
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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142 Chs

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"Sage Art - Wood Release - True Several Thousand Hands!"

"And also the Wood Release Wood Human and Wood Dragon, even the Lava Golem and Clay Golem of Earth Release, the Great Waterfall and Water Dragon Bullet of Water Release..."

Suzuki's furrowed brows relaxed, and his expression returned to calm. He had some guesses about some of the advanced ninjutsu.

"So, it is indeed the case. The essence of these ninjutsu is actually the transformation of chakra into matter."

"Moreover, the principles of this ninjutsu and the Transformation Technique are so similar. They are all a kind of chakra simulation transformation that needs to be continuously maintained after being cast. The only difference is the amount of chakra and the direction of its flow."

"If I had enough chakra, I could even transform into the Zunesha from the One Piece world and crush those little guys with one foot."

"However, the greater the difference between the Transformation Technique and my original body size, the more chakra it consumes."

"If I had this level of chakra, the power of the ninjutsu I use directly should be even greater."

"Or rather, the chakra consumed by transforming into the Zunesha for one second might be enough to release a ten-thousand-meter-long Great Fireball."

"It's just a pity that my current ninjutsu reserves are not enough. I'll have to go out and find some ninjutsu when I have the chance."

"After all, most of the ninjutsu in the ninja world only require a successful casting. There is no need to continuously infuse chakra into the technique. In that case, it is normal for the chakra consumption to be less."

"So, that's why most ordinary ninjas in the ninja world use this kind of instant release technique as their offensive ninjutsu?"

"Also, this kind of technique not only does not reduce its power, but it can also save a lot of chakra during battle. Moreover, the battles of ninjas are always a matter of an instant."

With his meticulous thinking that could see the big picture from a small detail, Suzuki gradually gained his own understanding of most of the ninjutsu in the ninja world, starting from the principle of the Transformation Technique to almost all of the ninjutsu principles.

He also had a little understanding of the necessary conditions for ninjas in the ninja world to surpass humans and become monsters.

"I remember that the Uchiha clan also has the Susano'o, which forcibly compresses a huge amount of chakra into a materialized form? Or perhaps it could also be called some kind of eye power..."

"But in essence, they are all the same, they are all energy."

"For the ninja world, the key to breaking through the limits of the human body lies in the amount of energy!"

"The Uchiha's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, the jinchuriki who can completely control the Nine-Tails' chakra, and the natural-born Senju Hashirama with a massive amount of chakra, are all essentially monsters with energy levels that have broken through the limits of humans. Normal ninjas, or rather normal humans, cannot reach that level."

Thinking of this, Suzuki even made a definite judgment.

"Therefore, Kage-level or elite Jonin are the limits for almost everyone in the ninja world. Those who surpass Kage are no longer human, they are monsters, they are Otsutsuki, and they are Otsutsuki who have eaten the chakra fruit!"

"And the true bottom line of the Otsutsuki is more like a space race that has broken through the limits of humanity once, or rather, a Super Kage level. From the perspective of combat power and performance, their bottom line has never been the Six Paths. The Six Paths level can only represent the strength of the Sage of Six Paths."

"Looking at the original work, it should have been clear long ago that the limit of normal people in the ninja world is Kage. The difficulty of going from Kage to surpassing Kage is far greater than that of going from Super Kage to Six Paths."

Suzuki's eyes were firm. He had decided on his future development direction—

The main body in the ninja world must learn to make full use of the Otsutsuki's legacy in the ninja world and stack the energy level to an unimaginable level!

The clone in the One Piece world would utilize its own characteristics and adapt to the local specialties of the One Piece world, obtaining various special abilities by any means necessary while also honing its combat skills!

In this way, he would become completely without weaknesses.

Soon, the third period of the afternoon practical class at Konohagakure Ninja Academy ended. Hearing the teacher's call, Suzuki also collected his thoughts and returned to the classroom with the others...


10 p.m., Suzuki's house in Konohagakure's snack street.

At this moment, he was using the purchased scientific research equipment to study the various specialties of the One Piece world that the clone had brought back.

Some time ago, Suzuki sold the two kilograms of gold that the clone had brought back in batches, and he got about two million ryo.

Although it was just a drop in the bucket for some expensive research equipment, he didn't intend to go too deep into the research for the time being.

Things always had to be done step by step, so Suzuki first spent 1.2 million ryo to buy a good microscope, and then spent another 500,000 ryo to buy some other auxiliary equipment, such as test tubes, refrigerators, and so on.

Suzuki placed the various strange biological tissues from the One Piece world under the microscope and observed them carefully.

Just the first type of Sea King's body tissue surprised Suzuki.

"These cells are too strange. How can they be so big?"

Yes, the cells of the Sea Kings were very large. Compared to normal fish, the basic cells of the Sea Kings were dozens of times larger! However, the meat of the Sea Kings, which had the same volume, also weighed far more than that of normal fish.

For the same pound of meat, the volume of the Sea King's meat would be at least three times smaller than that of normal fish!

"No wonder it's delicious but also very chewy. Even when it's roasted to well-done, it can still be stretched very long after biting it."

Suzuki thought of the scene when he ate roasted meat, which was actually very similar to when Luffy ate roasted meat in the original work.

"Sure enough. Every detail hides an unknown secret, but that's what makes it even more interesting."

A smile appeared in Suzuki's eyes. The existence of these things made him curious, and he was also happy to know the essence of these things.

After carefully memorizing all the research details in his mind, Suzuki continued his research.

"Well, next up is to look at the other biological tissue cells..."

He placed the biological tissue of the Fast Duck under the microscope, and on the other side of the lens was the meat of a freshly slaughtered duck that he had bought from the snack street in Konohagakure.

"This... So the Fast Duck is actually an evolved form of the duck?"

Suzuki discovered the extremely similar composition between the two.

The Fast Duck from the One Piece world was actually still a duck. Although it had some

 intelligence, it wasn't much. It was just that this branch of the duck species had lived in the desert for who knows how long, and gradually evolved the characteristic of being able to run fast. Of course, it also became a little bigger.

However, Suzuki felt that it was natural for it to become bigger. The One Piece world was vast and abundant, and even humans had a branch like the Giant race. Moreover, didn't that kingdom eight hundred years ago also have the word "giant" in its name...

Suzuki silently recorded the research details and continued with the next research...


Suzuki continued his research until late at night, and only then did he stop. He packed up the research equipment and carefully put the biological tissues that he had taken out back into the refrigerator. He then returned to his bedroom with a sleepy face...

On the other side, about a month before the next return, the clone Suzuki in the One Piece world received news of a Devil Fruit...