player can only have one wish.*

Sorry, my a*s. I want my body back.

"We can't do that, sorry."

Hey, are you listening? I said I wanted my body back, no matter what.

*We said sorry.*

I want it.

*SHUT UP!!!*



*WHAT? YOU DON'T WANT REVENGE? Then I will give it to someone else.*

Alright. I will seek revenge. Just shut up.

*Say "menu" to view your stats*


A window opened in front of my eyes. It has something written on it.


Name: Javier

Title: Good for nothing

Class: None


Strength: 3

Stamina: 5

Agility: 2

Intelligence: -1

??: 0


Luck (SSS)

Sometimes things will go your way.


Luck? What am I supposed to do with that? How can I...

A punch came straight to my head. I forgot that I had to go to the training center.

She dragged me to the training center. Everyone was looking at me. For some reason, I didn't feel embarrassed.

"Today, we will have duels." Now I will say the names. First, Javier is against Hans"

Everyone started looking at me. Javier, maybe that's my name. I stepped forward.

"Wow, you look confident today."

The lady said to me.

I asked her why.

"Whenever we have duels, you always go against it."

I suppose the previous owner of this body was a moron. Having duels with trainees is like a piece of cake. In my previous life, I had to fight others who were considered masters.

A same-age boy as me entered the area.

"Looks like you want to die today."

What's the boy saying? Nobody dies in a duel.

"Alright, start the duel."

The boy charged at me with his sword, displaying an impressive start, but his movements were too sluggish. Swiftly, I executed a low kick, targeting his leg to disrupt his center of mass. He tumbled to the ground. A hush fell over the crowd. They had been enthusiastically cheering for Hans, but now, an eerie silence prevailed. The lady, who had been engrossed in the duel, wore an expression of bewilderment as she struggled to make sense of the unexpected turn of events. It took her a while to regain her composure.

"Ahh... Javier won the duel."

She declared my victory. The other trainees started mumbling.

"How did he win?"

"Maybe he cheated. How can he defeat a national champion?"

"You're right."


Everyone there started shouting, "Cheater!"

I don't mind. It's better than being called a traitor. The lady allowed me to return to my room. My room is quite luxurious, adorned with a royal bed and exquisite furnishings. Its opulence suggests an affiliation with wealth or royalty. This splendid realm bears the name Lana, known for its abundant wealth and natural beauty. Its regal lineage traces back to the first monarch, Haman Aligner, whose name has endured through generations. Rik Aligner currently occupies the throne, despite being the one who betrayed me.



Quest: Getting Revenge (Kill Rik Anderson )

Time: infinite

Reward: One wish


Huh? Has a quest already appeared? Looks like someone is going to die soon.

Killing the king is no joke. He is a sword grandmaster. He is one of the strongest warriors on this continent.

With my current physique, I can't defeat a sword expert, let alone a grandmaster. I have to prepare this weak body.

In my previous life, I didn't possess any talent in magic. That's why I had to learn swordsmanship. Learning magic isn't bad. I don't have any mana to use magic.

I tried to gather mana from my surroundings. It's been a while, and I can't sense any mana around me. This body is useless without an owner. Who is the owner?

"Who am I?" I asked a maid whom I saw outside.

"You're Javier, my lord."

" I mean from which family?"

"The Anderson  family, my lord"

"Oh, the Anderson family. I thought I was from..."

My mind started to collapse. The Anderson family? There was no one named Javier Anderson in the royal family.

"Oh, do you know J, a soldier?"

"Sorry, my lord. "There is no one named J in the military."