
Chapter 29: You Cant Fool Me

being so patient with me.

"Next time I want to be Wolfgang." I say as we pull into a diner after meeting another old family friend whom I haven't met.


"Van Halen. I should at least have the same last name as you guys, right?"

"You do know that Wolf is Eddie's son, right? Not his brother." Dean squints

"So? You basically raised me anyway, so what's the difference?" I shrug

Sam gives Dean and I a strange look and slides into a booth, "Wolfgang is a little more conspicuous than David, don't you think?"

"William, then."

"Okeydokey Weirdo McRandom" Dean mutters, "What do you want to eat?"

"Health Quake Salad looks good" Sam nods thoughtfully. Dean looks at him like he's nuts for a second and then turns to me.

"I'll have whatever you're having"

He smiles in relief and starts toward the counter "atta boy, at least I've got one brother who doesn't eat rabbit food"

It's hard to pay attention to my brother's talking while the checkout guy is staring at us. I notice him at first through the corner of my eye after Sam tells us that he doesn't want a wife and family anymore. The kid isn't just staring; he's glaring. He's glaring at Sam. I glare back at him and his eyes flick to mine. I flick open my pocket knife and touch the tip of its blade on the table. The boy looks away.

"Evan, what are you doing? You trying to get us thrown out of here? Put that away" Dean says with a furrowed brow. I put the knife back in my pocket and pick up my burger.

"That guy was staring at us"

"Who, the cashier?" Sam asks and raises an eyebrow

"Yeah. He was giving us a death stare"

Dean takes a big bite, "so, what? You want to get us arrested because the two of you had a moment?"

"Shut up, Dean" I grumble

"Remind me to take that knife away from you when we leave here"

He doesn't take my knife when we leave but I don't remind him either. Sam splits off from us to figure out what he can for the case but he disappears for hours and Dean can't reach him on the phone. He gathers his keys while I take out my new sewing kit to mend our tattered clothes. Dean pauses for a moment as he puts on his jacket and stares at me.

"Is that a sewing kit?"

I pull a pair of his jeans across my lap and thread my needle.

"Please tell me that you're practicing sutures"

"Same concept"

"Where did you get a sewing kit?"

"It was at your friend Donna's house"

Dean straightens up and blinks "You stole that from Donna?"

"What's the matter?"

He shakes his head and starts to for the door "Stay here, I'm gonna check to the bar to see if he's there. Gimme a call if he gets back before I do"


"And stay out of trouble when I'm gone"

"You don't have to say that every single time you leave, Dean."

Dean purses his lips at me as though he's thinking of a sarcastic response, but he leaves without another word.

I work through two pairs of jeans and one of Sam's shirts before the door opens up. It's Sam and he looks almost surprised to see me.

"Dude… Are you seriously sewing?" He scoffs

"I'm suturing. Where have you been all night?"

He lifts up his hands quickly and shakes the bags in them "I picked up food. A bacon turbo with chili cheese fries"

He's so jumpy and nervous like he's on drugs. "Dean wants you to call him." I say as I cut off the extra thread with my pocket knife. Sam cringes.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah. Just… You really have a thing with that knife. It's kind of creepy."


There's a knock on the door and a woman from housekeeping calls to us. Sam reaches for the knob immediately as though there aren't guns sprawled all over the beds.

"Sam!" I shout at him and he freezes. I push past him and lean against the door.

"No, thanks" I say through the door

"Fresh towels?"

"No, we're good."

I hear the cart wheel away and look back at Sam who's gritting his teeth in a wince.

"Sorry about that. I wasn't even thinking"

I roll my eyes at him and call Dean who arrives back home in a matter of minutes.

"Where the hell have you been, man? I've been trying to call you for hours"

"I got food. Bacon turbo and a large chili cheese fry"

"Thanks" Dean says and opens one of the bags on the table, "I don't know why it took you two hours, but thanks"

"Better question is why he tried to let the maid in just now" I huff and help myself to one of the other sandwiches

"You tried to let the maid in?"

"It was a reflex." Sam says defensively. "At least I'm not the one playing with creepy knives"

"Creepy knives?" Dean asks like he's nuts

"No, you're the one who tries to get us all arrested because you let the maid in" I snap

"It was a reflex, I'm sorrrrry" Sam drawls out sarcastically

"That's a pretty dumb reflex"

"You're a pretty dumb reflex"

"Okay, okay" Dean says raising his hands between us, he looks at Sam. "Are you kidding me? Really?"

"Sorry" he grumbles, "he started it"

"Well I'm ending it" Dean says loudly before I can protest, "It's like babysitting. Can I leave you two alone for two seconds to use the bathroom or do I have to send you to time-out?"

