
Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun

Reborn as a Kryptonian in the Dragon Ball universe, Hal is living his dream! Follow his adventures as he walks the path of power and rebuilds both the Kryptonian and Saiyan Empires. None can stand in his way as he grows to the limits of his multiverse and beyond! This is an alternate take on my other Krypton Reborn, with a different MC than Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story. It takes place in the same greater outerverse as all my Krypton Reborn web novels and will be the fastest paced of the series (so far anyways lol!) This story and all my other fanfictions are available for free on my Patreon, alongside my other web-novels. It will have a very loose upload schedule, as I am focusing my efforts on seven chapters of Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story per week. If this web novel gains enough support in my monthly Patreon polls, it may move to the top spot in the priority list! Thanks to all the readers out there! All constructive criticism and comments are welcome!

VendakSoth · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter Twelve, Part Two

"Come on, Goku, you can hold out a bit longer…" Hal's eyes flashed as his Saiyan brother engaged with the hundred Meta-Cooler survivors. The visions from within his three-minute-sight finally showed an end to his long wait, a completion of Old Kai's ritual. "Dig deep, so I don't have to waste a wish bringing Kami and his evil half back from the dead!"

Note snorted at his commentary, but Hal just shrugged his shoulders. The Namekian dragonballs could only bring one person back at a time, so it would be best to use Earth's to revive any who fell during this battle.

"That unusual fellow is finally moving from his position inside the sun…" Old Kai waved at the tv and shifted the perspective to just above Earth's companion star. "He looks rather worked up!"

– – – –

"GOKU!!!" Jor-EL snapped back to awareness with a jerk, his smallest movement enough to send ripples through the surface of the sun. "How long was I unconscious?"

He shook his head and propelled himself upward, away from the nourishing heat and back to the cold void of space. His eyes zeroed in on the third planet from the star, where an embattled Goku challenged dozens of abominations.

"Their power has grown, but so has mine," Jor-EL raced forward, beyond the reach of the sunlight at his back. At the young Saiyan's side in an instant, he released a savage blast of energy from his palms. "Divide and conquer, Young Master! Half for me and half for you!"

Goku responded with a weary nod, his gi ripped to shredded remnants. The golden aura around him flickered, before the Saiyan roared out and rallied his strength. He dove into the crowd of mutated horrors, ki expanded to scatter his enemies like ten-pins.

Jor-EL gave his opponents a feral grin, a wreath of solar flame wrapped around his body. These forbidden experiments must be purged, wiped from creation for the safety of all living beings. Twisted plasma extended like blades, the Kryptonian android stepped forward in a blur.

"Turn to ashes, beasts," three of the mutants fell, atomized from within by the light of his flame. Thirty remained, faces warped with near-mindless rage. "I told you before, this world is protected… NOW BEGONE!"

A spherical pulse of solar energy reached out from his core, super compressed fire that cooked a dozen monstrosities in an instant. The remainder flared with a bizarre light, a cascade of power that resisted his own.

The evolutionary ability of these forbidden creatures would never stop, a constant growth aimed at the throat of the universe. Jor-EL ground his teeth, already in motion towards the survivors. His arms chopped out, driven through the monsters' flesh by brute force alone.

A savage explosion flashed from over the horizon, the conclusion of a fatigued Goku's battle. The Saiyan drifted over, his transformation barely in place. Two of their enemies remained, both swollen and distorted with power.

"We must strike together, destroy them and their metal womb in a single strike!" Jor-EL lashed out, each blow accompanied by a flare of plasmatic light. He drove both mutants back, closer to the planetoid that birthed them. "Charge that beam of yours, one final blow to finish it all!"

Goku nodded his head, one eye swollen shut from his long fought battle. He pulled his hands behind his back, air drawn into his lungs in a haggard gasp. Jor-EL redoubled his efforts, focused on containment as the Saiyan prepared his most powerful attack.

"Ka-me…ha-me… HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Goku's aura flared, the last gasp of his Super Saiyan form channelled into the blast. Blue and gold brightened the skies, a false dawn that raced towards the invaders and their ship.

