
King of knights on MCU

A month after transmigrating to a different world, the MC who was turned into a woman With the appearance of Artoria pendragon (saber). he has realized that he is in the MCU but all is not lost for him or in this case her, because she has obtained her own heroic spirit panel with which she can become stronger by killing enemies. Will she manage to survive? this is a translation you can look for it with this name; 人在美漫终成王 https://wap.faloo. com/booklist/949122.html

A_poky1ninja · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

My Name Is Sally


Nina, who was eating cat food, seemed to have seen the undead little Kid, and she sat on the ground with her head tilted and yelled at the little Kid.

It seems to ask who this person is.


The little Kid was pleasantly surprised when she saw Nina's adorable round face.

"So pretty."

She has to say the cat looks like a princess among cats, with fluffy hair, a chubby face and eyes like those black pearls. Anyone will like it.

A Little Kid even floated over to hug Nina, but it was a pity that she was just an undead and couldn't touch the little cat.

Finding that she couldn't touch the cat at all, her little face was full of disappointment.

"Okay little kid, tell me, why are you here?"

Bella's expression is not as serious as it was at the beginning, and she didn't feel any bloody breath from this little kid, so she has harmed no one.

She was amazed that the undead could still keep their humanity.

But after all, it is this MCU world, so it is not surprising that such an inexplicable thing can appear.

Hearing the sound, the little kid looked up at Bella, seemed to think of something bad just now, a little scared, lowered her head and said softly:

"I, I can't remember clearly. I just remembered that I woke up. And suddenly, I am here."

Sudden here?

Bella frowned, looked at the little Kid carefully, and suddenly asked,

"What's your name?"

"My name is Sally."

"Sally? Do you remember your date of birth?"

"I remember that my birthday was on August 25, 1996." The little kid looked proud, as if remembering the date of birth was something to be proud of.

"August 25, 1996? Already seventeen? You look like five or six.

Bella muttered to herself, came to the hall and picked up the laptop on the glass table in front of the sofa to search.

The Little Kid and Nina also followed.

It's just that the former is floating.

The little Kid looked at it curiously, but she was a little scared and didn't dare to get too close. The look of wanting to see but not daring was adorable.

"Strange, I can't find her? Isn't she recorded in the police database?"

Pursing her lips, Bella seemed to think of something, and hit the keyboard again.

"Sure enough, I found it."

In front of the screen is a confidential file.

Looking carefully at this not-so-short file, the more she looks at it, the more frightened she becomes, and the more she looks at it, the more she can't restrain the anger in Bella's heart.


Closing the notebook and eyes, Bella's chest rose and fell rapidly, and forcibly suppressed the fury in her heart.

Bella, opening her eyes, had already decided in her heart.

The little kid seemed happy floating in midair in front of her.

"Come here~"

Sally was full of reluctance, but she didn't dare to resist, and floated over.

"Do you have a special power?"

"Special power?"

Sally tilted her little head. She seemed a little confused, and there was a ray of blue light in her nimble eyes.

She saw a cup in front of her seemed to be eroded by some kind of force, gradually turning into particles little by little, and completely disappeared in front of her eyes.

Sally seemed to be tired and was exhausted:

"Is it this?"

"Isn't that Phoenix force or Origin Magic Power?"

Bella's heart was turned upside down.

With her strong eyesight, she could see the glass completely disappearing from a subatomic level, or erasing would be more appropriate.

Such terrifying power actually exists in a little girl.

No wonder those goddamn bastards would do such insane things.

At that moment, Sally's figure became more and more transparent, causing Bella's eyes to freeze. She knew that if nothing happened, this little kid would completely disappear from this world after a while.

After thinking about it for a while, she said with a wry smile,

"Sally, will you stay here and not leave?"


Staring at this beautiful big sister, Sally nodded her head. She felt kindness, and this kind of kindness made Sally willing to obey.

"If Sally is obedient, I will bring you delicious food."

Hearing the delicious food, Sally's big eyes lit up suddenly, she nodded quickly, and floated on the sofa with a cute appearance ..

"Okay, don't let other people see what you look like?"


Comforting Sally, Bella stood up, turned and went out with no hesitation.


Under the dark night sky, a motorcycle galloping all the way to the ground, drawing long flames like hell.

Finally he stopped in a small town.

The town has set up a camp, surrounded by a wall, and the wall is full of people in uniform and holding weapons. Watching a man walking down from this cool motorcycle, wearing a black leather jacket and chains, with burning skulls Flame. The agents standing guard did not panic.

They glanced at it and continued with their work.

The skull face walked all the way to the huge house.

With the footsteps, the burning flames slowly dissipated, blood and flesh emerged from the skull, and finally turned into a man with a bit of vicissitudes.

He is a Ghost Rider.

Walking into the house, the bright white lights made his eyes shine. This is large-story house with an area of ​​three to four hundred square meters.

There are many agents in uniforms sitting back and forth, busy with their work.

There were several people standing in front of the largest glass table, and it was Barton, Natasha Romanoff, and Captain America who seemed to discuss something around the table.

Seeing his appearance, Natasha Romanoff and the others nodded their jaws.

Natasha smiled and said, "you arrived quickly, and the coffee is still hot. How about the harvest?"

Johnny came to an empty space on the table, took a sip of the hot coffee on the table, and shook his head.

"That guy is very cautious. I can't find any trace of him."

Others weren't disappointed either because they couldn't trace him either.

"Where's Iron Man?"

"It hasn't come yet, but it should be here soon.


Listening to the familiar sound of the engine, the captain shrugged: "It seems to have arrived."

When! When! When!

With the sound of metal footsteps on the ground.

"Hell, am I the slowest again?"

thanks for your power stones.

I'm sorry for not posting earlier but I'm leaving work late, I hope you enjoy these two chapters

A_poky1ninjacreators' thoughts