
King of knights on MCU

A month after transmigrating to a different world, the MC who was turned into a woman With the appearance of Artoria pendragon (saber). he has realized that he is in the MCU but all is not lost for him or in this case her, because she has obtained her own heroic spirit panel with which she can become stronger by killing enemies. Will she manage to survive? this is a translation you can look for it with this name; 人在美漫终成王 https://wap.faloo. com/booklist/949122.html

A_poky1ninja · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Bullying A Little Undead

"It's terrifying, she killed three enemies that we can't defeat, without even being present.

Alice sighed.

"I am more concerned about how she suddenly appeared in Forks Town. The range of activities in the past two years should be around New York."

"Could it be related to recent events?"

"It shouldn't be so. She shouldn't care about the Victor family. With her strength and character, it is most likely that the Victor family will be destroyed."

"That's great. The Victor family in the province is making trouble every day.

"Forget it. It's useless to guess so much."


Bella watched as Angie slept. As for the black sword, she was the person who threw it out.

With her current hearing, she can completely cover the entire town of Forks.

She heard the conversation between the blond man and the Carlisle family.

That is the reason she threw out the sword.

The blame can only be blamed on the other party for being too arrogant. He couldn't be sorry for those words.

Getting rid of three pieces of junk doesn't make much of a problem for Bella, either.

After Christmas, Bella, and Angie returned to New York. The school gave Angie a recovery period of only one and a half months, and now there is less than one day left.

Back at the apartment, Angie went back to school and studied with her textbooks.

She is going to start the postgraduate entrance examination in February. Obviously there is not much time for her.

If she misses this time and registers again, she will have to wait for one year.

And Bella is thinking about finding some life-saving things for the unlucky Angie.

At first, she thought that the super soldier serum was a good choice, but the success rate of this thing is not very high. There are certain risks, so it can only be used as an alternative.

The second option is the MK armor. Tony should now develop a portable armor, but it is obvious enough even if it is portable.

Waiting for Tony to develop the nano-armor is almost the same.

As for whether Tony will give it, Bella can only say haha.

Other things such as quantum battle suit, Extremis are really not suitable.

She asked for an enchanting necklace from Asgard and gave it to Angie. The enchanting magic will be triggered when it is in danger, but it can only be triggered one.

This should have been enough, but considering how unlucky Angie was, Bella felt it wasn't safe enough.

After all, this is New York.

Petting the big lazy cat that was getting bigger and fatter, and clicking the mouse unconsciously, suddenly saw a message, and raised her eyebrows:

"Is this Spider-man?"

She saw the back of a guy in red and blue tights passing through the steel jungle on the screen.

"Spider-man also debuted, it seems that the prelude is getting closer."

"It's gang battles again. It's meaningless at all."

She was bored searching for information, and finally, she was so bored that she just found a comedy to watch.

She has to say that the comedies filmed by Netflix are really funny, at least it made Bella laugh happily. The cat was lying in the arms of Bella, watching the trembling chest of Bella laughing, with a confused expression on her face.

The cat is dissatisfied meowing and resting, how to rest on such a bumpy ride?

This is cat abuse.

Seeing the dissatisfied look of the little cat, Bella could only caress frantically for a while. The little cat snored comfortably, and was not dissatisfied anymore.

The little cat is good at this. Nina is clingy but doesn't make trouble, and usually stays obediently and quietly next to Bella or Angie.

As night falls, Bella can only enjoy dinner by herself because Angie is at school.

First, she poured food for the cat, turned on the TV and played on the music Channel, and she made her own dinner, wearing an apron and whistling cheerfully while making dinner.

Just when the fire is ready to fry the steak.

New York experienced a slight earthquake, and a roar that seemed to come from hell rang in her ears.

The whole room seemed to be plunged into darkness, and the original bright lights flickered from time to time, and sometimes went dark.

Bella turned her head abruptly, and behind her, a vague gray figure appeared. Those dark eyes seemed to be able to see hell, and her body was stained with blood. If ordinary people saw it, they would scream in fright.

Being stared at by such a terrifying thing, Bella remained expressionless.

As if she weren't in presence of anything terrific.

This performance stunned the gray figure for a moment. It seemed that something was not quite right with what she had expected.


With a tentative roar, the bloody mouth still had blood clots, but found that the woman in front of her was still expressionless.

And when she was about to flex her muscles to make the woman scream in fright, she suddenly froze.

She saw a pure white gun out of thin air in this woman's hand, the black muzzle pointed at her, and a strong death breath made her dare not move at all.

Frightened, her body stiffened, and she still didn't want to die. She showed a flattering smile, although it was terrifying.

Bella looked at this stupid undead, this made the undead tremble.

"Can you speak?"


Huh? How dare you be naughty at this time?

Bella almost laughed out of anger.

Bella releases the magic power a little, and the undead will see pure white holy light blooming from the lines on the gun's body. The moment she sees this light, the gray-white body of the undead seems to be on fire, emitting wisps of blue smoke and screaming pitifully .

"Let me go~"

The pain was unbearable, and the undead begged for mercy. To Bella's surprise, the voice was extremely immature, like a child.

After thinking for a moment, Bella withdrew her magic power, and the gun stopped releasing energy, and the begging of the undead stopped.

"Woooo, I just want to play with you. You bullied me. As if experiencing some monstrous grievances, the undead cried loudly, and with the sound of crying, the originally ferocious figure of the undead shrank slowly.

Shrunk down to a body of only 1.2 meters.

Bella pursed her lips. This turned out to be a little child wearing a white princess dress with two ponytails?