Jor-EL shifted to the side, just clear of the attack. Hands raised, he added his own energy to the blast, a corona of white-gold that inflated the kamehameha to more than double its original size.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!!" a mechanised voice boomed from within the silver planet, terrified and enraged. The surface of the invading world shifted, reformed as it released a wave of energy to clash with Goku's blast. "I refuse to be destroyed before I can face my nemesis!"

Twin plumes of flame battled for supremacy, gold and blue locked against silver and violet. Jor-EL opened his reserves, core emptied as he poured fire against fire. The living world held for a moment, before its energy folded under the light of the sun.

The reinforced kamehameha washed over the foreign planetoid, rooted it out and cauterised away all traces of its presence. A smile raised the edges of Jor-EL's lips, even as he struggled to remain in the air. His core was reduced to an ember, barely enough to maintain his systems.

"We've done it…"

A ripple of black light flared out from within the blast, a wave of force that dissipated Goku's attack like the wind. A second pulse followed, powerful enough to dim the light of the stars. The atmosphere surged backward, driven by an overwhelming roar.

Four times the height of a man, every joint covered in a bony protrusion, a humanoid figure walked from the ruins of the shattered spacecraft. It opened its mouth and repeated its bellow, fists raised in challenge to the skies.

– – – –

"Now!" Hal rose to his feet, mind turned inward as he assessed both his body and his three minute sight. A new power simmered within his heart, a boundless force that begged to be set free. "Supreme Kai, King Kai, could I ask one of you to teleport me back to Earth?"

He could use his spacecraft, but the Kai's could transport him with greater accuracy and speed over such a long distance. A wave of ki accompanied his question, the rise of a peaceful leviathan.

The power within him surged, magnified beyond anything he'd ever experienced. The Mystic transformation was truly a wonder, a perfect balance of strength and control. It tapped into the ocean of his potential and shook the world of the Kais.

"So powerful…" the Supreme Kai staggered back, eyes widened beyond their limits. "How is this even possible?"

"I told you, my ritual is the real deal!" Old Kai smirked, back bent as he struggled to stand under Hal's pressure. He rapped his younger counterpart on the head with his staff and cackled. "See what you can do, when you're working with premium materials!"

"How can this be the energy of a mortal?" Kabito slumped backward, horror in his gaze as he took in Hal's unrestrained ki. "What are you, Hal-EL of Krypton?"

"In a rush, that's what I am," Hal shook his head and placed his hand on King Kai's shoulder. "I'd forgotten that you can use instant transmission… please, take me back to Earth!"

King Kai let out an expansive sigh as his antenna twitched. His head gave a short nod and the world shifted around them, replaced by the darkened skies of Earth. The portly deity shrugged Hal's hand from his shoulder and stepped back, gone before he could even thank him.

"I'm not far from the battlefield," the land blurred past beneath him, turned to shadows as Hal pressed his speed to the limit. The creature that walked free of the Big Gete Star wasn't something he'd ever expected to see. "I need to hurry… even combined, Jor-EL and Goku might not be able to handle a real Doomsday on their own!"

***Power Levels and other notes***

Hal: 13,500,000 (135 million with symbiote armour enhancement, 270 million with symbiote transformation, 135 billion/ 270 billion with Mystic form x1000)

Jor-EL: 3.5 billion after his temporary supercharge, 20 million after his core is drained

Meta-Coolers: 750 million at the start of battle, 1.5 billion by the time of the first clone's death.

Goku: 45,000,000 after in battle zenkai boost (450 million at Max kaio-ken: 10x, 2.25 billion after Super Saiyan 50x multiplier)

Doomsday: ???

Thanks again for reading! This novel will have a slower release rate than my other novel, at least for now. I do monthly content polls on my Patreon, so if enough people are interested then this novel will move up in priority! My top priority novel gets seven chapter parts a week on the patreon and five on all other platforms. All constructive criticism and comments are welcome!



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