
Killua in My Hero Academia

*owo* Killua ends up in My Hero Academia verse and meeting Young Midoriya and Bakugou

EricaKate · Others
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Killua in another World?

Killua Zoldyck, professional child soldier and hunter had not under any condition thought he would visually perceive himself in this situation.

Currently sitting in a classroom along with immature youth's who were all trying to be heroes, he would've laughed at the infeasibility of such a scenario.

But that's precisely what's been going on for the past six months.

It had been virtually a year since he found himself in this outlandish world. A world filled with people who had powers, super powers even, where being a HERO was an actual line of work. If the former hunter didn't know any better, he would've thought Alluka transported him into an authentic comic book.

Inquiring about, Killua sneered at the excitement of his classmates. The professor just asked what everyone wanted to do after they graduated, but didn't wait for anyone to answer because he knew being a hero was everyone's desire. To be honest, Killua was in the same crowd, though his reasons were much different. From what he understood about this world so far, being a Heron was like being a celebrity . You earn wads of money, have power and influence , gain approach to selective information , attain certain privilege , and so much more. All in all, it wasn't that different from being a hunter.

Listening around, Killua realized lots of his classmates were motivated by different reasons to be Heroes. Some just wanted to get rich, others wanted to be celebrities, but there were a few rare kids that really wanted to help people.

Killua, contrarily, knew exactly why he wanted to be a hero. It wasn't for popularity, bank, or fame. To him, it's simple really, being a hero was just a means to an end. There was only one thing he wanted.


In almsot the year he'd been stuck on this world, he learned that if you became a registered hero, you could gain access to information that was otherwise classified. People became more willing to talk to you, and you'll be able to do some serious networking among the other heroes in order to gain more.

That's what Killua was after when he decided to register for a hero course. He needed access to information, and the fastest way to do that was to become a hero. But why did he want information?

To get back to his own world.

Killua looked away from the kids and glanced out the window in contemplation. Since this world's population has got a diverse number of quirks, there must be someone who had the ability to open portals between worlds. He'd searched for the first few months after he realized what Alluka had done, but he turned up nothing. As he began to understand this world, he realized that the quickest way to gain information was to become a Hero.

That, or get involved with the undergrown. To speed things up, Killua decided to do both. Even after a year in this world, the young hunter didn't come close to finding anyone who had the ability to warp between worlds. It was quite depressing, but he knew he couldn't give up.

"Alluka, Why?" Killua whispered to himself, his voice drowned out by the cheers of his fellow students. "Why did you put me in this world?"

Before he was sent to this place, Killua managed to avoid his family for a full year. He and Alluka traveled far and wide during that time, seeing as many sights as possible without going to places like the Dark Continent. A full year where they skillfully avoided the Zoldyck's influence.

Killua and Alluka knew it couldn't last forever though, and eventually, there family caught up to them. When confronted by Zeno, Silva, and Illumi, Alluka and Killua knew it was impossible to escape. Knowing how Powerful Nanika was, Killua contemplated asking her to kill them, but the Zoldyck's came prepared.

They've found Gon and took him as a hostage, keeping him in the Family Manor. They said they would kill him if Killua tried anything...

Realizing they didn't have any options left, Killua and Alluka surrendered. It was a tough decision because they knew Illumi would shove needles in Killua's brain in order to control Nanika.

That's when everything went to hell. Before the Zoldyck's could take them, Alluka turned to her older brother and simply told him about how happy she'd been for the past year. She expressed how grateful she was when he rescued her, spent time with her, and loved her. Finally, she told him how grateful she was that he gave up so much to make her happy.

She then told him it was her turn to do the same.

The next thing Killua knew he was waking up in a sewer. At first, he thought Alluka asked Nanika to take him somewhere far away so he had time to plan a rescue.

That was an understatement if he ever heard one.

After getting out and exploring around the strange town for the day, he realized just how far away Nanika had sent him. He wasn't even in his own WORLD anymore. While talking with some people and asking a few questions, he got some seriously weird looks when he asked where York New City was. Technology was the same, so it didn't take long to find a computer. When doing a few searches, he realized Nanika had sent him to a completely different world.

