
King of Curses In Demon Slayer

At the time of his demise, the walking calamity, the king of curses, divided his soul into 20 portions and stored them in his fingers and scattered them, waiting patiently and silently to be revived and to once more plunge the world into chaos.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Prologue; Ryoumen Sukuna

A/N:" Before we start this journey, I have to remind you all. This isn't the original Demon Slayer verse. This is an AU and some little elements of the plot might change to accommodate the existence of the King of Curses. I cannot nerf him since you guys might literally skin me alive. So to make everything balanced, the demon slayers might be stronger than their original counterparts.

So basically this is it...God help me.."


Outside a white dojo, about multiple figures sat around a bonfire while listening to a shoulder long dark haired young man whose upper face was seemingly covered in a scar that flowed in a pinkish hue and blinded eyes.

"So tell me, what do all of you know about the history of demons?"

Beside the man, a young woman gently rubbed his shoulders, as he asked with a small smile and looked at the nine figures seated around him.

"The era of demons began with Kibutsuji Muzan who was transformed into a demon by a drug to cure an unknown disease.."

A young man holding onto a blue katana sheath, dressed in a red, dark blue and greenish three sectioned haori spoke. His long dark hair spiked up and he spoke with elegance.

"Well done Giyuu. However that is far from the truth." The young man spoke, and the faces of the figures seated around him changed suddenly.

"What do you mean master?.." A handsome man with fiery orange spiky hair dressed in a bluish black uniform and holding onto a katana with a fiery handle asked with a frown.

"Don't get me wrong. Muzan Kibutsuji is the king of demons and it is due to him that demons have once more resurfaced in this world.."

He paused for a moment, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in.

"What?! How is that even possible?!" A handsome man dressed in the a sleeveless uniform with a jeweled crown that had slings of jewels running down to his chest. Two blades were sheathed at his back and his entire being assumed a carefree and unfettered pose.

"Calm down Tengen. I'll explain in a moment.."

The young man sighed seeing the startled expression on the faces of his students.

He knew the implication of whatever he was talking about, but he didn't wish to keep it to himself anymore since his life was slowly coming to an end.

"About 5000 years ago, there existed a man, a calamity, known and referred to as the King of Curses by the people who lived in that time.

He was the first human to achieve a so called state of enlightenment and evolved into a demonized state. In those days there existed a group of beings known as devils who were born from humanity's greatest fears, and possessed immense power, however even they paled in comparison to the King of Curses, Ryoumen Sukuna.

He fed on both devil and human flesh and was feared throughout all of Japan. After achieving the peak of strength through unknown means, he boasted of a method of achieving such strength by siphoning off negative energy from one's soul, a method which he called Jujutsu sorcery, that was shunned by both devil kind and human kind..

At the peak of his power, he was as besieged from all sides by both humans and devils, but he eventually won and completely exterminated the devil race, wiping their roots off the face of the planet.

He was so powerful in his era that he could not be killed by conventional means, so he divided his soul into 20 pieces and stored them in his fingers before scattering them across all of Japan.

This marked the end of the era of the King of Curses..."

After speaking he took a deep breath and watched the reaction on the faces of his students.

"But master, what does his existence have to do with Muzan?" Tengen asked once more, while the man, Kagaya Ubayashiki simply smiled.

"You see, Tengen, the medicine that turned Muzan into a demon was actually a relic that was passed down in my clan from generation to generation, the finger of Ryoumen Sukuna who happens to be my ancestor.."

Letting his words sink in once more, he couldn't help but chuckle, sensing the awkward atmosphere.

"How is that even possible?! How can a mere finger turn a perfectly normal human into a devil?!"

The young man with the fiery yellow and red hair, Rengoku Kyojuro asked with a frown and looked at his fellow Hashiras.

"The fingers of Ryoumen Sukuna didn't just contain his soul, Rengoku, they contained his essence, his being and his power."

Kagaya spoke once more, and the other simply listened and tried digesting his words in the best way they could.

If a single finger from Ryoumen Sukuna was enough to turn Muzan into the powerful and strongest demon, then how powerful was Ryoumen Sukuna himself at his prime.

It felt unbelievable that a single person could wield such power all by himself, and if not for it being their master who told them this, none of them would've never believed this.

"Master, does Ryoumen Sukuna have a chance of resurrection? Or is he truly dead for good?

A female Hashira with blue and black hair, dressed in a another blue and white cloak spike, while her purplish iris glowed with uncertainty.

"I don't know, Shinobu. After all, his death is shrouded in mystery, and the reason why he decided to divide his soul is unknown, however I won't rule out the possibility of a resurrection, and if he does resurrect, then it'll be the end of us all.."

Kagaya shook his head gently while he spoke with a soft smile.

"We should be able to take him. After all, we are the Hashira!"

A silver haired Hashira whose uniform consisted of an unbuttoned shirt, with white sleeves, pants and shoes arose with a yawn, placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and declared boldly.

"Sigh. I have trained all of you to the best of my ability and knowledge, however even I know that there are insurmountable mountains that shouldn't be crossed. If he ever shows up, just do your best or leave while you can.."

Kagaya spoke and was helped up by the beautiful girl by his side and was escorted into his dojo.

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