
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 8 - Starry Night

Nabia and her siblings are still on the island. This is going to be their second night after their plane crash.

The birds are chirping, and it was our second night at...you know where. Ace, Amy, John, Becca, and Cianco were fast asleep and so it was only David, Biance, and I who were still awake. We then decided to walk a little further from where they were sleeping to some rocky shore, just to get some air.

Me: Wow!

Biance: What's up?

Me: This view is perfect.

Biance and David started to look at where my eyes were.

David: I agree, the view looks great.

The wind started to blow calmly, and Biance, David, and I closed our eyes and enjoyed the breeze.

David: Day 2 on this island how are you feeling?

Biance: Wow...I guess...fine?

Me: No emotions to express for me unfortunately Dave...but so far, it's okay. It's not like there's anything horrific for us to find here right?

David: Can't say, but at the moment, it's all good and safe.

Me: Yeah...(looking at Biance) B, you have been unusually quiet---

David: Ha...she fell asleep, don't worry I will piggyback ride her - I mean that's what big bros are here for right? (smirks)

Me: (smirks) Couldn't agree more. Let's head back.

David: Not just yet.

David's expression quickly changes into a serious one.

Me: You okay?

David: Yeah...just something I came across today but I wanted to from you if you had more info before I shared it with everyone.

Me: Okay (getting worried)...what's up?

David removes something out of his left pocket which seems like an old paper. David and I opened the paper, which had some instructions funny enough, on how to get help to get out of this island.

Me: Woah Dave, is there someone else on this island other than us? Well, these instructions don't look too bad to follow.

David: Seems like it - not sure of the instructions though.

Me: Why?

David: Read again. Especially the last step.

Me: Okay, it says: "After you are done with all steps gather everyone in this VERY SAME, EXACT SPOT...you know why? Because this very same island you are on can explode at any given time. So follow the instructions or you will all die! Still confused? Try walking west of the island, there, you will find out more info on this step. Oh and by the way, the deadline of these instructions is 5 days from now. Have a good night's rest and see you tomorrow!"

I look at David, worried and scared but I hide my fear with a serious expression.

Me: Dave, what does this mean?

David: That if we delay following these steps we will all die.

Me: How do we go about telling everyone else about this?

David: Just the way it is presented, can't risk filtering any single info out.

Me: (sighs) What a long day we have tomorrow.

As David and I were about to leave, another paper David had forgotten about came out of his left pocket again. It was a continuation of the final step but this instruction rather was written in big, red, bold letters:


David and I: (looking at each other) What's up with this island?!