
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 6 - Worried Parents

Alex and Canca are seated at home, with Alex (dad) on his phone while Canca (mum) is out in the balcony with a cup of rooibos tea. 

Alex: (sighs, frustrated) I knew these kids could NOT be trusted to travel by themselves! What is the purpose of a cellphone?!

Canca: (sighs) Love, please calm down - I'm sure the kids are having soo much fun that they forgot to inform us?

Alex: Couldn't Cianco JUST tell his big siblings to contact us...atleast???

Canca: (sighs) You are right, I really don't know...(gasps) what if...something happened to them?

Alex: Don't think so - the flight they took is the most expensive in the market.

Canca: Yeah, but anything can happen regardless.

Alex turns on the TV to check the news but all he sees are news about the weather.

Alex: (sighs) I don't see anything on TV so I will be expecting their call so---

Sees news about a plane crash pop up on the screen:

News reporter on TV: It's been reported that a plane, by the name of Automated Pilot, has suffered a plane crash, in which the plane had a group of teenagers, roughly between the ages of 16 to 20 years of age. The teen---

Alex switches the TV off after listening to the breaking news. Canca drops her mug to the floor after hearing the breaking news as well.

Canca: (tearing up) What are going to do???

Alex: (loss of words) I...I...I just don't know honey....we don't even know if they are all still alive.

Both Canca and Alex sit by the sofa, with Canca's head resting on Alex's shoulder, in which she starts to cry silently, with tears falling down.

Alex and Canca: (in their mind) Please be alive kids...