
Kore wa Ghoul Desu Ka?

I, Shinozaki Sen was an Otaku and a NEET. Everyday all i do is watch Anime and Movie, read Novel and Manga or go around surving Internet. I sleept last night like usual. So, why do I woke up in a Cemetery with a Silver Haired beauty right beside me? and that face, is she Cosplaying as my Favorite character Eucliwood Hellschite? if so, she has done it quite well. I thought to myself at that time. Wish Fulfillment fanfic. If you don't like, don't read!

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 50

The next day I wake up close to noon, after the night of sex with Sera. I call the other and we prepare to go back to Japan after breakfast. Today there will be a Diet meeting and also My, Pina, and Japan Negotiation.

After finish out late breakfast, we went to the Gate and over there Itami, Tomita, Kuribayashi, and Lelei is already waiting.

"Sorry for the wait! Are you ready to go back to Japan?" I asked them and they all answer with "Oohh" enthusiastically.

"Well then, Dispatch!" I shouted and our car went through the gate.


Arriving at the other side, we are greeted by the already complete of the Station that I build around the gate.

"Whoaaa, So much of the big building. Much more that the one in Alnus." said Panache surprised.

"Yeah but, does this country so small that they have to build upward?" asked Pina seriously.

"Or they might have so much population here that they need it." said Lelei.

"and the Empire declare war with this people?" said Pina with a shudder. "Rory-sama and the elf seem to not be surprised by it." Pina continue, looking at Rory and Tuka who was chill at the spectacle.

"Well, we already visited here a few days ago with Ayumu." answer Rory.

"Hei Ayumu, I want to eat Ramen again!" said Tuka.

"Hahaha, okay then let's go eat first. After that look for clothes for the diet meeting. Karen, you take care of the negotiations with Pina after this." I told them.

"Yes, Ayumu-sama. Please leave it to me." She answers.

While we are talking, Itami was approached by three men and in the lead is a man name Komakado from the Public Safety.

"Hei Itami, let's go! And Komakado-san, what are you doing here?" I said.

"Ohh, Aikawa-sama, I don't know you know about me." he said. "As for why I am here, I was to escort you and the Visitor as they were here." he said.

"Sigh, this is Ginza and my domain. You thought someone got the guts to make trouble here? Even if by chance they got the guts, you think they can make trouble to me?" I ask him.

"As you said, there no one has the guts to make trouble for you. This is just a formality that the higher up send me for." he said with a sigh.

"Haha, it sucks to be you." I said with a smile. "By the way, what happen to Kuribayashi?" I asked pointing at Kuribayashi who was in denial.

"She is in shock to know that Lieutenant Itami is a Ranger and also S Class." answer Tomita.

"I see, if you done with paperwork let's go!" I told them.

After that, we visit an Izakaya so we can have a different dish according to our preference. Tuka get Ramen, Rory wants a Sushi, Lelei and the Princess entourage got a Gyudon, Eu, Sera, Kurisu, and Haruna order all dish which they share with each other, Karen eats Mapotofu and as for me, I got Sushi, Katsudon, and Karaage.

After we eat, we go to a boutique to buy clothes for the girls that will go to the diet meeting.


~~At the Diet Meeting~~Third Pov~~

"Four months after the Ginza Incident, the first Question and Answer session will be held as of today." said the reporter that was invited to shoot the meeting.

"In addition, the SDF personnel that's been sent to the other sides along with Shinra Company CEO Aikawa Ayumu-Sama, and the refugees from the Special Region have been invited as well." she continues.

"Ah, Just now they have enter the building!" she said.

Walking into the building is Ayumu in the lead. Followed by Itami, Lelei, Tuka, and Rory. The girls already inside the building sitting along with the politician in the room.

"We will now ask questions to the Witness." said the Chairman.

"Before we start asking about the other side, I want to ask for Aikawa-san first!" said Diet Member Kouhara Mizuki.

"Okay, please do so." Ayumu said to the mic still sitting on his place which was among the Minister.

"Right Two year's ago your company rises in fame and power. After your rise, you take over Ginza from Japan and make it your domain. Are you aware this will happen?" she asks which surprised him.

"Hoo, a conspiracy theory right of the bat." he said with a smile.

"What Spurs you to ask this question Miss. Kohara?" Ayumu ask.

"Please don't dodge the question." she said.

"No no no, I am not dodging. Just pure curiosity and I will answer your questions after that." he said still calm.

"Uh, Very well, First why you build your company in Ginza? Your home closer to Tokyo, but you choose Ginza for it. Why is that?" she asked.

"Huh, you seriously asking that? You know, your question is dumb. You just want something to justify your theory that I know something will happen in Ginza!" he said, making her sweat a bit and all Politicians in the room sneer at her.

"Which was right!" he continue. "You are right with your theory that I know something will happen in Ginza. That's why I acquire it before it happens!" he said with a smile that ignites her back while the Minister was surprised at the revelation.

"Right!! As I thought so. So, you know it will happen are you trying to swallow the Special Region for yourself?" she said with a smile.

"Yeah, you are right. What about it?" Ayumu ask still calm with a smile adorned his face which confused her.

"Miss. Kohara, you seem in a misconception that I was a politician or am afraid to accept that took Ginza which the Ministry though to be unreproductive which actually a gold mine when they don't know about it. But, you see I am a Businessman, I never take a deal which results in my loss, and even if I don't take Ginza what will happen? Will Japan be able to defend it when it was invaded abruptly like four months ago? Without casualties at that." he said to her which stump her. The politician in the room also only can smile wryly as this move Atumu made is often used by many large companies even countries which include Japan also use it. They buy land in another country which they thought unreproductive but actually a gold mine or any other resources there. They can't complain as it was a legal move and Ayumu also Legally own Ginza through their own ignorance.

"Can I ask something?" ask one of a diet member as he stands up. Ayumu looks at the Chairman who allow him to continue which Ayumu nodded at that.

"You said you know that the Gate will appear in Ginza since two years ago, how did you do that?" he asks which made Ayumu stand up.

"Finally a smart question! Not like someone who only wants to find fault in other for fame in defaming other." he said as a jab at Kohara who was red at his statement but it was not her turn to speak.

"Most of you people here along with our friend watching this at home must think that this Gate is the first Supernatural existence that we encounter which was false. We already have our own supernatural existence in our own world. We just hide in the past when witch hunt began in Europe. But, with the appearance of the Gate, it might become useless to hide it anymore. This past few months we can already see that Human is not as shallow as we are in the past where we will condemn people just because the difference in Race or for having a Magic. Though I don't know what the stance for the religious people. Anyway, for your question my answer is simple. I can see the future!" he said and the room starts to become noisy with that statement. Making the Chairman tell them to be quiet.

"Aikawa-sama, if you already know. Why did you not evacuate the civilian that day so there are no casualties that day? Even though you are able to resurrect them. I don't think anyone wants to experience how death feels." he asks again.

"That is the problem. I don't know the exact date of the invasion, so I can only put a measurement for when it happens."

"I see, you say that there is another race in our world can you tell us about them?"

"Hmm, I can't say about others but for the one that works for me is okay. I have a Vampire work for me, you can rest assured as they are harmless and won't attack except if they are attacked first." I said. "Is that all of it? Can we continue about the Special Region now?" I inquire.

"Yes, that's enough from me." he answer.

"Miss. Kohara, anything to add?" asked the Chairman which she answers with a no.

The session continues with them asking the three girls, Lelei, Tuka, and Rory about their livelihood with us at the Special Region and what they think about it also just what other races live in their world. They also ask Itami for his thought about the other side. After it was finished, Ayumu brought them to his base as it was larger than his home.