
Kore wa Ghoul Desu Ka?

I, Shinozaki Sen was an Otaku and a NEET. Everyday all i do is watch Anime and Movie, read Novel and Manga or go around surving Internet. I sleept last night like usual. So, why do I woke up in a Cemetery with a Silver Haired beauty right beside me? and that face, is she Cosplaying as my Favorite character Eucliwood Hellschite? if so, she has done it quite well. I thought to myself at that time. Wish Fulfillment fanfic. If you don't like, don't read!

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 49

It was noontime and we were boarding our car to go back to Alnus. Just as I was about to get into the car Pina comes and goes down taking my leg and start to beg leniency with Itami follow after her with her two subordinate .

"Pease Aikawa-sama, I will do anything but please just don't kill my father. Even if he is like that he is still my father!" she said crying.

Seeing this, Eu pulled my clothes and says. "Bullying is not good!" while looking at me with her puppy eyes.

"Sigh, alright I will spare just your father! But he will be house arrest for the rest of his life after this!" I said.

Hearing this Pina immediately gets up while wiping her tears. " I also want to go to Alnus to see your country and to finalize our treaty!"

"Alright, go get ready for it!" I said and she goes inside the Mannor to get ready.

It was around five minutes of waiting that I hear a commotion from Itami group.

"Oi Captain, there is a group get in through the gates!" said Kurata.

"Huh? Who is it? There is the soldier from Shinra guarding the gates so they must be allies or something." said Itami while taking his Binoculars to see it.

'Hmmm, it seems that the Princess Knight group has come.' I thought as I look toward their direction.

Leading their group is a golden-haired girl with drills hair while wearing a tiara. Besides her was a silver-haired girl whose hair cut short showing a boyish look.

Arriving at the mansion they eyed us warily while making sure they are far from us.

"Huh, I thought they would threaten us aggressively?" I said confused.

"I just heard from the guard of east gates that they already meet with the Kure's who guard that area!" whispered Karla to me.

"I see, they must have frightened them to behave here!" I say while looking at Itami and Kurata who was fanboying at the drill hairstyle.

The group walks toward Grey who was waiting for the princess and Hamilton in front of the mansion with us and start asking him for info.

After hearing about what happened from Grey the Drill and Tomboy goes inside to meet with the princess while the rest park their horse before waiting with Grey.

Not long after, Pina, Hamilton and the two girls come out and start to walk towards me.

"We are ready, Aikawa-sama!" said Pina.

"Hmm, and this two is?" I ask her.

"This is my knights, the golden-haired one is Bozes co Palesti while the silver-haired one is Panache Fure Kalgi! They are asking permission to come with me as a guard."

"So, Hamilton did not come?" I asked.

"No, she will be managing the knights with Grey in my stead." she answers.

"I see, get into the car then!" as I say this, Bozes and Panache glared at me and was about to say something when I look at them flaring my Sakki which shut them up.

We get into the car with Sera as our driver while Pina, Bozes, and Panache seat at the back with Karla, Kurisu, Haruna, and Rory. Eu sits on my lap as usual. Bozes and Panache still shaken from my Sakki were shocked when the see Rory was with us.

"Okay, let's dispatch!" I said to the walkie talk and we left for Alnus.


It seems that Itami already reports to the JSDF that the Princess will come since they were showing off their military might right now as we reach Alnus.

"Wha-what is this? The iron Pegasus and now the iron Elephant! There is also that rod that fire off an explosion that can easily tear us apart!." said Pina with a stunned look with her two guards shaken again seeing this.

"That was Helicopter, Tank, and Gun. This is how war in our country is." said Kurisu looking at the Army which was playing war.

Getting inside the base, I called Karen to send us escort for the Princess. Itami split up with us as usual as we continue on toward Shinra building.

"Girls, you wait here with the Princess for a while until the escort comes. I will go meet with General Hazama first!" I said as they disembark the car while I took the driver seat. But, Sera get into the car again as I turn on the car.

"I still have to teach Lelei!" she said with a pink tint on her face.

"And... The real reason is?" I ask as we went to the JSDF Base.

"I want to be with you, just the two of us!" she said looking away.

"hehe, you just have to says so and I will make time to accompany you!" I said with a smile.

Hearing this Sera operate the car. So the AI took control of driving then she crawled unto my lap.

"We have a few minutes to deepen our bond. So let's do it!" she says and she starts to kiss me which I received. We continue to kiss until the AI told us that we have arrived at the JSDF.

"Sigh, it was too short!" said Sera disappointed.

"Then I will make up for it to you this night!" I said with a smirk.

"Good, I will hold to it!" she said and left to search for Lelei as I go to look for the General.


After the meeting with the General, it was decided that Japan will also attend the Peace treaty between me and the Princess as even if Ginza was my Domain. It was still under Japan jurisdiction and we are neighbor so we have to get along with each other.

Out of Hazama office, I went to search for Sera and find her talking with Lelei and Kuribayashi on the table while eating. I walk toward them and heard Lelei talk in Japanese smoothly.

"Ohh, Lelei has become good at Japanese?" I said as I walk toward them.

"Ayumu, already done with the meeting?" asked Sera.

"Yeah, it was done! But still, as expected of a Sage. Your learning pace is good!" I said toward Lelei.

"It is nothing, from what I heard from Sera-sensei you learn our language in a day after hearing prisoner from this world talking." she said which was half right as I learn it after hearing they talk for an hour which was not as impressive as Kurokami Medaka which was the holder of The End before me. She can learn a coded language in the midst of a fight from what I remember.

" Hahaha, don't compare yourself to me! Anyway, Sera let's go back! You want your reward tonight right!" I says and Kuribayashi and Lelei goes red from that. 'Huh, did she told them about what we will do tonight?' I thought while Sera dragging me to our car with a red face.