
Kingdom of the winds

Prince Tyler never believed there will be a woman more beautiful than his sister Ariana neither did he believe he will fall in love with the slave girl leah

NaomiSamuel · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Twelve

She encircle her arms around my neck as she pull me closer

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but we need to talk"

I immediately pull away only to see ariana and then leah who is looking away I couldn't read her expression because of the scarf that was covering her face

Ariana took her seat beside me while leah was still standing she order her to sit down and she obeyed

I don't know why I was happy when lady Ariana told me we are to meet with Tyler but I got hurt when I saw him kissing Beth so passionately I swallow every pain and false hope of him liking me

"Ariana" he said

"I want leah to go with me to Airangon Beth please"

Airangon that's my home but yet I couldn't say it's my home I wonder how my family are coping without me

"I can't let you take her, it's against the law she is going to become the crown prince concubine"

I felt tears coming down despite the fact that I tried to stop it and pretend to be strong but I couldn't

"I would like to excuse you all my lady" she said as she bow before leaving I could see the pain in Ariana's eyes as she watch her friend leave

"Beth there must be another way to free leah" she said huskily

" There isn't the crown prince have choosed her Anne, there is nothing I can do" she said helplessly

Ariana stood up and left I saw her heading towards Eric chamber, I felt Beth clinging to me I gently pull away from her "goodnight my lady"

She wanted to protest but got stopped when she saw the looks in my eyes

I spent over an hour searching for Leah but couldn't find her

It been a week now ariana and eric have left to airangon, I was in lancelot with beth preparing for our wedding we were having breakfast and ofcourse I saw her looking devastated as she serve our breakfast

"Pour me a drink" said edwin as he smirk at her

"Yes my lord" she said nervously

I wanted to stop her but I felt Beth grip on my arms as she stare at me

I watch edwin grab Leah's hand as she tried to pour his drink "you are mine and mine alone" he whispered in her ears loud enough for everyone to hear, she was trying to pull away but he held her firm " go wait for me in my chamber" he said

I was as shock as leah who let go of the jug she was holding "No!"

I hit the table as I stood up and walk towards them before pulling her away from him " she is going nowhere!" I said angrily