

By restarting the Krugo computer, Kim Juran has proven beyond doubt to this commission that he knows a lot of information about this space mission, which he is unwilling to discuss with us. The main reason for his unusual confidence is probably his connection with some conspiratorial group. For now, I suspect the conspirators to be some sort of Robotron faction. For these reasons, we need to know the entire memory of Kim Juran. I was forced to decide to scan his brain and remove his entire memory

Python47 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

An unwelcome visitor(4)

There is not much time, many ICs, it will take a long time to pick up. Although Lucas said he couldn't stay long, he ended up staying with me, so I was back from work within half an hour.

After taking off the space suit and putting it in place, I approached the microphone and said, Lucas, is there anything else I can do?

Why Lucas didn't answer my question? I said a little surprised, Lucas, what do I do now?

Lucas still doesn't answer me. I called out scared, Lucas.

No response. I scream now, Lucas, where are you?

My voice echoed back through the spaceship, but still Lucas didn't answer. The main computer replied, saying, Your Excellency Kim Juran, it is with great sadness that I inform you that Lucas is no longer here.


You removed all of the ICs that Lucas had a while ago.

Before I could say anything, the main computer said, In my circuit room, I was speaking to you imitating the tone of Lucas's voice. I am sorry for deceiving you, but I had no other way to protect myself.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't believe my ears, and a deep depression suddenly came over me. How close to life is to come back again. The main computer said in a mechanical voice, Your Highness Kim Juran, you must now enter the capsule. Being outside is dangerous for you.

I throw the screwdriver at the sound of the computer's throat in futile exasperation. It smashed into a monitor, pieces of it flying around me.

You are treating Kim Juran like a child. If you don't enter the capsule yourself, I will have to force it," said the main computer in a calm tone. Lucas is no longer there to save you, you have finished him off with your own hands.

I suddenly realized anew that these moments were the last moments of my life. Whether it's the terrible change inside the capsule or suffocation outside, my life will end now! How can I get revenge on this ghost computer before it dies?

Suddenly the entire spaceship became icy cold. I gripped my body with both hands and shivered, what a terrible cold, as if someone had thrown me into ice-cold water. I heard the computer's voice say, Your Excellency Kim Juran, the capsule has been warmed for you.

Slowly the capsule doors opened, a comforting warmth from within spreading inside the spacecraft. I stopped as I moved towards the capsule like a greedy, what about a warm haven? If I could barely stay in this frigid spaceship for a few more minutes, I would be hypothermic and no one would be able to save me. What is the point of trying to survive?

Come on Kim Juran, the computer said monotonously, I'm taking the oxygen out of the air now, you're going to have a hard time breathing outside.

It was really hard for me to breathe, I felt like I couldn't breathe even after filling my chest with air. What pain what pain! Shivering against the bitter cold, I breathed like a madman, but I was still suffocating.

Your Excellency Kim Juran, come, come inside the capsule, once again you can breathe deeply, and sleep safely in a warm shelter.

I dragged myself like a senseless animal into the capsule, and took a deep breath, oh what peace! My whole body started to tingle with the comforting warmth.

Sleep your majesty, Kim Juran. good night

From where a light blue light came and spread. A sweet melody and a sweet smell wafted through the air. My eyes suddenly felt sleepy. Is it over? Is it all over then?

Kim Juran. I was half asleep and half awake when I heard someone calling me.

Kim Juran.

I woke up in shock, Lucas!

Yes, Kim Juran.

You! are you alive

Yes, Kim Juran. I'm still alive somehow because I picked up the first processor.

I tried my hardest to stay awake, but sleep started to creep into my eyes. Lucas's voice seemed to come from far away. He slowly said in a sad voice, "I am alive indeed, but now I have no more power." I'm sorry Kim Juran, but you have to go to the Rukun planet.

I said with great difficulty, you can kill me somehow?

"I'm sorry Kim Juran, I don't even have that power right now," Lucas said slowly. It will still be a few months before Rukun gets to planet Earth, I'll try and see if I can grab some memory somehow, if I can I'll try to kill you, I promise. If I can't—

I couldn't hear what Lucas was saying anymore, I fell asleep against my will. A terrible sleep with a strange feeling of panic, futile outbursts and sadness. Evil spirits in hell must live with such feelings for ages.