Even a year later, Killua was trying to come to terms with this fact. Sure, it was theoretically possible that different worlds existed, but to actually have the power to open portals between them...Alluka's power was even more incredible than he could fathom.

But that was the problem. His departure was so quick that he didn't know what happened. What happened to his little sister? What happened to Gon? Did his family kill his best friend because of what Alluka did? Did his family capture his little sister and force her to do there bidding? He doubted it because he was the only one who Nanika liked. They would have to complete her favors in order to use her power.

Either way, Killua didn't care. All he knew was that he needed to get back somehow.

For the first six months, Killua spent most of the time researching and trying to understand this world. The people spoke the same language as him, but reading and writing was a different story. It took him a little while to learn the basics before he could do anything. After he began to understand how to read the language, knowledge of this world became so much easier to acquire.

The most interesting thing about this world was that people were born with quite interesting powers called quirks. After a little bit more research, nearly every person was born with an ability.

But nobody could use Nen. From what he could see so far, Quirks and Nen had nothing to do with each other. In fact, it didn't seem like anyone knew how to use Aura at all. They do possess the Aura but just couldn't utilize it. He could still sense everyone around him via Aura signatures since no one knew how to use ZETSU.

Realizing this, Killua decide to hide his ability to use Nen. He didn't know if these people were capable of using Aura, but he didn't see a point of testing it out. After all, almost everyone had a quirk instead. Why would they need Nen on top of that?

Glancing over the classroom, Killua's eyes rested on the one boy he knew didn't have a quirk. Apparently, there were a few people in this dimension who were born unlucky.(heh, fret not maybe teach this world of what Nen can do even with a quirkless) They were referred to as quirkless and were treated as air.

Izuku Midoriya, the All Might 'hero' fanboy of the classroom. He had seen the boy muttering to himself and writing in his notebook every time someone used their quirk. Poor kid must have been devastated after learning he didn't have one. Despite it all, there were few people who didn't know Midoriya wanted to be a hero. Even when bullied by nearly every person in the classroom, he still proclaimed his dream.

Speaking of the devil.

"Hey Teach! Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects."

Killua looked to the other student who was lazily resting his feet on his desk.

Katsuki Bakugou. An obnoxious loudmouth with a not that bad quirk. The ability to create explosions at will with your hands was quite impressive…It really reminded him of the Bomber when he and Gon played Greed Island. In fact, the personality resemblance was pretty eerie.

And that wasn't a good thing.

The kid was annoying beyond belief. With just one look, Killua could see that Bakugou thought he was better than anyone else just because he was born with a strong quirk. In a small way, the former assassin could understand because he was also born with incredible talent. The big difference between them?

Killua didn't look down on others because of their lack of talent anymore. Even the weakest person can become STRONG with the right training. And even the strongest person can be defeated by someone much weaker than them. Nen was the perfect example of this. It didn't matter if you had immensely big reserves of Aura, rather it was how creative you could be in applying it.

After living here for a year, Killua began to realize quirks were no different. People could train their quirks to be extremely powerful. But those who have strong quirks usually develop massive egos, resulting in never doing anything to improve their quirk.

Bakugou was an example of the latter.

Understandably, the rest of the class didn't take kindly to his declaration. They all screamed and whined about his attitude, none of them taking action.

Killua just rolled his eyes because it wasn't even worth it to get angry. If you had confidence in yourself, then you didn't let words affect you. The reason the rest of the class was mad was because they felt insecure about themselves, or they realized Bakugou was right and didn't appreciate him saying it how it was.

Glancing over at the only quirkless kid again, Killua saw that he also unaffected by the taunt, mostly because Midoriya was reading his notebook again while adding more entries. Even though he didn't have any powers, Midoriya was probably the only one who was trying to understand better applications of quirks. Since he didn't have one, he defaulted to taking notes on everyone else's instead. It was too bad he didn't have any powers because Midoriya would probably be the only one in this entire class who would explore the furthest reaches of his power.

