
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

Chapter 14: Thoughts on the Training Ground

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Announcement: I will mass release 15 chap of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January.


Konohagakure Ninja Academy, training ground.

"Suzuki, Hanako... the six of you, come over quickly."

After teaching the previous batches, the teacher called out to Suzuki, Hanako, and the others.

Hanako was the first one. The short girl, who was almost 1.4 meters tall, stood twenty meters in front of the wooden target.

She no longer looked like she was trembling before. It had to be said that self-encouragement was still somewhat useful.

Hanako seemed to have changed into a different person. Her expression was cold, her eyes were firm, and her petite body stood in front of the target.

She held a kunai, looked at the wooden target in front of her, let out a breath, and threw it with her slender and fair arm.


"Nine rings! Not bad, Hanako, continue!"

The first throw was not bad. The teacher let Hanako continue training.

"Very good! Hanako has improved a lot in the past two months. Keep it up!"

After ten consecutive throws, Hanako's total score successfully passed again. The teacher also expressed his appreciation for this.


After that, Hanako's cold expression instantly changed. She ran back to Suzuki with a silly smile and then made a cheering gesture to Suzuki:

"Go, Suzuki-chan!"

Suzuki smiled and made an OK gesture. Then, he heard the teacher shout:

"Next, Suzuki!"

Coming to the target, Suzuki raised his kunai, squinted his eyes and looked at the wooden target. He threw his arm forcefully, and the kunai easily hit the 10th ring.

Then, for the next nine times, Suzuki did the same action, with a total score of 85 rings.

"Not bad, Suzuki, keep it up!"

The teacher praised Suzuki with a satisfied expression.

Suzuki was in Class 3. He was in the top five in theory and the top three in practice. He was considered a good student. He did not cause trouble on weekdays. The teachers liked this kind of student.

Although Suzuki could actually get first place in everything, there was no need for that.

Long before the clone returned, Suzuki had the strength to rival some of the students in the elite class. He could even barely graduate two years early.

However, Suzuki's grades remained stable.

After the clone returned, his strength was already close to that of a normal Chunin. He was not much weaker than the teachers of the ninja school.

Suzuki's grades were still as stable as ever.

As a civilian ninja, having a special talent was a good thing. It meant that he could enter the eyes of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and receive the village's attention and training.

If one's talent was average, then no one would care about them.

If one's talent was good, but not particularly good, then it would be a little dangerous. For example, if one was in the top ten of the civilian class for the whole year, then one would attract the attention of the Root.

There were quite a few people in the Root who were like this. These people's potential and strength were up to standard, which meant that they could become Chunin.

They were safe to use, easy to fool, and not distressed when they died. There was no need to worry about the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, snatching them away. Coupled with the children in the Konohagakure Orphanage, Danzo liked to recruit these people the most.

Whether it was before or after he obtained the clone, Suzuki's code of conduct had not changed.

Be humble and cautious!

Learn to hide yourself well when you are weak, and then come out to show your talents when you are strong.

It would not be long before Suzuki became strong. According to Suzuki's plan, if everything went smoothly, he might be able to have a heart-to-heart talk with Uchiha Madara before he died of old age...

"Alright, everyone, go and practice the three basic techniques. Those who did not pass the kunai and shuriken throwing test, continue training!"

In less than half an hour, the basic training taught by the teacher ended. Next, it was free training time.

Many students gathered together to practice the three basic techniques. Suzuki ran to a corner and also practiced seriously.

Suzuki's Transformation Technique was the most proficient, followed by the Clone Technique, and finally the Substitution Technique.

He mainly felt that the Substitution Technique was not very useful. At first, he thought that the Substitution Technique was related to space, but only after he really started learning did he realize that the Substitution Technique was just a trick.

In the moment of being attacked, a wooden board was quickly used to replace the body, making the opponent think that the attack was successful. This was a kind of distraction technique.

Yes, it was not even a Summoning Technique. It was not high-end at all.

It was completely useless. Suzuki put more of his attention on the Transformation Technique and the Clone Technique.

For example, the Transformation Technique was an important ninjutsu regardless of whether it was used in battle, espionage, or luring the enemy. It was usually used to transform into a third party, but it could also be used to transform into animals, plants, or weapons. It had a wide range of uses.

On the other side, Suzuki's classmates were already practicing the three basic techniques.


A puff of white smoke floated out. Many students were no longer in their original forms, but some students' Transformation Techniques were not proficient, and the things they transformed into were very strange.

"Pfft... Daisuke, what is this thing? Hahaha~"

This was someone who wanted to transform into a rock, but a human head grew out of the rock. He was mercilessly mocked by a good friend.

"Wow, it's exactly like a stool!"

This was a student who was good at Transformation Technique being praised by other students.

As for Suzuki, he was experimenting with the limits of the Transformation Technique.

The Transformation Technique in Naruto was actually a very magical ninjutsu. When Naruto used the Transformation Technique, even Otsutsuki Kaguya, who had the Byakugan, was shocked.

This not only showed that Otsutsuki Kaguya was relatively naive, but it also meant that she really saw Naruto's transformed appearance. This was very powerful.

Now, Suzuki was experimenting with the failed Transformation Technique, which was the various unique combinations that many ninja students failed to transform into.

Suzuki first transformed into a strong man he had seen in the pirate world, the captain of the Blood Hammer Pirates, Nigel Brown.

With a "bang", the white smoke dispersed and Suzuki had already transformed into a huge and strong man. Then, he began to try.

Suzuki tried to lift a large rock that he could not lift without using chakra. He succeeded.

However, he could also lift this rock if he used chakra. Now that he had transformed into a strong man, although he could lift the rock, he could not smoothly flow chakra. It seemed that it was useless.

Then, Suzuki tried to transform into a huge sea king that he had seen in the pirate world...

This time, Suzuki failed! Not only did he fail, but his chakra was also completely consumed.

Or perhaps Suzuki did not fail. He did become bigger, but only partially. His head and body were still his own, but his arms had turned into huge tentacles that were about eight meters long...

"Isn't this just like those failed Transformation Techniques of the ninja students?" Suzuki frowned, his eyes filled with curiosity and doubt.

"What's the reason?"

"The chakra flow is wrong?"

"Not fully understanding the target of the transformation?"


"Or is the so-called essence of the Transformation Technique to use chakra to temporarily simulate a form?"

In Suzuki's mind, his thoughts were running rapidly. In an instant, he thought of dozens of different possibilities. However, the one that he felt was most likely was the simulation of the chakra form.

"Chakra can essentially guide the basic elements of the world. Can it also transform energy and matter?"

"If there is a large amount of chakra, can it be transformed into a huge object of dozens of meters, hundreds of meters, or even thousands of meters through some incredible flow path?"

Suzuki seemed to have thought of something and squinted his eyes slightly.