
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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142 Chs

Chapter 13: The Death of Nawaki

Join my Patreon to be 25 chapters ahead of the webnovel along with weekly chapters mass release:


Announcement: I will mass release 15 chap of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January


Naruto World, Konoha Village.

  Two months had passed since Suzuki and Might Dai went online.

  There was only about a month left until the second clone returned.

  At this time, a big event happened in Konoha Village!

  The grandson of the First Hokage Hashirama Senju, the younger brother of Tsunade - Nawaki Senju, died!

  A cloud of gloom seemed to cover the sky of Konoha Village.

  In the Ninja Academy, Suzuki, who was a fifth-grade student after the school started, was still in the original classroom.

  After eating lunch, Suzuki returned to the classroom and found that many classmates were sitting in the classroom and talking about this matter:

  "Hey, hey, have you heard? That senior Nawaki died, he was the grandson of the First Hokage." A classmate sighed at the cruelty of the battlefield.

  "Yeah, I didn't expect it."

  "Senior Nawaki was so amazing when he was in school~"


  Nawaki Senju, who was five grades older than Suzuki, had graduated for more than three years. When Suzuki's class just entered the school, Nawaki Senju was a sixth-grade student in the Ninja Academy, and he was a prominent figure in the Ninja Academy!

  "But it's so strange, the grandson of the First Hokage, the son of the Senju clan, isn't that kind of big shot always protected by ninjas?"

  A classmate said with confusion.

  "I'll tell you secretly, don't talk nonsense, I heard that senior Nawaki was killed by someone~"

  A classmate said with certainty.


  Conspiracy theories and gossip are popular in the world.

  Suzuki, who was listening quietly on the side, of course, knew that Nawaki Senju was blown up by an explosive tag, but Suzuki couldn't say it.

  Nawaki Senju was indeed the bloodline of the First Hokage Hashirama Senju, but in terms of talent, he was not as good as his sister Tsunade.

  He always longed to make a name for himself on the battlefield, but his sister Tsunade always disagreed, and the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi also listened to Tsunade.

  In this second ninja war that was about to end, even Konoha had signed a truce agreement with the Rock and Cloud ninjas,

  Perhaps seeing that the war was nearing its end, the danger on the battlefield was not too great.

  The Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't stand Nawaki Senju's nagging and sent him to the nearby Grass Village battlefield, which should have been over and not dangerous.

  However, what no one expected was that Nawaki Senju actually died!

  He died very miserably, he accidentally entered the explosive tag trap that had not been cleared on the battlefield and was blown to pieces in an instant.

  "Did you hear that senior Nawaki's sister - the princess of Konoha Tsunade is coming back?"

  This was a classmate's sigh.

  "Yeah, she is the princess of Konoha who got the title of Sannin a few years ago, and she is also the number one medical ninja in the ninja world, but senior Nawaki is dead, even the most powerful medical ninja can't save and revive him~'


  Suzuki thought that Tsunade might be able to do it, as long as she started working with her teammate Orochimaru from now on.

  Like the Edo Tensei, and the Soul Transformation Technique, etc., plus her own medical skills and Orochimaru's Immortality Jutsu, maybe she could really pull her brother back from the underworld.

  But Tsunade didn't know the future, and Suzuki didn't have much interest in reminding her.

  In fact, after learning this news, Tsunade, who was far away in the Wind Country battlefield, rushed back as soon as possible, and then the first-class medical ninja in the ninja world could only painfully see her brother's corpse.

  After that, Tsunade would be with Dan, and with the help of the healing warm man Dan, she would get out of the pain of losing her brother.   

  But Dan wouldn't live long either, he would probably die on the battlefield in half a year at most.

  After that, Orochimaru was the second one to come back, he was in charge of the Lightning Country battlefield that was close to the end.

  Nawaki Senju was currently Orochimaru's only disciple, and also his first disciple.