What a shame.

"Shut up you useless extras!" Bakugou shouted, causing Killua to roll his eyes again. Seriously, did this kid think he was that important?

"Oh, if I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A. High, right, Bakugou?" The teacher asked.

Everyone surprisingly gasps in the classroom. Killua didn't know why U.A. was so impressive, but everyone seemed to hold it in such high regard. It was probably because U.A. was for the best of the best. In a really but familliar strange way, it was akin to the hunter exam where only the strongest could participate. Even before the exam started, you had to prove yourself to a series of examiners.

But U.A. was just a regular hero course school. Anyone could apply, so what was the big deal?

After doing his research, Killua decided to apply to U.A. because it had the reputation of being the best. And since he was the best, it was only fitting to go there.

"I aced the mock test! I'm the only one from this school who could possible get into U.A." Bakugou shouted to the entire classroom. "I'll surpass All Might and become the top 1 hero."

All Might.

Killua smirked to himself when he thought about the one who was considered to be the best. Everywhere he looked, the former assassin saw the top hero's grinning face. He was practically everywhere : on the billboards, shirts, TV shows, and even trading cards. His smile was so brave, so charismatic, so heroic…


All Might was a true hero who risked his life to save people on a daily basis…but the way he portrayed himself on the media was as fake as you could get. It was so obvious the man was putting on a face for the crowd, being the symbol of justice who runs into the fight with a smile. A Smile to conceal some kind of secret.

Killua had to admit, it was impressive how well All might could portray himself as the hero who would smile in the face of danger. But from a young age, the former assassin was trained to read between the lines. Maybe no one else could see it, but there was something about All Might that he was hiding.

What that was, Killua didn't know, nor did he care to find out. The man was a symbol of justice, so he had to keep up appearances. He had to show that there was nothing that could break his will, no matter how hard things got. In a way, Killua admired that about All Might.

But there was one little problem with that. Looking around at the society in this dimension, it seemed All Might was the lone pillar that kept it from completely collapsing. People relied too much on the guy, so much so that if something were to happen to him, Chaos would break out.

Already, everywhere he went, people acted as if the man would appear out of thin air to rescue them from there troubles. It created a society where no one was really independent anymore. And that was never a good thing.

"My name will be inscribed on the list of top earners! Everyone will know my name! And it all starts with U.A!"

Killua blinked a couple times and glanced up at Bakugou again. Was this kid still at it? How full of yourself could you get?

Before Bakugou could continue riding his high horse, the teacher had to open his big, fat mouth.

"Midoriya and Zoldyck, didn't you both want to go to U.A. as well?"

The entire classroom quieted down as everyone's heads turned towards the two kids. Killua groaned in annoyance. Why did the teacher need to say that? He really didn't need, nor want the attention.

During his time in School, he always kept to himself. He didn't have any friends and didn't associate with anyone. Heck, people even suspected he was quirkless because he never showed off his powers. Not that he ever intended to tell people about Nen. He would rather they think he was quirkless than realize how powerful he truly was.

Despite his annoyance, Killua turned to the quirkless kid again, a bit surprised and impressed by the announcement. Why would Midoriya try to get into U.A. despite being quirkless? Was it even possible? Sure, he wanted to be a hero, but there were other…less competitive places to go.

Bakugou looked like his entire world had imploded in on itself. The rest of the classroom was silent for a few seconds before everyone erupted in laughter. Fingers pointed in mocking at the poor quirkless boy.

"Midoriya? HAHAHA"

"The two quirkless in the class really want to go to U.A."

"You sure Zoldyck is quirkless?"

"Well, I've never seen him use a quirk and he never mentioned having one."

"He's a freak. He hasn't got any friends and never talks."

"Babies." Killua thought to himself. True he didn't associate with anyone, but why did that make him a freak?

"There's no way to get into U.A. if you don't have a quirk."