"You can go ahead" Sam says, "I think I'm gonna go outside for a bit. Get some fresh air"

"You just got back"

"I know. I just feel like I need some space to cool down. From tension…" He says and nods. He's lying and he's doing a really poor job of it. Dean notices it too but he brushes it off and heads to the bathroom. I chew on my sandwich and watch Sam.

"What?" He asks nervously.

"I thought you were going out for air"

"I am. Quit staring at me"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. What's wrong with you?" He shrugs and leaves. His speech pattern is off. It's quick and sloppy like his mannerisms. He hurries around everywhere in ungraceful gestures like he's nervous and uncomfortable. When Dean gets out of the bathroom I tell him that Sam is off, he raises his eyebrows in agreement just as Sam barges back in.

"I think we should go"


"I walked outside and I was stretching and this fell out of my pants" He raises his gun into the air.

Dean rolls his eyes and I pack up the bags.

"Sorry guys." Sam winces, "I'll wait in the car"

"You think he's on something?" I mutter after Sam takes off

"Sam on drugs? The guy won't touch Tylenol"

"There's something wrong with him"

I throw the bags into the trunk and climb into the backseat just as Sam asks to drive the car. Sam has driven the Impala plenty of times before but somehow we end up slamming into the dumpster because he throws the car into reverse instead of drive. "You let him drive and not me because?" I say and lean over the front seat

"Nobody's driving but me." Dean says firmly, "sit back"

"Yeah, sit back" Sam grumbles

"You just ran into a dumpster. You should be the one back here" I'm feeling oddly hostile toward my pouting big brother in the passenger's seat and I can't figure out why.

"Will you two give it a rest?" Dean snaps

I sit back in my seat and glare Sam through the rearview mirror. He looks back at me, terrified.

When I can't find my phone the next day in the basement, I realize that whatever is hanging around with us isn't Sam. I pull my gun from my holster, aim it at his head, and click off the safety.

"You're not Sam" I growl

Sam freezes and turns slowly around towards me. Dean stops shoveling and looks up at me.

"Evan, what are you doing?"

"Where is he?" I demand

"Evan" Not-Sam stammers, "Ch-chill out, dude"

"What the hell is-" Dean is suddenly thrown across the room into me. The gun is knocked out of my hand and it slides across the room. I struggle to catch my breath because Dean's heavy body smashed the wind out of my lungs. He pushes off of me and helps me to my feet.

"You okay?" He demands just as not Sam is thrown into the other wall.


Dean rushes over and hoists the shifter on his stolen feet. If it is a shifter... Usually shifters are much better at role-playing than this. I grab my gun from off the ground and dig through my pockets just in case I have any silver bullets left inside of them.

"We have to get out of here!" Shifter Sam whimpers

"We still have to burn the body, you idiot"

There's nothing in my pockets; they must have fallen out when Dean landed on top of me. I bend down to see if there's anything on the ground and then I'm being hoisted up into the air and thrown. I crash hard into a tool shelf against the far wall. A sharp pain rips through my ankle and ribs. I can hardly breathe. In a matter of seconds Dean is hovering over me. I see the ghost appear behind his back and I take a deep breath to warn him but the moment I inhale all that escapes my mouth is a cry of pain. Dean looks over his shoulder just in time to see the ghost go up in flames. The shifter is standing in front of the burning bone pit where she was buried. He's ecstatic for a glimpse until he looks down at me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Hey little guy, you alright?" Dean says in almost a soft coo and brushes some hair out of my face. I try to answer but I can't take a breath without the immobilizing stabbing pain in my ribs.

"No, no take it easy. Don't talk. I got you, okay?" He scoops me into his arms and lifts me off of the shelf. I don't know which is worse; that I'm being coddled like an infant or that I'm little guy yet again. Sam thought Sammy was bad. At least he kept his name.

When we get back to the motel Dean wraps my ankle and chest. I broke my ankle and have at least one broken or cracked rib. I'm not bleeding internally from what we see so far so I don't have to go to the hospital. Dean uncaps a bottle of whiskey and holds it to my lips.

"To take the edge off." He says while the shifter watches over his shoulder

I take a few gulps and do my best not to cry like a baby.

"Easy. Easy" He says softly

"Maybe we should take him to the hospital" Shifter Sam tentatively

"I got him"

Shifter Sam paces back and forth and heaves a sigh.

"What?" Dean turns to him irritably

"What? Oh, nothing. I guess I'm just still pumped from the ghost lady. I thought maybe we could go out and celebrate, but I guess…" He gestures to me, "we should probably make sure he's okay"

"You guess?"

