
Killua in My Hero Academia

*owo* Killua ends up in My Hero Academia verse and meeting Young Midoriya and Bakugou

EricaKate · Others
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2 Chs

Killua gets ... a psycho stalker?

Going back home from school was just as monotous as always. From time to time he would be lucky enough to see a villain attack, but he never interfered as it wasn't any of his business, and it wasn't like he was allowed to help either. You had to be a "professional, registered hero" in order to do anything. A ridiculous system, but it kept people from recklessly using their quirks.

It didn't take long before Killua found his way back to his home. It took quite a long time to get this piece of property because this world was annoying when it came to the legal age of adult hood. Back home, you could be a child and rent an apartment, or buy a house. Children could even participate in dangerous activities like the hunter's exam as long as you had your guardian's permission.

But in this world, you could hardly walk around on your own without adult supervision. It was so ridiculous trying to get this house. When he first got here, he was forced to live on the streets, learning to read and write(@183). After all of that, he then used his amazing skills at deception in order to convince a local landlady that he was representing his parents, who were working overseas most of the time.

In the end, he was finally able to get a small apartment. Paying for it was an issue, he had to steal some money from the area : pretty much anywhere, to support himself until he could be self-sustaining. Unfortunately, there wasn't many options of getting money for someone who should be in middle school. So, the best way to get some cash was falling back on his training.

No, he didn't become a hunter for hire, even though that was an option. Rather, he used his intimate knowledge of finding underground activity to find opportunity to get some cash. In a world where nearly everyone was born with super powers, there would be some illegal underground fight clubs.

And there were a LOT of them.

It wasn't hard to find either. All Killua had to do was keep his ears open for any whispers of people bidding on fighters. It was much more popular than he first expected. He thought the professional heroes would keep things like this from happening.

But just as powers made the good guys stronger, it made the bad guys stronger as well. The underground was vast and powerful in this dimension.

It didn't take long before he found someone who could sign him up for these fight clubs. While keeping his ear open, Killua kept hearing a name pop up again and again. Apparently, there was was a well-connected villain broker who had a major hard-on for money. After asking/interrogating some people under disguise, Killua found the man and told him his interest in fighting.


*Start Fwashback*

"Hmm." A man behind his desk took a large inhale of tobacco and breathed out a steady stream of smoke. He had ashen hair and round glasses with a little stubble on his chin. Currently, he was staring at a young…person wearing a black hoodie, sunglasses, and a black mask that covered the lower half of his face. "What can I do for you? Usually, I'm the one finding people, so it's not every day I have someone seeking me out."

"You're the villain broker? I hear you have connections with the Illegal fight clubs around town."

The Villain broker gave a smile, showing off a mouth with one missing tooth. He was pushing a button on the bottom of his desk while stalling his guest. He had no idea where this young boy came from, nor how he got into his office, but didn't care to find out. He didn't even notice the boy the was there until he sat down and lit up a cigarette.

"Well you've found the perfect guy for that, though I am surprised because not many people know where I am. Gotta keep out of the watchful eyes of pro heroes after all. Tell me, how did you know where to find me?"

The white haired kid shrugged. "People always talk, you just have to listen."

"Quite indeed." The broker laughed. "So, you're interested... in the fight clubs, are ya? Tell me, why would a kid like you want to bet on those fights? You don't look like you have a bunch of money"

"I don't, which is why I want to make some." The white haired kid said. "I want you to sign me up for a fight."

The villain broker paused for a few moments before letting out a loud belly laugh. "Listen kid, those fights are very serious. Sponsors and those who bet on specific fighters often use dirty tactics to force others to lose. Blackmail, kidnapping family members, extortion, you name it. Trust me, you do not want to get involved unless you have nothing to lose." The Broker said, continuing to push the button on the bottom of his desk. He felt a bit of frustration because his men were not coming for some reason.

"You've got nothing to worry about." The white haired kid said with confidence. "I'll be fine."

"Is that so?" The Broker said as if he were talking to a child. "Well, I don't suppose you have any proof that you can handle yourself."

"They aren't coming you know." The white haired kid said, the temperature in the room dropping a couple degrees.

The broker felt cold chills run down his spine as he stared at the young person in front of him. He narrowed his eyes behind his glasses. "Who are you talking about?"

"Your bodyguards." The white haired kid said. "It's quite obvious your trying to stall me, but no matter how many times you push that button, no one will come."

The brokers eyes widened as a bit of fear creeped up his back. Even though he couldn't see the child's mouth, he knew there was a grin on it.

"And why's that? Did you disable my alarm system or something? You know I can just yell and they'll come. Either way, I don't think you're getting out of here in once piece."

"Disabling the alarm? Sounds too intricate." The boy said with a shrug. "I just knocked everyone out instead. It was much easier."

