
Kiss me black & blue

When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. Amber Carlos, an American-spanish 24 year old rockstar has always wanted the chance to the top but how could she do that when she's an unknown musician? She's from a low class family where they barely feed three square meal a day. Things got harder the more when she lost her Dad, Rodrigo Carlos in a plane explosion. After Rodrigo died, Amber decided to move from her town in Spain, straight to Los Angeles CA USA, to search for a good job in addition to her musical career. Who wants to die of poverty? Amber left Spain to L.A to make impact in her music career but unknowing to her that just one track of her song was going to make her a number one top best celebrity in the whole of America, but it didn't happened overnight, it was with the help of someone. On the other hand was a big fan and lover of music, Gavin Warren, a native of Los Angeles CA USA. Gavin is an handsome, beefy, buff, strict, cruel, cold, grumpy and arrogant renowned, famous and well-known 27 year old businessman. Whom was born with a silver spoon and lived a peaceful and respectful life. He gazed into her beautiful eyes, caressing her cheek with his thumb finger, he smiled. "You are one of the most valuable gifts I have received in my life. I consider myself the luckiest man alive to have you as my woman. Knowing that you are mine and that I am yours is the best feeling in the world. You're such a darling angel and I value every bit of you." P.S: the cover does not belong to me

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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226 Chs

Amy Rockie


Amber's apartment

Setting her phone on the tripod, Amber wore her bass guitar across her shoulder.

Opening her Instagram page, she turn on a live video.

"Hi there Buenas noches mis queridísimos fans, son su niña Amy" Turning towards Diego whom was setting the rock drums, she added, "y su sobrino Diego"

Waving his hands, "Buenas noches my adorable fans! We are ready to rock 'n' roll!"

Amber started squealing in excitement when she saw fans hailing her with lovely comments.

"Gracias, gracias, Gracias, te amo, te bendigo" narrowing her eyes, amber smiled when a fan commented 'You are my best part' Amber squealed excitedly, she added, "You're my best part too Janelle brown, I love you"

"We love you too Piper lewis!" Diego blew flying kisses to one of the fan who just commented on the video.


Gavin apartment

"Tell me which complete human being don't sleep at this hour?" Gavin complained when his phone rings.

Looking at the caller ID, he rolled his eyes when he saw who it was, "Rhett it's past eight already, don't you sle–

"What's up dude, whatcha doing?"

"Rhett are you calling me just to disturb my sleep or what?"

"Hey dude, sit back and take a chill pill nigga, the show is about to begin"

Frowning confusedly, "what show is about to begin?"

"It's Amy's live video on Instagram and it's gonna be bomb" Evelyn added.

Narrowing his eyes, Gavin said, "Goodnight then am not interested"

"Hey hey hey hey, come on Gavin, she's our employee and also a newbie in the company so why don't you wel–

"Rhett first of all am not interested in whatever thing or show Ms Carlos is doing right now and I don't wanna know what the video is all ab–

"Gav, what's this attitude of yours? She's an employee of our company and not a stranger"

"Come on Gavin, we don't want you to be left out in such a splendid moment like this" Evelyn added.

"Splendid moment? What splendid– infact what is so important about Ms Carlos live video that you two are almost dieing to lure me in?"

Rhett rolled his eyes and said, "We don't lure people into something they don't feel like participating in, we only show them the right path and leave them to chose"

Pausing for a while, he added, "we just called to inform you about Amber's live video on Instagram because we don't want you to be left out"

"Yes Gavin, this is the second live video my best friend is making for the second time in five years" Evelyn added.

"Then what was the first one?" Gavin inquired curiously.

"Well the first one was her live concert in college"

"Concert? Is Ms Carlos a singer or wh–

"She's a rockstar and a popstar"

"Dude, I've told Derek, Tyson and Elliot about it and I don't want my serious and grumpy cousin to be left out"

"Uhh her Instagram page is Amy Rockie, first spell Amy then space it before adding Rockie which ends with  the I and E."

"Whatever" Gavin hanged up without waiting for them to reply.

Scratching his head and thinking for a while, Gavin sighed before typing "Amy Rockie" in his Instagram search box.
