

Hero? Protector? After fighting countless battles, people started calling me “The hero of this kingdom," but what's the benefit of having this title. Soon, the king accused me of being a traitor. My wife and children were burned alive on his orders. He ordered the knights to execute me. If I could avenge my family. *You have been chosen as player.* *Congratulations* From that day, I started living a different life and promised not to make the same mistakes again.

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7 Chs

Unexpected rescue

For years, my life had been consumed by a single, unwavering purpose: revenge. The relentless desire to overthrow the oppressive rule of the king, the very man who had inflicted grave harm upon me, was an all-encompassing force that fueled my every waking moment. However, destiny, with its capricious twists and turns, had a surprise in store for me – an invitation from the very king I sought to dethrone.

The circumstances behind this summons were shrouded in uncertainty. Was it my exceptional performance in the training grounds that had caught the king's eye, or was it merely a twist of fate? I couldn't be certain, but I embarked on the journey to the royal palace, a journey that stretched on for half a day until I finally arrived at the grand gates.

As I disembarked from my carriage, a butler, standing at the ready, greeted me with a curious apology. He bore the news that the king had been urgently called away to a neighboring kingdom, leaving the palace devoid of his presence. It was an unexpected and welcome reprieve, sparing me from immediate confrontation with my nemesis.

Disregarding the butler's suggestion to rest, I promptly ordered the carriage to return me to the training center. Little did I know that this decision would lead me down an unexpected and perilous path.

As our royal carriage sped away from the palace, the looming darkness of the night brought to mind the lurking dangers that often prowled in the shadows. It was common knowledge that the cover of nightfall often emboldened robbers to emerge. However, the royal emblem emblazoned on our carriage offered a false sense of security.

Suddenly, our journey came to an abrupt halt, and my suspicions of a robbery were confirmed. I questioned the driver, who directed my attention to the road, where a mysterious figure lay sprawled. Despite the driver's warning, my curiosity got the better of me, and I approached the motionless form.

To my astonishment, no immediate threat materialized, prompting me to investigate further. There, I discovered an unconscious girl, no older than eleven, bearing the unmistakable signs of a harrowing ordeal – clear evidence of a daring escape from her captors.

Signaling the driver, I ordered him to assist in bringing the girl into the carriage. The absence of any pursuit on the road suggested that the robbers hadn't pursued her, at least for now.

However, our respite was short-lived, as a sudden arrow narrowly missed me, and I realized that a group of attackers, including skilled swordsmen and archers, had emerged from their concealed positions. Desperation compelled me to wield my sword, but in a reckless throw, I found myself weaponless and exposed.

Agonizing pain surged through me as a sword plunged into my abdomen. The driver, paralyzed by fear, could do nothing but flee with the girl. I urged him to escape to safety with her, knowing that I had to face the remaining assailants alone.

With sheer determination, I retrieved my sword and narrowly dodged arrows from hidden archers. I managed to incapacitate one of them with a well-aimed dagger, but my injuries were taking a toll. Blood loss weakened me, and the battle grew increasingly dire.

Four assailants remained, and I was forced to resort to a dangerous, last-ditch effort. Channeling all my remaining strength, I unleashed a powerful attack, ultimately defeating the remaining foes. As the realization of victory washed over me, I, too, succumbed to my grievous wounds, collapsing onto the blood-stained road.

Time seemed to blur as I drifted in and out of consciousness. Gradually, the warmth of the sun's rays on my face roused me from my stupor. Blinking awake, I observed a bird perched nearby before it took flight.

I found myself lying in a comfortable bed, enveloped in white blankets, in a sunlit room. A maid entered, noticed my awakening, and quickly departed. Shortly thereafter, a man hurried into the room, accompanied by a healer. The healer assessed my injuries, while the man, Count Rogers, tearfully expressed his profound gratitude for saving his daughter.

As Count Rogers introduced himself, I couldn't help but wonder how they had discovered me. It was a stranger who had alerted the palace guards, recounting how I had bravely confronted the robbers single-handedly. They had rushed to the scene, finding me in critical condition, and brought me to Count Rogers' home, where a skilled healer had tended to my wounds.

Amidst the heartfelt exchange, the young girl I had rescued, named Charlotte, entered the room. She rushed toward me, her embrace filled with strength and gratitude. Her joyful excitement was palpable as she recounted how she had witnessed my valiant fight despite being unconscious.

As Charlotte settled into the room, a sense of curiosity and camaraderie enveloped us. She talked with me for a moment, her youthful enthusiasm shining through. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of gratitude and a burning desire to share her adventures, which had led her to that fateful encounter on the road.

As the conversation flowed, I couldn't help but be drawn into her tale. I asked her how she had found herself in such a perilous situation, her voice carrying a hint of sympathy for the young girl.

With a furrowed brow, Charlotte began to recount her harrowing experience. She explained that on that ill-fated day, she had been playing outside, basking in the carefree moments of childhood. But suddenly, a shadowy figure had materialized out of nowhere, gripping her with a strength that rendered her voiceless and powerless.

Tears welled in Charlotte's eyes as she described how she had been forcibly thrust into the back of a dark carriage, its interior shrouded in darkness and dread. The fear she must have felt was palpable as she detailed her inability to scream, trapped in the grip of her captors.

Her story took a turn as she mentioned regaining consciousness. In a desperate bid for freedom, she had summoned every ounce of strength she possessed and managed to pry open the carriage's back door. It must have been a moment of sheer determination as she made her daring escape, running tirelessly through the night, the pursuit of her captors ever present in her mind.

Exhaustion had eventually overtaken her, forcing her to collapse onto the unforgiving ground. When her weary eyes flickered open once more, it was a sight of chaos and bravery that greeted her. She had glimpsed me, a lone figure, locked in a life-and-death struggle with the merciless robbers.

However, her memories grew hazy from that point on, and she couldn't recollect the precise events that followed. It was as if a curtain had fallen, shrouding her recollection of the tumultuous battle in uncertainty.

Her eyes met mine with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity as she admitted that when she had awakened, she found herself back in the safety of her own room. It was only through the maid's account that she had learned of the heroic stranger who had saved her.

Charlotte's gaze held a profound sense of connection as she looked at me, the one who had unknowingly rescued her from the clutches of danger. Our shared ordeal had forged a bond between us that transcended words, a connection that had brought her to my side, posing the unexpected question that now hung in the air: "Will you marry me?"