It took a moment for the Broker to realize what the boy just said. He narrowed his eyes in disbelief before opening the laptop on his desk and looking at the surveillance system. The boy didn't do anything to stop him. Instantly, the broker's eyes widened as he saw all of his men on the ground, unconscious. It was…incredible. Some of those guards had impressive quirks, but they were all knocked out.

No wonder he didn't see anyone when he walked into the building.

"None of them are dead." The boy said. "Didn't think you'd be happy with that."

"…You're not wrong there." The broker responded as he closed his laptop. A sudden grin formed on his face as he could practically see the money flowing in. His guys were no pushovers, and if this kid could take them all out, then he must have a pretty devastating quirk. "Well, you've got me interested. Tell you what, I'll act as your sponsor for the first fight and well split the profit 30/70 if you win. Heck, I may even continue to be your sponsor if you make an impression."

"70%, I'll take that." The boy said.

"You're kidding? I'm the one with the connections and I also have to fill out all the paperwork for your fights."

"And I'm the one doing all the actual work. 60%, my way."

"I'm risking my reputation + my own money. That's a big sacrifice. 60% my way." The Broker said.

"And I'm risking my life here. 50% even." The white haired kid retorted in annoyance. "Trust me, you will not regret it. If you don't take this deal, I'll simply go somewhere else and I promise you'll be kicking yourself for being too greedy."

The broker paused for a moment, stroking his chin in contemplation. The sheer confidence he could feel from this kid was astounding. He really thought he could win. If the boy did win, there was a ton of money to be made. And if he loss, well, it wouldn't put much of a dent in the brokers account.

"Alright deal, What am I even supposed to call you?"

"Call me... Freecss." The child said.

"Well Freecss, my name is Giran, but I guess you already knew that." He said with a smile. "Let's make lots of money together."

*End Fwashback*

* * *

And made money they did. After his first win against a guy called Spinner, Killua realized just how popular these fights were if his bank account had anything to say about it. His eyes almost bulged out of his sockets when he saw how much was wired into his account. If this was only half, and Giran took the other half…Killua should have asked for a better percentage, but he was still getting ahold of how the economy worked.

The reason it was so much was because Giran put in a huge bid on him, while practically everyone else bid on Spinner. As usual, he was underestimated because he was a newcomer and a child. No one expected him to win against a trained and experienced villain. Since Giran knew about his strength, he felt confident enough to risk a bunch of money in order to make over ten times as much.

And it paid off big time.

The Hunters name was being spread through the undergrown, causing more and more people to request a fight with him. Thankfully, Giran took care of all the busy work and all Killua had to do was fight.

After his second match, Killua learned from Giran that a number of important sponsors were keeping an eye on him. If he continued his win streak, then he'd better start watching his back because people would try to find out his identity.

So far, only a single person had found out who The Hunter was. It was around the time he was still getting use to living in this dimension and seriously underestimated how tricky some quirks could be. Funny enough, the person was the opponent for his third underground fight and was interested in getting a bit of revenge after losing.

The only problem was that they couldn't get a jump on Killua without the former assassin noticing. After being rightly defeated, the person was easily swayed to keep quiet after Killua poured on the killing intent, though not because the person was frightened.

Rolling his eyes, Killua tried not to think of the strange individual. To distract him, his phone vibrated just as he walked into his house…A small three-bedroom, two-bathroom house he could afford after winning his fourth fight. Seriously, those fights earned him a lot of money.

Speaking of matches, upon opening his phone and checked out the caller ID. He smirked a little. Looks like he was in for another fight, one that would pay big bucks if he could win according to Giran.

What was he saying! He was Killua Zoldyck! There was no way he could lose to any of these chumps. So far, he hadn't come across anyone who could give him much of a challenge.

Hunter! We've got a big match tonight. Meet me at the usual place.

Killua almost laughed at his own moniker again. The reason he went with The Hunter was simply an homage to his occupation back home.

The former assassin pocketed his cell phone and went to his room to dawn his disguise. A simple black hoodie to cover his white hair, a pair of sunglasses, and a black mask that covered the lower half of his face. Admittedly, it wasn't his best disguise, but it got the job done. Now that everything was in place, Killua left his apartment, ready to make some sweet cash.

"So, who next?" Killua asked nonchalantly as he followed his sponsor to the underground fight club.

"A guy who personally asked a fight with you, his sponsor most likely wants revenge after you thrashing his last fighter."

"... Who was that again? I've been pretty busy." Killua said with more nonchalance.

Giran laughed as he patted Killua on the back good-naturally. "You a very scary kid Hunter." The man said with a sadistic grin. "I can't believe someone like you just landed right in my lap. You've made me so much money these last few months."

"I needed cash and you…wanted cash." Killua answered, shrugging off Giran's hand. "You set up the matches, I fight people and earn a portion of the winnings. That is the extent of our partnership. I told you that you wouldn't regret it."

