
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 17 - Woah...

~ Next morning ~

Ah, this was finally it! We were leaving Aunt Holly's house...we are finally free!

Aunt H "pretended" to feel sad, which I didn't mind, because we were on the same level now.

Aunt H: I'm going to miss you terribly!

Amy: We know. Thank you so much for allowing us to be in your home.

Aunt H: No, it was no biggie.

She then gave Amy a paper.

Amy: What's this?

Aunt H: It's a map. On how to get to the east side of this island.

Amy: Oh my, thank you so much!

Aunt H: Only a pleasure. 

Aunt Holly's POV:

Everything's going according to plan. This map will lead them to the northern side, where the danger is extremely high. Then, I can make my move and escape!

End of Aunt Holly's POV

Little did she, know that actually, we were 10 times ahead of her.

She hugged all of us goodbye and there we left, leaving for a beautiful side of the east...I know they will all enjoy the eastern side, just as we did.

Amy: (opening the map) Okay, let's see what does the map say.

Me: Actually...we don't need the map.

Amy: Oh, why? 

John: Because we know the way to the east.

Becca: Oh, that time when the four of you went out, am I right?

Us: How did you know that?!

Becca: Duh??? It was so easy, I mean Aunt Holly went to run an errand in the east, and you guys went out at the same time, so I quickly put the puzzle piece together.

Biance: Look at you Bec!

Becca: I know right B? I'm a natural!

Cianco: You sure are!

Amy giggled and then she continued.

Amy: So did you find anything interesting in the East?

Me: Can't say, we want you to see it for yourselves.

Amy: Oh? Okay then.

Becca: Nabi?

Me: Yes Bec?

Becca: If you don't mind me asking, but why did Aunt Holly want to know more about it?

Me: About Uranium?

Becca: Yeah.

Me: Because her house is in the center of the uranium spread. 

Becca: Oh...how do you know that?

Me: Because the four of us: Biance, David, John and I listened in to her conversation with another man in the east. I know we were not supposed to do that but we had to make sure that Aunt H's plans were legit.

David: Which were unfortunately not.

Becca: What do you mean Dave?

David: She didn't vouch for us as she said she would.

John: Yeah, when the man asked who was she planning to get out of the island with, she only mentioned herself. The man seemed to know about us though.

Becca seemed super happy about this.

Becca: Ooh...playing detective...loving it!

Amy: Wait, she is also planning to escape the island as well?

Me: Yeah, I mean it shocked all of us too, and that's what made us agree to the decision to leave her house.

Amy: Great, but she seems ahead of us.

John: Not at all - we are 20 times ahead of her.

Me: (confused) 20 times ahead of---what do you mean?

John: I mean I left spy cameras in her house.

We were all stunned by what John said.


John: Okay, Okay. I brought them with me from home. When we had the plane crash, I immediately took out the spy cameras I packed out of my bag and I'm happy they found a purpose.

Amy: And you couldn't even bring some food at least.

Me: It's perfect! That way, we can hear all that she is saying, by the way, can she hear what we are saying?

John: No, the audio is one-sided - so she can't hear us talking but we can hear her talking.

David and John fist-bumped each other and they wore...wrestling gloves! Where did they get them from?! I hope it's my imagination...

David: John bro, you're a genius!

John: Thanks dude. So we are sorted. We just need to check up on her once we arrive at the east and we are all settled.

Amy: Okay then, technology seems to make life easy these days...

After quite a while, there we were.


Me: We are happy you love it and yes, this is what the east is like.

Becca: It seems big.

Me: Yes it is, but the best part is...

John: It's got cool things to look at, go to, and buy...but we don't have money to buy anything but that's just about it.

Cianco: Awesome! So what are waiting for? 

Becca: Yeah, let's go!

Amy: But we don't know where we are going.

Me: Don't worry, everything has been cared for.

Amy and Ace: Huh?

Me: (laughing) We are saying when we left we already had a plan on how to get help here in the east.

Amy: Wow - you kids are so mature. I'm proud of you!

Biance, John, David, and I: Thank you!