It looked like Izuku finally had enough ridicule as he stood from his seat. "They actually got rid of that rule. I could be the first one!"

His little comment snapped Bakugou out of his mental breakdown as he blew up the top of Izuku's desk. The kid went flying back and landed on his ass.

"Listen up DEKU!" Bakugou growled, smoke flowing from his hand.

DEKU... The nickname everyone in class called Midoriya. It basically meant he was useless. And seeing that the boy didn't do anything as Bakugou ridiculed him with words, Killua was starting to agree. Does not having a quirk mean you should let people walk all over you? Of course not, but Midoriya let it happen anyway. The former assassin even cringed in annoyance when Izuku started spouting off about not getting in Bakugou's way. Seriously, how much of a pansy could you be?

"It's always been my dream! I may not have a quirk, but I still have to try my hardest to be a hero." Izuku said in the most unconvincing way possible.

Killua rolled his eyes and looked out the window again. Seriously, how can you call it your dream when you say it with absolutely zero confidence. It was like he was just going to try, then give up. If you have a dream, make it a reality no matter what. If you half-ass it, then of course nothing will happen.

Naturally, he was ridiculed by everyone in the classroom again. But what can you expect if you talk about a dream you don't believe in? Who's going to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself?


Killua realized his desk also exploded. Seriously, wasn't the teacher supposed to stop this before more school property was destroyed? The former assassin didn't even flinch as he looked up into Bakugou's angry gaze.

"Yes?" Killua asked politely.

"Listen freak! You think you're so cool transferring here and getting in my way? You think you can just apply to U.A. when you haven't so much as shown anyone your quirk? Do you even have a quirk, you white-haired loser?" Bakugou snapped, a smirk on his face.

Killua simply looked at him with a blank expression before closing his eyes and shrugging his shoulders. He knew how to deal with people like Bakugou. All they did was bark loudly in the hopes of getting a rise, and if you didn't give them one, it drove them crazy. Apparently, it worked because Bakugou was turning red in the face.

"HA! What does that even mean? Are you so ashamed of your weak-ass quirk that you can't even say what it is? Just goes to show that not everyone can have an awesome quirk like mine. You might as well give up right now because you'll die in the exams, Guaranteed."

Killua looked up at the enraged boy again, his face showing the epitome of boredom. After a few seconds of silence, the assassin simply opened his mouth and said one thing.


It was silent. Not a single person dared to say a word because no one ever had the balls to snub Bakugou Katsuki like that. Even Midoriya stared at the former assassin, his large eyes widening in horror.

Bakugou simply gawked, as if his brain could not comprehend what just happened.

"What did you say?" He whispered, smoke already rolling off his hands.

Again, Killua shrugged and faced the front of the classroom, as if Bakugou wasn't even worth the air he breathed.

That ticked the angry boy off more than anything.


"Bakugou, that's enough. Save it for after class." The teacher said, finally stepping in.

Bakugou looked as if he were going to explode without the use of his quirk. He used every ounce of his willpower to step away and take a seat, defaulting to glaring at Killua for the remainder of the day.

Not that Killua cared in the slightest. Bakugou could do nothing to him. However, it did make the remainder of the period awkward as hell. Despite being in the same class for the past six months, no one knew anything about Killua Zoldyck. For most of the other students, this was the only time they heard him talk besides doing mandatory reading for the class. The fact that he brushed off Bakugou so easily really set them on edge.

* * *

Hours later, the final bell rung, signaling the end of classes for the day. About time too because Killua was bored out of his mind. There was nothing challenging about school. Even testing, which people thought was the bane of all existence, was so easy because the teacher talked about the answers during classes. You just had to pay attention.

Since he was trained from a young age to be an assassin, Killua never attended school. The only reason he was doing so now was because it was required. He needed to have some kind of educational background if he wanted to apply for a Hero course.

But after spending six months in school, he could see why his parents never made him attend one. It would've been a complete waste of time.

