
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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Chapter 9 - Truths Revealed Part 2

David and I walked back to where the others were sleeping, with Biance on David's back. After David laid Biance down, we decided to force ourselves to sleep. But could sleep even fall on us? No - tomorrow we have to explain the whole survival steps to everyone, then David and I have to go west of the island...west of the island, right? Yes, west of the island of more info on this final step of survival...argh! I wish I could cry but I have got no tears!!! (Sighs) Guess I have to force myself to sleep.

Me: David, you awake?

David: (sleepy) Mmm...

Me: No, it's okay, good night.

David: You too.

Wow - everyone can fall asleep but I can't?! Okay, Nabi - get yourself together!

~ 10 minutes later ~

Nabia was fast asleep.

~ The next day ~

Nabia was the only one who woke up "extremely late"

Me: Morning everyone.

They all looked at me with confusion.

Becca: Umm...it's close to evening.

Me: WHAT??? Oh no!

I quickly ran up to the spot where David, Biance, and I were last night to look to the sky, realizing that it was indeed becoming evening. I then quickly ran back to where Becca and the rest were.

Me: Where's David?

Biance: He said he had to go west of this island to look for something.

Cianco: What's the matter sis? You look worried.

Me: Huh? Me? 

~ Flashback ~


~ End of Flashback ~

Me: Umm...Did...David...tell you anything before he left?

Ace, Amy, and John approach me trying to understand what I am saying.

(Didn't David tell them?)

Ace and Amy looked at each other.

Amy: Tell us what?

Before I could speak, David came back. (Thank goodness he came!)

Me: Oh, welcome back Dave. 

Becca and Biance: Yeah - you were gone nearly all day.

Cianco: Totally - You and Nabi have got to spill the beans, now.

David and I looked at each other, then looked back at everyone. David smirks and looks at everyone.

David: (scratching his head) Hehe...you all ready to hear it?