
Kingdom of the winds

Prince Tyler never believed there will be a woman more beautiful than his sister Ariana neither did he believe he will fall in love with the slave girl leah

NaomiSamuel · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Eleven

She immediately pull away and ran out she was crying as went to the garden I was watching her when I spoke "my lord if I must interfere she is just a servant"

"and my friend"

"lady ariana Edwin is the crown prince he can choose whosoever he wants" said beth

I felt like throttling her as she kept being against us I didn't know I was glaring at her until she flinch , Ariana was sad as she stare at Beth with a pleading eyes but to no avail I could see Beth avoiding my gaze

I walked out and I felt someone grab my hand, I was angry when I realized it was Beth

"Why are you reacting this way Tyler?"

"You know how cruel Edwin is, how on earth will you side him?"

"Why can't I take his side? You are all overreacting over a mere slave, he is going to give her a new life Tyler"

"Just stop it please!" I flared not knowing the exact reason why I was furious as I pull away from her

I found Leah in the garden when I decide to take a walk, she was crying as she held unto my necklace I remembered Ariana telling me how Leah felt about the necklace, my gaze was on her scarf it looks thick because of her hair , I froze when she stood up she was shocked to see me she look away in embarrassment

"Don't worry leah, you won't become his concubine" I assure her

She didn't utter a word I took a step forward and envelope her into a hug as she weep bitterly on my shoulder, I held her tightly around me as I try to calm her

"I promise you, I won't let that happen"

"My lord, am sorry I didn't mean to ...."

She pull away immediately as she bow before leaving. My heart clench in pain as I saw her leave I couldn't stop her

Beth was staring at me as she held my hands but I felt nothing I wish I was with leah I don't understand the feelings I get each time am close to her and how my heart beat increases each time I see her

" Tyler"

"My lady"

"Am sorry I didn't take your side earlier but I want the best for Leah being Edwin concubine will safe her from being a maid and all this stress"

I didn't utter a word because I was angry more angry of the fact that Edwin will claim leah as his own

"Tyler why did you seem to be far" she said worriedly

I silence her by claiming her lips with mine , I couldn't feel anything while kissing her my thought kept drifting to Leah