We all walked in between the houses and there we were...back in the marketplace we saw a day ago. We then walked to the last shop on the right - the shop where Aunt Holly entered. 

Man: Oh, welcome!

Us: Thank you!

Man: So, what brings you here? Do you want to get out of the island as well?

Me: We would love to---yes! Yes please, we would love to leave the island.

Man: (laughs) I thought so too - the other day, someone came asking for the same thing.

John, Biance, David and I: (in our minds) Aunt Holly!

Man: Okay, I can take you where the accommodate people wanting to leave the island.

Me: Thank you, oh and by the way, no payment needed by the way right?

Man: (laughing) No payment needed, why would you think that?

Me: (serious) I just had to make sure that no "I need a favor" story happens, because that was not part of the agreement. So I just have to make sure that my family and I won't have or deal with any complications on the day of our departure.

The man was shocked.

Man: (scared) No, no, no, don't worry, no payment needed, no such thing will take place. At all.

Me: Okay, great. Thank you so much sir.

David: Um, sir?

Man: Yes? 

David: I don't mean to sound too impatient, but after how many days does the airplane come to collect people? Those wanting to leave the island, like us?

Man: Not too long, every after two days, two airplanes come to fetch people so two days from now, you will arrive at the airport safely.

David: Okay, that's nice. Thank you.

Man: No problem. (taking out a form) Okay, can you all please fill out this form for me, this is just to make sure that in case of any failings on the way, we can check who was in the airplane and look out for you guys.

Amy: Thank you so much, sir.

Man: Anytime. 

We then filled the forms out and after I filled my name and surname, he was shocked. That startled us, especially me.

Man: You are the Laranca kids right?

Me: Yes, why do you ask sir?

Man: Your aunt was here wanting to leave the island as well, but she didn't talk about leaving along with you guys. But how did you catch up to her? I mean you all want to leave the island, so how did you find out?

Me: We followed her around.

Man: You kids are surely detectives! Did you tell her about the dangers?

Becca: She never asked for the info in the right way, so she missed out.

Me: Yeah, by the way, is she supposed to come to the same spot you are taking us to?

Man: No, she went to another one, but with scary consequences.

Me: What do you mean?

Man: Well there are two ways to get out of this island: The right, yet slow way, or the wrong, but fast way. This means that In exchange for leaving early, she has to work for a dangerous hacker company.

Me: Scary indeed - so when will she be leaving?

Man: Tomorrow, I think.

Me: No wonder she is super relaxed.

John: Is that so?

Me: What do you mean?

John: I am listening to her conversation right now and l must say, l am hearing very disturbing things.

Me: Huh?

John played Aunt Holly's conversation off his screen.

Aunt Holly's POV from John's screen:

Aunt Holly: (from the screen) Mmm, so Nabia and team were smart enough to leave huh...But I'm ahead of them. (Phone ringing) Huh? A call from Boss? (Answers it) Hello? Ah yes. Yes sir. Wait what?! (Raises voice) Two days from now?! That's not what we agreed on! I should have taken the cheap evacuation flight then! (Lowers voice) Sorry sir. Yes, sir, I'm grateful. Two days it is. I didn't get the kids, sir. The smartest? I couldn't get one because they are all smart! The physics/chemistry kid? Oh, you mean---oh the girl one? She is annoying. She is intelligent and Physics and IT are her favorite subjects. Yes, IT. No sir, she was smart enough to see through me. I am sorry sir. Next time? Okay, sir. Bye. (Dropped the call) 

How are you so smart Nabi?

Anyway, let me go take a nap. She then went to her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

End of Aunt Holly's POV from John's screen

John then faced the screen himself and saved all that she said into an SD Card on his mobile device.

Me: Cool...you recorded everything, awesome. Please keep it safe, it will help us a lot.

Cianco: Will help us a lot? What do you mean sis?

Me: You never know Cianco, you never know.

Man: Should I take you to the place?

Us: Yes please sir! Thank you!

Together, we all walked, following the man, knowing that soon...very soon enough, we would all be reunited with our families.