  It was at this time that Nawaki Senju's death made Orochimaru determined to pursue the dream of immortality, and it was from this time that Orochimaru gradually approached the future ninja scientist.

  And then there was Jiraiya, he was in charge of the Rain Country battlefield that had been successfully ended.

  After teaching Nagato and others for three years, he would bring the newly graduated Minato Namikaze back this time~


  In a while, the classroom stopped talking.

  The teacher came, and the practical class in the afternoon began.

  Suzuki and his classmates came to the school playground one after another.

  The playground of the Konoha Ninja Academy was very large, and now not only Suzuki's fifth-grade class three but also many other classes were neatly arranged on the playground.

  Suzuki's fifth-grade class three, the classmates were also neatly arranged, ready to start practicing throwing kunai and shuriken, and also the D-rank basic ninjutsu Shadow Clone Technique.

  Life in the Ninja Academy was not like the twelve rookies in the original work, who fought and made trouble in the school every day, and then became ninjas by some incomprehensible operations.

  The real ninja school students, from the beginning of school, would undergo strict training every day, kunai and shuriken were the most basic, and they had to practice every day.

  There was no such thing as practicing by yourself at home, and then after the final combat assessment, the teacher started to evaluate.

  Most of the students studying in the Ninja Academy were civilians, and no one could teach them how to practice without hurting themselves.

  Besides, not everyone had a training ground nearby, and not all students had the self-discipline to persist in training.

  Therefore, every class in the Konoha Ninja Academy had a two-hour practical class every day!

  There were four classes a day, and the training time of the elite class and the civilian class was staggered, and the practical class of the elite class was in the morning.

  At the same time, the training time of the third grade and above was also staggered from the third grade and below.

  Suzuki's practical class changed to the third class in the afternoon from the fourth grade.

  At this time, the classmates had already received the kunai issued by the teacher, and followed the teacher to their class's training ground.

  Rows of wooden targets were all new, and they were changed by the teachers before class.

  Then, the classmates began to practice throwing kunai and shuriken...

  "Sato! What are you doing, you are so much worse than yesterday, didn't you eat!"

  The teacher scolded this student named Sato. But turning his head, the teacher was a bit angry:

  "Yokota! How many times have I told you? Your hand should be straight, do you understand? Why are you still the same"

  The teacher covered his forehead with a helpless expression.

  Seeing this scene, Hanako, who was standing next to Suzuki, couldn't help but shiver, and said with some panic on her small face:

  "What should I do? What should I do? Suzuki-chan, why is the teacher so angry today, will Hanako be scolded again, sob sob sob..."

  Suzuki was amused by Hanako's cute reaction, and then said to Hanako:

  "Don't worry, Hanako, the teacher won't eat people, and you have to be confident, you haven't failed for two months."

  Hanako nodded her little head heavily, and clenched her fists to cheer herself up:

  "Hanako can do it, Hanako has no problem, Hanako can pass, go Hanako~"


  Suzuki was speechless.

Soon, it was Suzuki and Hanako's turn.

  "Come on, Suzuki, Hanako, show me what you've learned." The teacher said with a smile.

  Suzuki nodded and took out a kunai from his pocket. He aimed at the wooden target in front of him and threw it with a flick of his wrist.

  The kunai flew out with a whistling sound and hit the center of the target with a bang.

  "Good job, Suzuki, you've improved a lot." The teacher praised.

  Suzuki smiled and thanked the teacher. He was very confident in his throwing skills because he had practiced a lot with his clone.

  He looked at Hanako, who was standing next to him, and saw that she was holding a kunai nervously, her face pale.

  "Hanako, don't be afraid, you can do it." Suzuki encouraged her.

  Hanako took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She looked at the target and threw the kunai with all her strength.

  However, the kunai was too light for her, and it flew out in a crooked arc, missing the target by a mile.

  "Ah..." Hanako let out a cry of disappointment.

  The teacher frowned and walked over to her. He picked up the kunai from the ground and handed it back to her.