Everyone was packing up their things and getting ready to leave for the day. Killua did the same, putting his notebook back in his bag and standing from his desk. He barely made it two steps before Bakugou got in his way along with two generic looking cronies. Seriously, this was just annoying. What did they think they would accomplish here?

"Where do you think you're going freak?" Bakugou asked dangerously, sparks already dancing in his hands.

"Same place as always, imbecile." Killua said back, trying to step around the angered teen. The former assassin was getting annoyed. He hadn't so much as shared one conversation with Bakugou. And after his brief interaction with the boy, he realized why. Bakugou was just a generic, self-absorbed, Idiot. He thought that just because he was born with a powerful quirk that he was more important than anyone else. Seriously, who calls people extras, as if you're the main character of a story?

"You've sure got a mouth on you." Random #1 said. "You do realize who you're talking to, right?"

"Seriously, do you have a death wish or something?" Random #2 added.

Bakugou looked as if he simply couldn't understand that someone was talking to him like this. No one had ever dared stand up to him, less they get their ass blown to pieces.

"You think you can talk to me like that and get away with it?" He asked, small explosions popping off his hands. "I think I need to teach you why I'm top dog around here."

"K-Knock it off Kacchan"

"EH!" Bakugou whirled around to see Midoriya standing there, trying to look tough, but failing miserably. "What did you say Deku? You're both really starting to piss me off! You think you're so cool, applying to U.A. just to get in my way? I should be the only one who's applying at this school and you two ruined it!"

"I-I'm not trying to get in your way. I've just..." Midoriya fell silent and clutched his notebook to his chest in defeat. He didn't have the courage to defy Bakugou when he was this angry. He'd been on the wrong side of his childhood friends temper before, and it never ended well.

"And what's that?" Bakugou asked, ripping Izuku's notebook out of his hands. He flipped through a few pages before snorting. "You really are a quirkless wannabe. As if a fanboy like you could become a hero."

Killua watched without saying a word as the three boys gained up on Midoriya. He wanted to see if Izuku would say anything that would prove Bakugou wrong. After all, the quirkless kid made an impression on the former assassin in applying to U.A. despite being powerless. Maybe Midoriya would stand up for himself when the going gets tough.

He didn't.

"I-Give it back."

Bakugou ignored him by blowing up the notebook and throwing it out the window near where Killua was standing. To be honest, Killua was a little disappointed that Midoriya didn't do or say anything to Bakugou. He just let it all happen.

The other boys were thinking the same thing.

"Man, I thought you would've said something. Guess not." Random #1 said as he, Random #2 and Bakugou began to exit the room.

Killua hated to admit it, but the kid had a point. Izuku didn't do anything to prove his class wrong. He just rolled over and let people bully him.

"Hey, I got a great idea Deku!" Bakugou said as he made his way toward the class exit. His voice took a vicious tone. "Take a chance at being born with a quirk in the next life and jump out the window"

Yikes, even Killua was a bit surprised by the taunt. From what he understood, Bakugou and Midoriya used to be friends in the past. It must not have meant much to Bakugou if he could easily tell Midoriya to kill himself. Izuku seemed to think the same because he turned to Bakugou, a look of anger in his eyes.

Killua thought for a brief moment that the quirkless kid might actually say something this time. But all it took was a small threat from Katsuki to break his spirit. Again, it was pretty disappointing.

"Oh, and don't think I forgot about you!" Bakugou said to Killua as he stood in the class doorway. "Watch your back because no one talks to me like that! You get in my way and I'll kill you!"

Killua had no reaction to such meaningless taunts. He was use to things like that because he was one of the youngest participants in the hunter's exam alongside Gon. People always talked down to him because he was a kid.

Izuku just stood there, looking completely pathetic. It was so annoying that Killua rolled his eyes and groaned as Bakugou finally left the classroom. He finished packing up his things and walked over to the depressed kid.

"Midoriya…?" Killua said, realizing he'd never had a conversation with Izuku before.

"Huh?" Izuku looked up at the former assassin. "Oh, um…Zoldyck, right?"