"And I haven't at all, so make me proud today! This fight is going to be worth a bunch of money if you can pull it off, Freecss."

"Who am I fighting this time, Giran? Any information you can give me?"

The grey-haired man with the round glasses gave Killua a cautious look. "Not a clue this time. No information was shared about your opponent at all. Not what he looks like, not his quirk, nothing. It seems that a lot of people are frustrated that I don't share anything about your abilities, so they don't share there's anymore…not that I know what yours are anyway."

"You don't need to know."

"Yeah, but it would be convenient in getting more fights set up." Giran said, taking a deep puff of his cigarette. "I've watched you closely every time. I re-watch the recording of each fight, and I still can single out your quirk. It's starting to piss me off."

"I get you a lot of money. That should be enough." Killua said, rolling his eye under his sunglasses. "Besides, it doesn't seem hard for you to find fights for me."

"That is not the point. If I knew what your quirk is, I could set up matches where we are assured victory! That way, we could make even more money."

"I haven't lost yet, so you have no reason to think I will now." Killua said with annoyance.

"There's always a first. I mean, someone could have a quirk that surprises you."

"Unless it's some kind of mental quirk, I doubt it." Killua said honestly. "Mental quirks are by far the most annoying to deal with."

"You don't have to worry too much about that." Giran said with a grin. "Not many people with mental quirks like to fight in the criminal underground."

"Good it makes my life easier…"

There was a small silence between the two for a few moments. They continued to walk down the hallway in the direction of the underground arena. Before they arrived, Giran turned to his fighter.

"Freecss, I know I've asked this a few times, but would you consider joining the league of villains? They were practically forcing me again to ask you."

"I've already told you before Giran, I'm not interested in becoming a villain. I'm only fighting for the money right now."

The older man gave a huff and shrugged his shoulders. "A damn shame too. But I guess it doesn't matter to me that much. You already make me a lot of money in these underground fights."

That was the extent of their conversation as Giran lead Killua down a few flights of rickety stairs. When he first met this strange man, Killua knew Giran would be useful. He may not be physically strong, but he had strong connections to the criminal underground. A lot of people knew about him and his reputation. He would frequently bet on fights, hoping to earn some extra cash, but never outright sponsored anyone until Killua showed up.

After participating in a few fights, Killua learned why they were so popular. While the law states that you can't use your quirk to harm others, there are many who enjoy the thrill of fighting in order to better themselves. Some had quirks so powerful that the people who possessed them felt it was a waste not to use it.

Others had quirks that affected their personality, making the crave a good fight. It was interesting, and a bit sad because they were physically unable to live in the real world because of the way they were born.

Speaking of such a condition, Killua realized they were about to enter the arena room and sensed a familiar Aura signature. When he noticed it was slightly masked by another signature, he sighed.

"Ahh, she is here…again…"

"She-Oh, You mean your little girlfriend Toga?" Giran smirked when he saw Killua's visibly twitch.

"For the 3thousandth time, She's not my girlfriend!" Killua growled in annoyance. "Just some psychopath who keeps stalking me after I beat her in my third fight."

"Yeah, she follows you around so much that I'm starting to wonder if she knows who you are. I mean, it's hard to ignore when she constantly attacks you before your fights."

"She's just mad that I beat her with a chop to the neck." Killua said, wishing that were the case with Toga.

"Yeah, her sponsor was mad too. He nearly broke my eardrum with all his screaming after the match." Giran said, glancing down at the hunter. "If you're so annoyed by it, why don't you threaten her…or something."

"I did…but then I realized how much of a mistake it was." Killua answered, shuttering at the memory.

* * *

*Start Fwashback*

Something was very wrong.

Killua was walking back to his house after his fourth fight. He just confirmed that a substantial amount was wired into his account and was stopping by the local store for a quick bite. However, he realized someone was following him.

For some reason, a familiar Aura signature had skillfully tailed him after he left the arena. The problem was that he didn't notice it until after he changed out of his disguise. Whoever it was, they were really good at masking their Aura…almost like they were hiding it behind a weaker signature. He probably wouldn't have noticed either if the familiar signature didn't keep tailing him for a bit of time.

But how was that possible? He made sure that no one from the undergrown had followed him, but someone still managed to do it without him noticing.

Discretely, he'd been checking the area around him, but he didn't recognize anyone. It almost felt like someone would tail him, give up, and then another would start again. Maybe it was some kind of manipulation quirk where someone could be controlled. He shuttered a little because it was to similar to his brother, Illumi.

This continued until Killua finally had enough. He exited the store with his grocery bag and jogged down the street, making sure to act casual in order to avoid drawing attention to himself. He then made a quick right turn into an abandoned alleyway before finding a place to hid and activating ZETSU. He knew that whatever was following him probably couldn't sense Aura like he could, but making your presence vanish had its advantages. Especially for people with strong senses in general.

