
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 18 - We Meet Again

Me: (happy) Ahh...what a wonderful day today! Free from Aunt Holly, we will soon be home...couldn't this day get any better???

Biance: Couldn't agree more with you Nabi!

Becca: Indeed! Let's head to the beach!

Biance and I: (hyped up) Great idea!

David: Where do you think you are going without us?

David, Cianco, and John invited themselves too.

 Me: Haha Dave, very funny.

Biance: Yeah, but anyway, since you have invited yourselves, please come along.

Becca: Yeah, the more the merrier...isn't that what they say?

John: (smirk) Listen to yourself sis, that's what they say indeed.

David: Beach trip here we come!

Together we all ran to the beach.

And before we knew it, there we were...at the beach! The beach here on the eastern side looked more amazing than the one we were at in the north.

Becca and Cianco: Woah...this is AWESOME!!!

Biance and I: I know right???

We all started playing and having fun.

After a while though, l decided to just sit down and look at the horizon. Biance came and sat down beside me.

Biance: What are you thinking?

Me: haha, nothing much...just thinking about how free we are. Aunt Holly opened up her house to us but it felt more like a prison. Do you feel me?

Biance: Totally...it almost seemed forced, if l must say.

Me: Exactly. But knowing that she will be going today-

Biance: That's if she's not gone already.

Me: (laughs) Yes B, that's if she's not gone already. But knowing that we will soon be reunited with mum and dad...

Biance: It feels amazing. Speaking of which, when we get back home, l am so going for the donuts!!!

Me: Me too! Glazed donuts and the donuts dunked in hazelnut!

Biance: l will be teaming up with you on that!

Me: Can't wait!

Biance and l started to laugh. Becca and Cianco came to us, looking like they were having a good conversation.

Cianco and Becca: What are you talking about?

Me: Nothing much, just about what we will do when we get home.

Cianco: Mmm and glazed donuts are at the top of your lists, right?

Biance and I: (gasp) How did you know?!

Cianco: I am your brother hehe.

Me: Makes sense hehe.

Becca: Ooh...glazed donuts? I love them too! Will I be allowed to join?

Biance and I: Of course! Please do!

Becca: (laughs) Thanks!

Becca and Cianco sat next to us, with Becca on Biance's side and Cianco on my side.

We then looked at the house from a distance. I then stood up and stared at the house for a long time. David and John came to us, asking me what I was looking at.

David: Deja vu?

Me: How did you know?! Yeah, it is deja vu - I feel like I have seen the house before.

David: Really?

Me: Yeah, it looks similar to that of Aunt Holly's.

David: (looking at the house) Yeah...when you look at it, it does look like Aunt Holly's house.

Becca: Do you want us to check it out?

Me: No Becca, that would be rude of us if we did that.

John: Indeed.

Everyone else then looked at the house, then a few seconds later, a woman came out - long hair, light-skinned...was that not Aunt Holly?

She then talked to two men, who then pointed in our direction. They then came running towards us.

Becca: Are they not running towards us?

Me: Yes Becca, they are! Everyone run!

We all ran back, following the path we used to get to the beach. We then found a bushy corner to hide from the men.

The two men then caught up with the direction we used.

Man 1: Do you see them?

Man 2: No teens in sight. Who are we looking for by the way?

Man 1: Holly said we must get Nabia.

I was shocked by what I heard. Aunt Holly? Me? What does she want from me I wonder.

The walkie-talkie from one of the men's pockets started screeching, aunt Holly wanted to ask them how the operation was going...I guess.

Aunt Holly: (from Man 1's walkie-talkie) How is it going?

Man 1: Unfortunately, we didn't get them - especially Nabia.

Aunt Holly: Yeah...she's the smart girl I see - that's okay, we will time it perfectly next time. You can come back.

Man 1: Yes ma'am.

There's still a next time?!

After they left, we then came out from hiding - still thinking about what we heard.

David: Is she still upset over the Uranium thing?

Me: Seems like it.

Becca: We need to inform someone, fast!

John: Not yet Bec. We still have to find more information on why they want Nabia.

Me: Okay...do you have a plan, John?

John: I just planted a spy camera on one of the men, so we will be able to hear them. But no stress, even if we are here as it is, the system automatically records, so we are all good.

Me: Perfect John! Great plan! Okay then, let's head back home.

Becca: (worried) Um, Nabi?

Me: Huh? What's wrong Cianco?

Becca: Where's home?

Me: Where we are from - the deportation camp?

Becca: I get that, but which direction do we use when going back?

We all then looked at where we were.

Me: Oh right! We will take the left.

Becca: Phew! Thanks! I got worried for a sec, you know?

Me: I got you.

David: Vivid memory huh?

Me: You can say that Dave hehe.

Cianco: Wow sis, you're awesome.

Me: That's sweet Cianco, thank you! Why do say that?

Cianco: I mean, Aunt Holly is looking for you for some reason and you are still happy?

Nabia: Haha...I'm a risk taker C, so I live off the face of danger, Do you feel me?

Cianco: Oh yeah...yes, I do.

As we were now walking back home, we came across Amy, who had John's screen in her hands and she looked terrified.

Amy: Are you safe kids?

Us: Yes we are! 

Me: Are you okay Aunt?

Amy: (scared) Umm...please listen to this:

(Playing from screen) 

"I'm coming for you Nabia, David, John, and Biance...I'm coming, just you wait."

(Paused screen)

Amy: What does this mean?

Before I could even speak, we heard a voice from behind - Amy was horrified. We too were horrified when we looked at who was behind us...it was Aunt Holly, along with the two men that we had seen earlier.

Aunt Holly: Hey kids! Hey Amy! We meet again!

John, Becca, Cianco, Biance: Aunt Holly?!

David: Oh, hi Aunt Holly!

Is David taking this situation lightly? Loving the approach big bro!

I looked at Aunt Holly in the eye.

Me: We meet again.

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