"Yeah…" Killua said flatly. Geeze, was even talking to a new person to much for the shy boy?

"Um hey…Y-You probably shouldn't…t-talk like that to…Kacchan. He can get…p-pretty violent."

Killua rolled his eyes for the 3.thousandth time. "So?"

Izuku's eyebrows raised as he looked up at the uncaring expression on Killua's face. It was surprising because almost everyone he mentioned Kacchan to, they had some kind of fear or respect in their eyes. Killua had none.

"Midoriya, can I ask you something?" Killua asked, causing the boy to blink a few times and nod. "Why do you let him push you around?"

Izuku took a few moments to process his words before biting his lower lip and turning his head in shame. "Well…I-It's because I can't do anything about it. I'm…I'm quirkless."

"That doesn't mean you have to act like a doormat." Killua said with a touch of frustration in his voice.

Izuku didn't know what to say. He just looked even more ashamed.

"You said your dream was to be a hero, right?" Killua asked, getting a small nod from Izuku. "Are you sure? Because you don't sound very confident in yourself."

"I-It can't be helped. I've always been made fun of for my dream."

"Have you done anything to prove them wrong?"

Blinking a couple times, Izuku looked up at the white-haired boy. "W-What do you mean?"

Killua felt his annoyance spike. "I mean have you done anything to make your dream a reality? Have you trained your body or mind? Have you stood up for yourself, or do you just let people push you down? You said you're going to apply to U.A…. Big fucking deal. Anyone can fill out a piece of paper. But so far, all I've seen you do is write in your notebook and mutter to yourself about how you want to be a hero."

"I…Um…" again, Izuku looked away because he knew Killua was right. He never so much as did a push up by himself. He was hesitant to tell people about his dream because he was afraid of more ridicule. It destroyed his confidence because there was always someone making fun of his aspirations.

"So far, you seem to be waiting for something to happen. Nothing will change unless do something." Killua said as he walked past Izuku. He didn't know why he was telling this to Midoriya, just he felt like he should. Maybe he admired the fact that Izuku was shooting to be a hero despite having a huge handicap of being quirkless. If nothing else, that got Midoriya a tiny bit of respect from Killua.

Now he just needed to actually grow a backbone and not let people walk all over him.


Killua paused as he turned his head. He saw Izuku still looking like a frightened puppy, but there was a morsel of determination in his eyes.

"Y-You're right. I haven't done much to make my dream a reality. For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a hero…It's what my heart longs for…but…can I ask you something."


"Do…do think it's possible for me to be a hero, even if I don't have a quirk?" Izuku asked, his eyes facing the ground now.

Killua frowned. The tone in Izuku's voice…It sounded like he was trying to find some kind of validation, some form of encouragement, someone to believe in him. As if he was waiting for someone to give him permission to be a hero.

That was just stupid.

"Why are you asking me?" Killua said with a shrug. "My opinion should have no relevance. If you want to be a hero, then be one. The only one stopping you…is you! Stop with the excuses about being quirkless and actually do something to be a hero instead of waiting for someone to believe it you. I mean, no one's going to if you don't believe in yourself first. And if someone says you can't do it, make sure you do everything in your power to prove them wrong."

Killua finished his little speech before tossing something to Midoriya. The kid fumbled a little before catching the object, his eyebrows shooting into his hairline when he recognized his burnt notebook. He looked between it and Killua a few times, his mouth hanging open.

"This…When did you…How did you…"

Killua just gave a small shrug as he turned to leave the classroom. "Work hard Midoriya. If you apply yourself, I think you could become a hero."

With that, Killua left the classroom, missing the wide-eyed expression on Izuku's face and the tears streaming down his cheeks. The former assassin didn't know if Midoriya would act on his words or not. Either way, he didn't really care.

Hiii everybody! My first time writing here hope you guys enjoy!!

If you've got nothing to listen to *owo* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXXPQ9zNGG4

EricaKatecreators' thoughts