  "Hanako, you need to relax your arm and use your wrist to control the direction. Don't throw it too hard, just use the right amount of force. Try again." The teacher instructed.

  Hanako nodded and took the kunai again. She followed the teacher's advice and threw it again.

  This time, the kunai flew more steadily and hit the edge of the target.

  "Yay!" Hanako cheered, her eyes sparkling.

  The teacher smiled and clapped his hands.

  "Good, good, Hanako, you did it. You see, you just need to practice more, and you will get better. Keep it up." The teacher encouraged.

  Hanako thanked the teacher and looked at Suzuki, who was also smiling at her.

  "Thank you, Suzuki-chan, you are so nice to me." Hanako said gratefully.

  Suzuki shrugged and said, "Don't mention it, Hanako, we are friends, right?"

  Hanako nodded and hugged Suzuki, making him blush.

  "Alright, alright, enough hugging, let's move on to the next exercise. We are going to practice the Shadow Clone Technique, which is a D-rank ninjutsu that can create a copy of yourself. It is very useful for scouting, diversion, and teamwork. Now, everyone, form a circle and watch me." The teacher said, and made a hand seal.

  A puff of smoke appeared, and a clone of the teacher appeared next to him.

  "Wow..." The classmates exclaimed, amazed by the teacher's skill.

  "This is the Shadow Clone Technique. It is different from the normal Clone Technique, which only creates an illusion. The Shadow Clone Technique creates a real clone that can interact with the environment and perform ninjutsu. However, it also consumes more chakra, so you need to be careful not to overuse it. Now, I want you to try it yourself. Follow my hand seal, and focus your chakra. Then, say 'Shadow Clone Technique' and release your chakra. Let's see how many clones you can make." The teacher explained and then dispersed his clone.

  The classmates nodded and followed the teacher's instructions. They made the hand seal, and tried to create their own clones.

  Some of them succeeded, and some of them failed. Some of them made one or two clones, and some of them made none.

  Suzuki was one of the successful ones. He easily made three clones, and they all looked exactly like him.

  "Wow, Suzuki, you are amazing, you made three clones!" Hanako exclaimed, admiring Suzuki's talent.

  Suzuki smiled and said, "Thanks, Hanako, but it's not that hard. I've been practicing this technique for a while, and it's very useful. You can use it to train, to study, to play, and to do anything you want."

  Hanako looked at Suzuki with envy, and said, "I wish I could do that, too. But I can't even make one clone. I don't have enough chakra, and I don't know how to control it."

  Suzuki looked at Hanako with sympathy, and said, "Don't worry, Hanako, you can do it. You just need to practice more, and you will get better. Here, let me help you. Watch my hand seal, and copy it. Then, focus your chakra, and say 'Shadow Clone Technique'. You can do it, Hanako."

  Hanako nodded and followed Suzuki's guidance. She made the hand seal and focused her chakra. She said "Shadow Clone Technique", and released her chakra.

  A puff of smoke appeared, and a clone of Hanako appeared next to her.

  "Yay!" Hanako cheered, her eyes sparkling.

  Suzuki smiled and clapped his hands.

  "Good, good, Hanako, you did it. You see, you just need to practice more, and you will get better. Keep it up." Suzuki encouraged.

  Hanako thanked Suzuki and looked at her clone, who was also smiling at her.

  "Thank you, Suzuki-chan, you are so nice to me." Hanako said gratefully.

  Suzuki shrugged and said, "Don't mention it, Hanako, we are friends, right?"

  Hanako nodded and hugged Suzuki, making him blush.

  "Alright, alright, enough hugging, let's move on to the next exercise. We are going to practice the..." The teacher said and continued the lesson.

  Suzuki and Hanako followed the teacher's instructions and practiced the other basic ninjutsu.

  They had a lot of fun and learned a lot.

  They didn't know that their friendship would last for a long time and that they would face many challenges and adventures together in the future.