
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 7 - Worried Kids

Nabia, David, Biance, and Cianco all wake up after a long day they had yesterday. It was their first morning after their plane crash:

Me: Good morning guys.

David and Cianco: Morning N.

Biance: Morning Nabi.

Me: Can't say how your night was, can I?

Biance: It was...okay, I guess.

David: I slept well.

Bianco: It was uncomfortable but fine. How about you N?

Me: I slept - okay thanks for asking, WAIT a minute, Dave, brother, you actually---

Me, Biance, and Cianco: SLEPT WELL?!

David: Yeah... I never slept this good in a while you know?

Biance: Wow...

Me: Shocker...but great to hear though.

David: (smirks) Thanks.

David's reaction quickly changes from a smirk to a fearful expression.

Biance: Is...something bothering you, Dave?

David: Yeah... now that you mention it - you know we haven't spoken to Mum and Dad in a day?

All our expressions changed into a fearful one as David's.

Me: Uh Oh...I don't want to even think about how Dad's feeling right now!

David: Me too!

Biance:(sad) It's over.

Cianco: I am 100% with you sis - this is the end of us (lowering head down)

We all sat down at the same time and we went silent for 10 minutes before David broke the silence:

----- 10 minutes later -----

David: But... I am sure Dad received the memo... right?

Me: You mean that our disappearance could be circulating on the news?

David: Yeah! Well, I hope.

Cianco: So, if Dad has received the news about what happened, which I hope Dad has, maybe he will be a little mad at us, right?

Me, Biance, and David: Yeah - we hope so too.

Us: (in our minds) Please don't be mad at us Dad!