
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 19 - Remember?

Me: So, we meet again Aunt Holly.

Aunt Holly: How are you doing? I just decided to catch up with you all.

David: We see... which sounds suspicious!

Aunt Holly: Oh what you mean David? I'm just visiting.

Me: Okay.

Aunt Holly: Are you not going to ask the point of my visit?

David: Do we need to?

Me: David, no. Stop.

David: Okay, sorry.

Me: (turn to Aunt Holly) Okay, why are you visiting... thought you would be gone by now!

Aunt Holly was surprised by what I said.

Aunt Holly: Pfft, leaving? What made you think that? I said we are in this together hehe.

I was not buying it... at all.

Me: Please stop acting.

Aunt Holly: Acting? Of course I'm not, I am serious here.

David: Okay, then please explain Aunt, what you meant by "I'm booking a flight by myself...no one is with me."

John and I looked at David in disbelief. Aunt Holly was shocked. 

Me: (nervous, pulling David) Hehe... please excuse us for a moment.

David: You are pulling me, Nabi.

Me: (shocked) What was that David?!

David: (smirk) Relax Nabi, I know what I am doing.

Me: What do you mean, "I know what I am doing?"

David: I am putting her into a corner in conversation that will have her reveal what she has against you.

I paused before I spoke again - shocked at his brilliant, genius plan.

Me: David, you are a genius!

David: I know... I am Einstein himself!

Me: Okay, plan activated. You do whatever you can to annoy her or distract her, I will have John do phase 2 of the plan.

David: Roger...what is phase 2 anyway?

Me: I want John to retrieve the audios of Aunt Holly for us to use them... it's now or never.

David: Okay! This will be a fun ride!

Me: Great stuff.

David and I: Let's do this!

We walked back to where Aunt Holly, her guards, and the rest of the family were standing.

Me: (nervous) Okay, we are back.

Aunt Holly: You both took a long time, were you discussing something?

Me: Yes but it was nothing serious.

Aunt Holly: Okay then. Back to our discussion, I am here because---

David: Um, Aunt Holly?

Aunt Holly: (annoyed) Yes?

David: (pretending to be scared) Who are those men behind you?

Aunt Holly: Oh, them? They are my guards, where I am is super security-tight, so they take care of me.

I was annoyed. And so were the others.

Us: (in our minds) You are super protected, we get that - you didn't even have to explain further.

David: So, where you are right now, how is it?

I then quickly took John out of Aunt Holly's sight and discussed with him phase 2 of the plan.

Me: Okay John, you are going to complete phase 2 of the plan.

John: Me? Phase 2? What do you mean? 

Me: I mean that while David is distracting Aunt Holly, may you please retrieve the audios of Aunt Holly - we might need to use them soon.

John: Okay, got that. 

John quickly went onto his screen and retrieved all of Aunt Holly's recorded audio.

John: They have been retrieved.

Me: Perfect! Okay, let's head back before they suspect anything.

John: Roger.

We then quickly went back to join the rest before Aunt Holly realized that we had gone out of sight for a while.

Aunt Holly: Okay Dave, may you please pause on the questions for a while?

David kept silent.

Aunt Holly: Okay - back to the point, I am here to remind you of something.

Me: Okay, what is it?

Before Aunt Holly could continue, David popped up with another question.

David: Sorry to bother you again, but about your guards, what are their names? Just for... safety reasons.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing - but I had to, or else the plan would have bombed onto our faces.

Aunt Holly: (sighs) The man on my left is Zayn, while the man on my right is Joe.

David: Oh, nice to meet you Zayn and Joker.

This time, it was over for me... I just had to smile to hide my uncontrollable laughter... which didn't work.

Me: (laughing loud) Oh my David! What was that?! His name... his name is...

John: (trying hard not to laugh) Nabia, David, control your... yourselves guys.

Biance, Becca, and Cianco completely lost it like me.

Amy: That was not cool David.

David: Sorry... Aunt Amy... (low voice) Mr Joker

Me: (laughing with tears) I'm so sorry...(exhales) Aunt Holly for the interruption.

