

By restarting the Krugo computer, Kim Juran has proven beyond doubt to this commission that he knows a lot of information about this space mission, which he is unwilling to discuss with us. The main reason for his unusual confidence is probably his connection with some conspiratorial group. For now, I suspect the conspirators to be some sort of Robotron faction. For these reasons, we need to know the entire memory of Kim Juran. I was forced to decide to scan his brain and remove his entire memory

Python47 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

the nightmare

I know I'm asleep. People sometimes realize that they are asleep even when they are asleep, and when they dream they realize that it is a dream. I dream too, mostly nightmares. I am waiting for a terrible nightmare. Who knows how long I have been waiting! How many years have passed? Maybe millions of years, maybe a few moments. Where there is no meaning of time, how is time calculated?

In between, someone called. Who called? who called

No answer, endless emptiness around, who will answer?

Someone called again. There was no answer, so he called again, and then kept calling. No sound, no speech, no language, but still someone is calling.

From afar, slowly one answers the call. Who called me?

I, I am calling. A surprise cheer is his, you have come? did you hear my call

Maybe I heard. What happens when you hear?

Joy, so much joy! How long we wait, then something comes, how curiously we open it when we see an inanimate object, what despair. But does a complex organism like you compare? Arrange the long molecules in rows, how wonderful, aha! How many molecules do you have? One hundred thousand trillion, or one million trillions? Do you know what that means? That means a trillion joy!

Why joy? What joy?

The joy of seeing, the joy of touching, the joy of creating, the joy of destroying! There is no end to the joy! I will see, touch, and change at will. Aha, Where do we start? From the brain? Where do millions of neuron cells organize thousands of data? This is your control system. What a joy to open and see, what satisfaction to know what information there is! Will I see it first, or will I see it later?

your wish

It's the most complicated, I'll look at it last before I look at the other parts. These two parts jutting out on either side, looking alike, but mirror images of each other, terminating in five small parts, must be grasped by—what's its name? There must be in the brain, I will open it. hand! hand! It is called a hand. There is a finger at the end of the hand, you can catch small things with it, it's a lot of fun! How does it work? Will I open it? This little one stops suddenly, then stops. Who knows how long it stops! Maybe a moment, maybe an era. Where time is fixed, where is the gap between a moment and an era? Then again, you don't want to know who I am?

Maybe it is.

Of course, it is. Of course, it is. One whose brain is thus arranged must want to know everything. But your brain is put in a dormant state, you call it to sleep. sleep you are sleeping I can communicate with you even when you are asleep, I am no longer using your senses, I am directly creating waves in your brain. But what is the use of knowing this? These things will be in your brain, but I will open and redecorate one molecule of your brain, and then you will not remember anything! What is there, but I tell you, as long as you know, it's fun! As I am glad to know, you must be glad too.

Maybe it is.

You know us as Grahapunja. You gave us the name Rukun Grahapunj. Big surprise! You give a name to everything. Everything has a name or a number! Stop-stop-stop! Heavy surprise name! You don't know anything else about us. How would you know, you don't live here? We are scattered over hundreds of thousands of miles. You are made of molecules, and your molecules are held together by electromagnetic forces. We are also made of molecules, our molecules are also held together by electromagnetic forces, but that are external. What you call the Wicked Force is our true existence. That's why we're so big, that's why we cover so much space. Our power is also limited. The strength of the wicked force will be less than the electric magnetic force! But we are bigger, so we can compensate for that. We can see inside you by using Wick Force. Whether to send neutrinos! Neutrinos know where they want to go, of course, to send many, but what is the problem? What happened, your curiosity is waning.

don't know

It is not supposed to know. Does everyone know everything? Now let's see what else there is. You see with these two things near the brain. Seeing is another interesting thing, you have to see if you don't see you can't tell how things are! What if I stop seeing you? Let's make it so that you don't see it anymore, or it's more fun that you see it, but you see it differently! What do you call the eye, the retina in which we are aware of ultraviolet light? Then you won't see normal things anymore but you will start seeing unusual things! What if the two eyes are placed in two places instead of in one place? give?

He stopped again. And at that moment an amazing thing happened. In my sleep, I feel something happening. My dreams, nightmares, and existence are slowly disappearing. I'm slowly sinking into darkness, my feelings are slowly disappearing. My existence is fading away.

From far away I hear someone screaming, shouting, what's going on? what's going on Is your biological being ending? Why is it ending? You are turning into the inanimate matter from the cold! Inert matter? Inferior matter! Lifeless inanimate matter? Inert matter…

As I slowly sink into the darkness, I feel that what was always awake inside me, consciously or unconsciously, is disappearing.