

By restarting the Krugo computer, Kim Juran has proven beyond doubt to this commission that he knows a lot of information about this space mission, which he is unwilling to discuss with us. The main reason for his unusual confidence is probably his connection with some conspiratorial group. For now, I suspect the conspirators to be some sort of Robotron faction. For these reasons, we need to know the entire memory of Kim Juran. I was forced to decide to scan his brain and remove his entire memory

Python47 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs


The feeling inside the feeling, the existence inside the existence, me inside me, they are no more. The existence that dreams, sees nightmares, waits for horror with fear, that existence is disappearing. When I do not exist, then this universe also has nothing, nothing anywhere. Emptiness—that is an amazing emptiness, it has no description.

What is this death? I have been afraid of this death for so long.

I opened my eyes and looked. I am sleeping in a white room. Is it a dream? I close my eyes and open them again, no, it's not a dream, I'm lying in a white room, and my body is covered with sheets. There is no sound in the room, if you listen closely you can hear a faint humming sound coming from my right side. What does it sound like? I wanted to turn my head to see, immediately I know where the unbearable pain was. With a small moan I closed my eyes, the yellow light started to play in front of my eyes, I clenched my teeth and let the pain subside, I carefully opened my eyes again. A girl is leaning on me, what a beautiful girl! Seeing me looking at the girl she smiles sweetly and suddenly I recognize her – Nisha.

Yes, I am Nisha. Welcome to the world, Kim Juran!

I am in the world. What happened to me?

You returned to the spacecraft, and the temperature inside the capsule was two hundred seventy-two degrees below zero.



How did it happen?

don't know The girl smiles sweetly, no one knows. Somehow the memory of the spacecraft's computer is completely gone. Someone has taken it away.

Lucas! My face burst into laughter, must be Lucas!

The girl leans more on top of me this time, I smell the sweet smell of her body. The girl widened her eyes and said, let me tell you a few things, I will never get another chance. As you were regaining consciousness I turned on the Prazmo lithograph, with it on the sound of this room cannot escape, so we can talk quietly. Not long, so I will tell you now, some very important things.


Number one is your safety. You were sentenced to death, as punishment for which you wandered from the Rukun planet, now legally bound to release you. So you will be released. It is a matter of what condition you will get. Don't expect much, I told you before. Nisha pretended to smile a little.

You can say whatever you want to the authorities, it doesn't matter. Because what will be done to you is already decided upon your return.

What will be done?

Time will tell. Nisha avoided my question and said in a serious voice, you can say whatever you want to the authorities, except for two things. One, you were contacted by Lucas on the spaceship. Two, I asked Lucas to protect you. This is important, for my safety.

Do not try to force me to say something.

Not for now. First, there will be a farce of trial with you again.


yes, Kim Juran, the time for our quiet talk is passing, remember what I said.

will keep I stopped for a while and said, Nisha.


Why did you save me?

The mechanical hum that had so long obscured our conversation suddenly stopped. Neesha looked into my eyes and smiled without speaking. My chest suddenly moved, a human, what a wonderful experience.

Nisha moves out of sight, I hear the tone of her voice, as if to say, Kim Juran has regained consciousness.

Immediately I heard someone's excited voice, came?



just now

I am coming

Can come, but can't talk to him now.


Nisha said impatiently, this man was sleeping in a small capsule for about a year. When he was rescued his temperature had been near absolute zero for no one knows how long. I wouldn't let anyone talk to him without checking him thoroughly.

The man said, "You must know, Kim Juran is a death sentence defendant?"

The defendant was He has served the punishment that was given to him, now he is not guilty of anything.

That is the judge's decision, they will decide. I'm not the judge, I don't know.

I'm no judge either, but I know.

The man paused and said, you see, Kim is very busy saving Juran's life!

Yes, I am a doctor. I've been trying to save people all my life, it may sound strange to you, but that's my job.

Nisha pressed the switch and turned off the key and came to me and said, I am giving you an injection, you should sleep a little. Syringe in hand, Nisha leans down to look at me, then suddenly gently touches my forehead with her lips. Ah, how long after I was touched by a man of flesh and blood.

I suddenly thought of a strange thing, is Nisha human, or a Robotron?

I couldn't ask him, the touch of the needle on my hand made me fall into a deep sleep.

I am sitting in a wheelchair. I can walk slowly if I try, but am still in a wheelchair most of the time. Gradually, strength returned to my hands and feet, the parts of my body were surprisingly weak due to lack of use for a long time. Nisha is sitting next to me, there are many other people around, so consider her behaviour towards me. Nisha can come to this commission as my doctor, normally she is not supposed to be here. On the other side of the big room, four people are sitting at the black table, very high-ranking people, it can be seen. An angry look like an unhappy person. Sitting quietly, not even talking to themselves. Scientists are sitting on a black table on the right side, it is clear that they are scientists. Everyone is cheering, talking to each other, writing something on paper, and laughing. From sitting, I impatiently said to Nisha who was sitting next to me, how much longer?

This is how it started.

What are you waiting for?

Kruger is for computers. Loading the program. Who knows which loads, Magma Four must not.

Why, what if Magma Four?

Never mind, Magma Four is a bit clumsy.