
Kore wa Ghoul Desu Ka?

I, Shinozaki Sen was an Otaku and a NEET. Everyday all i do is watch Anime and Movie, read Novel and Manga or go around surving Internet. I sleept last night like usual. So, why do I woke up in a Cemetery with a Silver Haired beauty right beside me? and that face, is she Cosplaying as my Favorite character Eucliwood Hellschite? if so, she has done it quite well. I thought to myself at that time. Wish Fulfillment fanfic. If you don't like, don't read!

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 48

Getting into their own room, Kurisu immediately pulled Ayumu into the bed and undressed him. Seeing this Eu and Sera joined them and they had sex for the rest of the night.

Meanwhile, Itami and the others continue their party as his other squadmates joined them in the middle after their check-up of the car. Haruna and Karla are having a blast dueling with the warrior bunny with Kuribayashi.

In another room, Pina was having a meeting with her two confidants. After seeing Itami in the afternoon, she changes her target to Itami as he seems to look like easily manipulated in her eyes. She has been trying to get in contact with him at noon but he seems to be busy so she never gets the chance and now Itami was in a party mood that it was hard to barge in. So she will wait till morning to talk with him.


In the morning~~ Ayumu Pov~~

After satisfying my three girls I clean myself and having an exercise by running around the town by parkour. I get to see the townspeople who greeted me as I passed by. They know that I was one the lord guests so they are polite with me. Especially after my men deal with the bandits which they are thankful for.

After my morning routine, I am back and wash myself up joined by Eu and Sera who just got up.

"Where is Kurisu? Is she not with you two?" I asked.

"Sleep!" answer Eu still sleepy.

"She is having a hangover like usual so she sleeps it off! She said she will wash it off her system with magic later!" answer Sera as she gets into the bathtub to join me an Eu who was on my lap as usual.

Not long after, Haruna and Karla joined us in the bath which ends with us having another sex session as Haruna and Karla demand their reward for their work.


As Ayumu was having his normal morning, Itami was ambushed by Pina co Lada as he was having breakfast and they were now having a meeting.

"Itami-dono, I know that the Empire has attacked your country unprovoked and they must be angry for it. But, can we talk it out and we can have a piece treaty like how you do it with the other Lord from the Coalition Army?" she asked.

"Etto, Princess Pina, I am sorry to say it like this but, I don't have the qualification to make this kind of decision. Besides, the City where your army invades is the territory of the Shinra Corporation in other words Ayumu's Domains, which was granted to him by Japan and we don't have a hold over his territory. If you want to talk about this kind of thing you should take it to him!" he answers her.

"This! Can you help us smooth things over with him? I don't I think he will listen to me. But, I am sure he will listen to you. I heard that you are friend with Ayumu-sama, Itami-dono!" she said.

"Sigh, I will see what I can do about that! But, it is up to you to convince him with your plea, okay! I might be friend with him but I don't meddle with his business. A friend is friend, business is business if I mix friendship and business our friendship will end fast!" he answers.

"I understand, I thank you just for this opportunity!" Pina answer.

"Okay, now let me have my breakfast peacefully! I will call you when he is available." he said and go back to his breakfast which has become cold and decided to go meet with Ayumu as he knows Ayumu just having his own food which might be still warm.


Noon times~~With Ayumu~~

"Itami, what are you still doing here? Didn't you have a meeting with the senate?" I asked as Itami come in as I had a Brunch as it was too late for breakfast now.

"This, let's not beat around the bush as I know you already know what I am here about! What with that smirk of yours!" he said looking at my smirk.

"Ehh, you found out? Well, I already bug this Mansion up that there will be no secret here that I don't know." I said with a smile.

"Sigh, So, what will you do about the Princess?" he said while taking a seat and serve himself with food.

"Hmm, I will meet her, but anything she says is useless as I already have my own plan with the Empire." I said.

"And that is?" he asked.

"It was about time that this world knows about gender equality as Pina will be the first Female Empress of this world. She will be under my rule of course, hehehe."

"Damn, you are trying to make a revolution here? I pity that princess now, as she will work under you!" said Itami.

"Oi, I am good to my subordinate! Don't say it liked I abused them!" I said.

"Yeah, you just make them stressed with work especially when you don't want to bother with it! Look at your secretary, Kaede-chan and Karen-chan! You just dump them with work you don't like! I don't think it will be different from the princess!" he talks back.

"That is of course! I don't bother with menial tasks!" I said proudly.

"So, when will you meet her?"

"Later, before wo goes back to Alnus! I still have my own meeting with Formal." I said.

"Okay then!" he said and we continue to eat.


After my meeting with Formal, I was now sit in a throne-like chair with Pina and her entourage stand before me.

"I thank you for granting me with this meeting, Lord Aikawa Ayumu!" said Pina with a bow.

" Let's get on with it as I have to back to Alnus after this! From what I heard from Itami, you want a have a piece treaty with us?" I said.

"Yes, we know that we invaded your country unprovoked. We are ready to pay reparation in order to make it happen. I heard you also do it with all the Coalition Army Lord. So, I am sure you won't mind if you add another one." she said nervously under my stare.

"I see, so that's it. But, I refused!" I said while making Kishibe Rohan poses making Itami and the girls hold their laugh from the abruptness.

"I will ask you this, Princess Pina! If in war where the Empire was sure to win without a scratches and the Enemy suggest a peace treaty. What will that do?" I ask and she was stunned.

"Let me tell you, they will ignore it! Why would they accept when they can easily plunder all Enemy wealth rather than measly peace offering?" I said coldly and she starts to sweat bucket.

" Besides, why would I let a snake off to grow if I can kill it and be done with it? As I am sure after this peace the Empire will start to gather its force strengthen itself learn from my technology and start to declare war again! As long as people like your father and brother were in charge of power they won't be satisfied with the status quo. They will want more and work on some convoluted scheme to overthrow my power. Like how they open the gate to invade my home to satisfy greed!" I said and the room was silent while Pina is already teary-eyed.




"I can let the Empire survives!" I said making her look up in hope.

"But, people like your Father and Brother will be killed and you will be it's new ruler under my management!" I told her and she was like someone who was poured with cold water.

"You can think about it! And when you come with your answer asked my subordinate who was stationed here to bring you to Alnus!" I said while leaving the room along with the girls. Itami stay for a while to talk with the princess.