"You're right. I'm sorry." He says and backs off immediately. "Is anyone else hungry? I'm starving, why don't I just take the car and-"

"No" Dean snaps, "There's no way you're getting your hands on my baby so you can total it"

I squeeze Dean's hand and look at him hard in the eyes. He's not Sam, Dean. You have to see that it's not Sam. Dean gives me a wink and eases himself off of the bed.

"I'm driving."

"De-" I breathe

"Hang tight" He says and swings the door open, "I'll be back"

Dear Castiel, I'm banged up pretty bad right now and I could use that magic touch so I can get better and help save my brothers.

Maybe he can't hear me if I don't say it out loud but I hope he does.

Castiel, wherever you are, I can use a little help. My brothers are in trouble.

I sit up as straight as I can and ignore the pain.

"Cas" I whisper and pain rips through my body, "I need your help. It's for Sam and Dean"

Castiel appears before me in a gush of wind. I guess angels can't read minds.

"Where are Sam and Dean?" He demands

I wave him over "Little help?" I manage to groan. He reaches out and touches my forehead and all of my pain is gone. I hop out of bed and unwrap my bandages.

"What's wrong with Sam and Dean?"

"I'm not sure. I think a shifter kidnapped Sam. Dean's on it now"

"You had me rush over for that? I thought they were in danger"

"They are maybe" I shrug, "don't pout. I needed help and you helped me. I owe you one so thanks"

"You're welcome"

"While you're here, you think you could maybe locate Sam for me, too?"

He's reluctant but he doesn't want to show it. On one hand he wants to help my brothers but on the other, he doesn't want to be involved in our little adventures. It's a good thing he's so attached to Sam and Dean or else he'd be much harder to manipulate. I appear outside of a house in the suburbs alone. If I had a cellphone, I'd call Dean and tell him but I don't. He'll meet up soon enough; I know it.

I pick the front lock easily with my knife and follow the sound of muffled voices through the empty house and down into the basement. It's not his voice but I recognize him right away.

"We're talking about a demon deal. Killing somebody. This isn't a game. You're crossing a line you won't come back from, believe me."

I click the safety off of my gun and go downstairs. Everyone freezes and looks at me. The nerdy kid tied to the chair must be Sam. Two other teenage kids are holding him hostage. A boy and a girl.

"Evan!" Sam shouts

"Who are you?" The boy asks stunned

I fire one shot into his leg and he goes down. The girl is screaming now and my gun is aimed at her head.

"Evan, no!" Sam bellows as if I was about to kill her without figuring out how to fix this. How stupid does he think I am?

I grab a rag from one of the tables and throw it to the weeping girl.

"Go tie this over his wound and apply pressure so he doesn't bleed out" I order

She's shakes and keeps crying.

"Shhhhut up" I say softly to try to calm her down before the neighbors call the cops or something, "if you don't help him, he's going to lose a lot of blood and he may die. You don't want that, right?"

She shakes her head no and I nod. "Good. Go do what I told you. Apply pressure"

While she rushes over to tend to her friend, I cut Sam free from the ropes. He takes the gun out of my hands and hurries over to check on the crying kid.

"Sam, Dean's still with that thing. I thought it was a shifter but I was wrong"

When we call Dean, he tells us that he was already on his way.

"How are you even okay?" He asks me after talking with Sam

"Cas came by and helped me out."



Dean appears with not Sam a few minutes later to reverse the spell. Sam is annoyed with me for shooting the kid, but he was trying to get us killed so I don't feel bad about it. I would've shot him in the face if I had known that we wouldn't even need him for the spell. I want to kill all three of the little psychos but Sam and Dean have a talk with them instead. Gary, the one who stole Sam's body loads his friend into his parent's car to take him to the hospital, but before he leaves he walks over to me.

"I know we didn't get along much, but for what its worth, you and your brothers are pretty bad ass. I wouldn't mind trading places with you for a while" He grins. I grin back at him.

"If Sam didn't have my gun right now, I'd shoot you in your throat. But not before I put a bullet right through your girlfriend's pretty little skull and stabbed your friend's eyes out in front of you"

Gary takes a step backwards and hurries to his car.

"Good talk" I say and tap the hood. Sam squints at me in a way that says that even though he didn't hear what I told the kid, he doesn't approve. I just saved the day so I don't care. I climb into the Impala and lay down across the seats. Dean and Sam exchange one of their lingering silent conversational gazes and I shut my eyes. It's been a long day and I did well. I feel like a hero as I slowly fall asleep to the gentle rhythm of the Impala and the comfort of my brothers' presence.