
King Arthur Won't Die by Accident

"My child, the moment you drew your sword and became king, the knights of Camelot were all shouting the same name - Arthur!" The witch's whisper reminded Arthur of the day when he drew his sword. Arturia and Merlin wanted to tear him apart from their questioning and weird looks. "The people yearn for your glory, and the Saxons fear your power." Arthur glanced at the crazy fanatics surrounding the castle, as well as the Saxon laborers who had just been captured by Gawain. "You are a kind, honest, enthusiastic, righteous, and wise King!" Updates Daily Monday-Friday Read up to 30 Chapters ahead at P@treon.com/TrashProspector This is a TL: OG Author: Mingyue Bengwuchen

Trash_Prospector · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 30: Initial Formation, Big Victory

"Bastard Britons!"

"Is this considered a knight?"

"A group of villains who have insulted our glory!"


Listening to the screams and curses of the Saxon soldiers, Arthur curled his lips indifferently.

Once again, the form of warfare in this era was quite backward. Personal bravery and chivalry were advocated based on glory. Even the foreign Saxons were assimilated by Britain. To put it bluntly, it is the fighting between military formations, the most primitive war.

Not to mention strategies such as combining the right time, place, and people, even if the basic fire attack is flooded, the method of using the terrain is almost impossible.

If you use it, you will only be labeled as 'shameless' or 'knightly disgrace'.

Well, looking at it this way, the Saxons were right about one thing. Arthur was so shameless and didn't care about his own face at all. In comparison, he felt that his life was more important.

Whether it is one's own or one's own subjects.

How much is face worth?

Can you buy your life?

What, I can't? I'm sorry, I'll be shameless!

Who wants to compete with you barbarians in numbers and bayonets? Do you think I'm stupid? Sir, times have changed. Eat me and bring justice from heaven!

Of course, it can't just end like this, it's just a wall of fire that won't move. Since you can't get through or avoid it, you just need to retreat in the opposite direction.

How much kerosene can Arthur have?

The answer is, no more.

How long can the fire last?

In less than ten minutes, it will gradually extinguish.

The Saxons only needed to retreat in reverse and wait for a while before launching another offensive.

Lancelot obviously saw this and quickly remembered, "King Arthur, if this continues, when the fire burns out and the Saxons calm down, we will still be defeated."

"The premise is that they have time to calm down before defeat." Arthur smiled lightly and said: "Sir Lancelot, you need to know that human beings are very complex creatures, especially human psychology. Fragile and volatile, most people cannot remain calm most of the time."

Just as Arthur said, the Saxon army fell into panic.

The wall of fire and Camelot formation alone caused them to lose at least a thousand people. The wall of fire that was still burning at this moment had turned into their nightmare.

The soldiers scrambled to flee, and they were pushed down and trampled, causing another wave of casualties. The general wanted to scare the soldiers by killing chickens to scare monkeys. After killing a few, he found that it was useless and could only organize the soldiers to retreat. At least some order would make them less terrible.

However, the soldiers who initially fled to the east quickly fled back in large numbers.

Because to the east, there is a cavalry team led by Gawain and Kay, running back and forth across the city, like the scythe of death, harvesting batch after batch of lives.

In fact, their escape was too scattered. If they were more concentrated, even Gawain and Kay would be helpless.

However, these Saxons who were frightened and lost their minds still wanted to maintain strict discipline under such circumstances. Unless King Vortigern personally led them, it would be completely impossible.

Meanwhile, Arthur decided that was almost enough and called in the magician from before.

"You can send the signal."

"As commanded."

The magician responded respectfully, and then fired a fireball that exploded in the air.


Nearly a hundred figures suddenly appeared.

That was the court magicians of Camelot, and they had been ambushing them there for a long time. When they got the signal, they immediately used magic to raise layers of earth walls behind the Saxon army, completely blocking the retreat.

The north, south and east directions are all dead ends!

The Camelot army also advanced bit by bit.

All of a sudden, the Saxon soldier had only one word in his mind - escape.

However, can they escape?

"This is too obvious. There should be more deadly traps deployed in the west. My king, have you underestimated the enemy?" Lancelot paid attention to the battle nervously.

"It's not that I underestimated my enemy, Sir Lancelot, it's that you failed to see the stupidity of human nature."

"You mean the enemy is stupid?"

"No, I mean, we humans are very stupid." Arthur shook his head and explained, "Look at the battlefield, it seems that our side has the advantage now. Even if the chaotic Saxon army does not have much combat power, the numbers are there. If we push them hard, not many of us will be able to return to Camelot safely today."

"The enemy still has the strength to fight."

"Exactly, people will break out in desperate situations. Once they despair, they will bite us at the risk of fatal injuries. People at this time are like wild beasts, very scary. So we cannot let the enemy despair."

"Don't let the enemy despair?"

Lancelot couldn't help but feel surprised. In his mind, the more powerful he appeared, the more his enemies would become fearful, desperate, and lose their fighting spirit.

The concept of not letting the enemy despair seems to have never appeared in the history he knew.

"That's right, we can't make them despair. On the contrary, we have to give them hope. People, as long as they see a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation, even if it is slim, the hope itself is false and a dead end, and they will reach out desperately." Arthur pointed at the Saxon army and said, "Look, with such an obvious trap, the west side must be a dead end, but they went there anyway."

Suddenly, Lancelot understood.

Everything today is in Arthur's calculation. Regardless of the route, timing, method, and even the original retreat route of the Saxon army's attack, Arthur had clearly arranged it.

Although I don't know how Arthur did all this, but...

The Saxon army was like a fly that couldn't see the way forward, falling bit by bit into the spider web trap compiled by Arthur.

Lancelot felt that Arthur was a little scary at this moment.

But as a monarch, no one was more reliable than Arthur.

"What's wrong, Sir Lancelot, you look like you're in shock."

"I'm just glad that I can be loyal to you." Lancelot smiled slightly.


The war situation...or in other words, the Saxon's flight continues.

However, when they fled to the west, they saw Aggravain who had been waiting for a long time.

Strictly speaking, compared to the other three routes, the west side looks almost defenseless. The soldiers of Camelot stood in a row, one person every two meters, stretching the defense line very long. At the same time, it also makes the defense useless.

The Saxon army laughed and rushed forward, thinking they saw a way to escape, but -


The first escapees all fell into the trap.

The people who were a little further back came to their senses and found that between themselves and Camelot's defense line, there was a huge trench three meters deep, about five meters wide, and a thousand meters long. The trench was covered with sharp wooden stakes and upside-down spears.

Fall and die.

Jump to the opposite side, guarded by soldiers, or die.

There is no doubt that the Saxon soldiers with a full set of equipment at a distance of five meters are unable to withstand the spears of the Camelot soldiers in mid-air.

To jump or not to jump?

The answer came quickly, jump!

Because they had already seen several of their companions being pushed into the ditch by people from behind and impaled by wooden stakes.

If you continue to block here, you will end up with the same end sooner or later.

So there was a heroic scene where thousands of people kept jumping to the opposite side, and then were stabbed to death or knocked into the ditch by Camelot soldiers. There were really only a few who successfully jumped over.

After an unknown amount of time, the hands of the Camelot soldiers who formed the defense line began to feel sore. The three main knights led the army and rushed over.

"Those who put down their weapons and surrender on their knees will avoid death!"

Finally, Aggravain's voice became the straw that broke the camel's back.

The psychological defense of the Saxon army was defeated.

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