Aunt Holly: That was not cool of you David, but it's okay Nabi.

Why is she super kind all of a sudden?


Us: Yes Aunt?

Aunt Holly: (sighs) I am here to remind you of the deal we made.

David and I stopped laughing, shocked by what was just said.

Me: Deal? What deal?

Aunt Holly: Don't act dumbfounded. I know you still remember our deal.

Amy: What deal did you two make?

Me: Oh no.

Aunt Holly: Oh yes.

Me: (turning to Aunt Holly) Are you referring to the deal we made when you welcomed us into your home? That night?

Aunt Holly: (happy) Ah Nabi, you are such a smart child, you know that?

Me: (smiling) Yes Aunt, yes I know. (low voice) Why wouldn't I?

Aunt Holly: Good. Now that you remembered, you two now know what to do.

David: Okay, I remember the deal we had but as to what we should do, I don't remember.

Aunt Holly: Okay. I will help you jog your memory. Think back to that night, that night when we made the deal. Do you remember what the both of you agreed to?

~ Flashback ~

Aunt Holly: After many years huh? After so many years, you finally came.

David: It's not like we wanted t---

Me: Well, what David meant was that we didn't know that the letters we have been receiving were from you.

David: I don't mean to be rude but I meant what I said sis - It's not like we knew you were the one sending us the letters and if we knew we wouldn't have come, okay?

Aunt Holly: Wow! Oh really? You should be thanking me, David!

Me: (upset) Just stop it! The both of you! Listen, we both did not know that we would bump into you, and for that, we are so sorry, but we are also thankful that you did help us out because we did not know exactly how to look for help, so for that we thank you! Now please, can we...(sighs) can we just stop fighting and just discuss the main point of us being left outside? Please?

Aunt Holly: First, you are right, I didn't know you would be the ones I help and second, the I scratch your back and you scratch mine deal is still on, okay?

David: Yes aunt, we still remember the deal, and if you don't mind me asking, what is the deal about?

Aunt Holly: Don't worry, you will know when the time's right Dave.

David and I, confused, just for the sake of peace just decided to agree to her terms.

David and I: Okay aunt.

Me: All I remember was the argument... hold up Aunt.

David: Yeah, hold up Aunt, we agreed to terms we didn't even know!

Aunt Holly: You shouldn't have then!

David and I were annoyed.

David and I: Makes sense.

Me: But we still don't remember what the deal was.

Aunt Holly: Think back again.

~ Flashback continued ~

Aunt Holly: Okay...about the deal, I will tell you what it's all about only on one condition.

David and I: (in our minds) There are still more conditions to comply with?!

Me: Okay aunt.

Aunt Holly: Only on the condition that once I help you exit this island, you will allow me to hop in with you all. Is that a fair deal?

David: Okay, sounds fair enough.

~ End of flashback ~

David: Oh...

Me: Oh right... I know remember... back on the same ship right?

Aunt Holly: Yep!

I am going to trap Aunt Holly here and there.

Me: Not so fast Aunt. I remember you saying, if you help us get out of this island, we must allow you to hop in. But what happened was that you made a plan to get yourself out of this island, leaving us stranded, then we had to make a plan to get ourselves out, without your "help" so seeing that you broke the deal, why are we held responsible?

Aunt Holly, realizing that she had failed once again, pouted and left.

Everyone was stunned by what happened.

Amy: What was that?

Me: That was Aunt Holly trying to get us back... through us.

John: Yet another fail.

Me: You can say that again.

David: I never realized that... thanks, I would have gone back to her because of the deal, not realizing that she broke it.

Me: That's okay Dave. (putting my hands around David's shoulder) That's why I'm here!

Amy: Oh Nabia, good job!

Me: Thanks Aunt.

Amy: So, are we still safe?

Me: Now that she found the way to where we are, it could be possible for her to spy on us, so I will arrange if we can move to another corner.

Amy: Okay, that's safe. 

Becca: Let's go home!

Me: Not so fast, we have to arrange to move to another corner, Becca!

Becca: Okay!

Together we all walked to the owner of the camp, hoping that he would allow us to move to another corner of the camp.