It didn't take long, but an unfamiliar man stepped into the alleyway, looking around in confusion. He took a couple more steps before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little knife.

A familiar little knife.

Killua's eyes narrowed as he recognized it as the weapon used by the girl in his third fight. Why would he have it? Why did his Aura signature match hers so closely? From what he knew about Aura, each person had a completely unique signature.

So why did this man have the same Aura?

Deciding he had enough, Killua moved faster than the person could react and appeared behind him. He still had his ZETSU activated, so the man didn't even notice until Killua kicked the back of his leg.

Instantly, the man fell to his knees in surprise, whipping the knife around in an attempt to slice whatever attacked him. The assassin simply snatched his wrist with one hand while placing his other on the back of the man's head, forcing the side of his face into the ground.

The man struggled hard to escape his grasp. But the instant Killua unleashed his insane killing intent, the man became motionless, staring up at Killua with one eye.

"So, here's how this is going to work…" Killua said carefully. He wanted to extract some information from this man before deciding what to do with him. "You are going to answer my questions, and I won't kill you in the most painful way I know."

The man simply blinked a couple times before a grin spread over his face. His reaction was so strange the it even caused Killua to pause for a moment.

"Wow-That's really scary. Who knew the calm Hunter was murderous like this?"

Killua blinked a couple times before tightening his grip on the man's head. His main Aura signature was so familiar, but the assassin couldn't put his finger on it.

"Who are you? Did someone send you to spy on me?"

"Oh, absolutely not!" The man said with an earie cheerfulness that was extremely familiar. "I followed you on me own and found you really interesting."

Before Killua's eyes, the man's face started to literally melt away.

"After you humiliated me, my sponsor dropped me. I wanted to cut you up nice and good, make you bleed as revenge. You were really hard to follow, but I'm used to stalking my targets. It's really hard to give me the slip, but you were really close."

Finally, the mans face melted enough to reveal a familiar face staring up at him. He cursed his carelessness. This world was making him soft, otherwise he would have dropped her as soon as he felt her Aura.

"Toga...Himiko" Killua growled. He knew quirks were powerful, but some were just so wacky that even he couldn't predict what they were. And apparently this crazy girl had the ability to turn into other people. Not only that, but she could almost hide her aura behind the person she transformed into.

Now that she was transformed back into her usual form, he could feel her signature loud and clear. He growled to himself again, promising never to make the same mistake.

"I was curious what you actually looked like, but I didn't think you would be the same age as me!" Toga said, her psychotic grin enveloping her face. "This is so interesting."

"What do you want?"

"I want revenge of course! You made me lose my sponsor, so now I don't have a way to make money. But…" She said, licking her lips and playfully struggling in his hold. "It seems you're stronger than I thought. If you let me cut you up, I won't let anyone know who you are. I really want to see you ble-"

She didn't even get to finish because a massive killing intent threatened to suffocate her. The grip on the back of her neck tightened painfully and Killua twisted her arm behind her back, to the point where it would break if he went any further.

"I have a different proposition." Killua said with cold disinterest.

Toga was gasping for breath, fear seeping into her very soul as she looked up into Killua's cold, hollow eyes. Killua continued. "Usually, I would just kill you right now to save me the trouble…"

The blood-hungry girl barely heard what he said because she was to preoccupied with his eyes. She had never seen such a frightening gaze in her life. They were so cold, so hollow, so utterly terrifying…

S-so s-sexy. Ah♥

"But some of my best friends were my enemies at one point. I've learned not to be so hasty with killing everyone that bothers me, So I'm only going to tell you once…" Killua said, his fingernails turning sharp and piercing her skin, causing a steady stream of blood to leak from her neck. "If I so much as hear a whisper of my name being said by someone in the undergrown, or my description being shared anywhere. There is no place on earth you can hide. I will find you…And you will die a horribly painful death."

By this time, Toga realized who she was dealing with. Those cold eyes clearly told her he was not lying. No, it told her much more than that. This was a boy who had not only seen death, but caused it. He had killed so many people that it no longer affected him. His hands were soaked with so much blood that she could literally bathe in it.

After realizing this, it was almost too much for her to handle. A disturbing blush crossed her cheeks and that creepy grin crawled along her face again. It was so weird that even Killua was a bit disturbed by it, especially how she was staring to wriggle her body beneath him.

"I…understand, Killua dear. Not a soul will know who you are even if I'm tortured to death." Toga said, grinning back at him. "I really…REALLY want to make you bleed though. It would make you so…Cool!"

*End Fwashback*

I have done atleast 10 chapters for this already, if you want to get access to all of them you’ll have to paypal me for the small price of 3,00$

But do not fret as I will still be posting a CHAPTER a DAY, only said it for those who couldn’t wait any longer!

Thanks for your time!


EricaKatecreators' thoughts