

By restarting the Krugo computer, Kim Juran has proven beyond doubt to this commission that he knows a lot of information about this space mission, which he is unwilling to discuss with us. The main reason for his unusual confidence is probably his connection with some conspiratorial group. For now, I suspect the conspirators to be some sort of Robotron faction. For these reasons, we need to know the entire memory of Kim Juran. I was forced to decide to scan his brain and remove his entire memory

Python47 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

An unwelcome visitor(3)

To do that I need to take over some important processors of the main computer, I can't do that, so I need your help.


You will pick up some important ICs from the basic electronic circuit of the computer. In the circuit they are mounted in large sockets, you go and take them out with a brow driver. I will tell you which ones to open. If you can do that, the main computer will be weakened, and I can then take over.

Where are the computer ICs?

I will tell you Before going there you need to put on a space suit. Here's one I know, I don't know what condition it's in. I hope you are well. After this, go upstairs, opening the door on the right will allow you to enter directly into the electronic circuit. Back there you'll see a two thousand-pin IC—the big gold-coloured radiator on top, no way to go wrong. There are nine in a row, remove all nine.

quite Is it not difficult to pick up?

No, don't put two small stacks on either side, break it if you can't lift it—talk about ruining the thing.

ok, I'm not used to floating in the air, and after a while, I was flipping over. I continued to talk to Lucas while somehow hanging on to the handle of an electronic module.

Where is the space suit?

In the round lid box on the right. It cannot be used for more than half an hour, so must be returned within half an hour.


Don't work too hard or you'll get hungry, there's no food in this spaceship, you might not know.

No food? What a disaster!

I'm sorry, you still have to wait almost nine months for food. So finish work early and go to sleep.

I've never worn a space suit before, but it didn't take me long to put it on, it's all written on how to put it on. The space suit has been developed based on long-term experience, so it is very easy to wear. Adjusted the air pressure inside and arranged the communication, immediately the main computer was heard, His Excellency Kim Juran, what do you want to do?

Lucas said, Kim Juran, you don't listen to him, he wants to scare you in many ways, don't believe anything. Go straight up, and call me back when you're done. I must withdraw now.

The main computer said in a serious voice, "Your Highness Kim Juran, surely you are not going up after hearing about Lucas?"

Without saying a word I floated upstairs and opened the door with a brow driver.

The main computer said sternly, Your Highness Juran, you know this door is forbidden to open, can I finish you off for opening it?

Why don't you give? I opened the door and asked to enter, who forbade you?

There is another door inside, the type of door to protect the air pressure, I pushed it inside and the bright light blinded my eyes. As far as can be seen only square IC. If you could enter the human brain, you would see such neuron cells.

Go back, Your Highness Juran. Every IC here. Necessary, one little slip of this could cause the spacecraft to be immobile forever, and we'd be stuck here for life! If by mistake a necessary i. C. Removed, the entire spaceship can be destroyed by an explosion in a moment.

I ignored the words of the computer and continued to float forward. At the very front, there are supposed to be big ICs of 2000 pins. There will be a square golden radiator on top, no mistake. Count from the right and start from the number seven. About to pick up nine processors, and then I'm done.

Your Excellency Kim Juran, the computer now begins to plead, and you go back. You don't know what terrible thing you're about to do. We will be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

I could see the big processors up front, the golden square radiator on top, and nothing like that around, no way to go wrong. Taking out the number seven from the right side, I started to open two small screws. The computer began to beg for his life now, His Highness Kim Juran, I am begging you for alms. This processor is like my life, remove it and I will be lifeless, let me live. I promise you I'll turn the spaceship around and take you back to Earth. Trust me, I'm a computer, computers never lie.

I unscrewed two screws, inserted the screwdriver under the IC and lifted the processor with a yank, immediately the computer stopped with a screeching sound, and suddenly there was a grave silence inside. Nine processors are supposed to be picked up in a row. I was on my way to the second one when I heard Lucas say, Nice, Kim Juran. Don't delay, pick it up quickly.

You! I thought you said you had to step aside for a while!

Was supposed to move away, but got around to saying you removed the processor.


Yes, don't be late.

I'm going to put the screwdriver down and pick up the processor, Lucas suddenly said in a panicked voice, "Wait."

what happened

Computers have replaced all processors.


All memories are left behind, there is no point in picking them up now.


Lucas said in a worried voice, "Hurry back, the rear processors need to be picked up."

I said hesitantly but put them away, no harm done.

"No harm, but it's getting late," Lucas said impatiently. I cannot stay long, must leave at once. Let's take a quick step back and show you which ones to pick up.

I drifted back. Lucas kept telling me and I looked at the IC one by one. I keep removing it.