
Killing Game: My Opponent Changed Into A Box

Li Yi, who carried the usury, was sold to a mysterious organization K by the Mafia. He had no choice but to participate in a killing game whose bonus was as high as 100 billion! Fortunately, he activated the human-box system, and the dead would explode a box in front of him. "The corpse box was opened successfully!” "You will be rewarded with advanced fighting skills!” He was constantly learning new skills and becoming stronger. He was determined to get the 100 billion bonuses!

DaoistmjJ0lp · Games
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179 Chs

Chapter 21 Allen Who Lived

A strange sound came from behind Allen again.

The environment of the grove was gloomy and horrible.

Besides, so many corpses were hung on the trees.

This made Allen worried all the time.

Now he heard a strange sound again.

He had a stronger sense of foreboding.

Allen looked back again but still got nothing.

Who is it?

Was it a human or a beast?

Allen began to feel a little annoyed.

He looked around.

He searched very clearly.

He was determined to find out the person who had been spying on him in the dark.

While he was looking around.

The next second.

A rough vine hung down from his head.

By instinct, Allen felt something was wrong.

He was about to run away.

Unexpectedly, the rough vine shook in the air.

Like a swing rope, it swayed in front of his neck.

"Bad news!"

Allen was shocked.

However, he didn't have any time to react.

The rough vines wrapped around his neck directly.

The next second.

A great force came from nowhere and directly acted on the vine.

The rough vine pulled slightly.

Allen was hung up.

At this time, he was just hanging at the same height as those corpses.

He saw those ruthless bodies with dark faces and stuck out their tongues again.

His heart sank.

Was he going to be hanged here like them?

This way of death was too cruel!

Allen didn't think too much.

The gravity caused by his falling made him almost unable to breathe.

He had never experienced such pain as today.

His throat was strangled.

He felt his throat itchy and painful.

How he wanted to cough and breathe.

But it was impossible.

Allen couldn't help but struggle.

However, the more he struggled, the tighter the vines were.

His legs kept kicking.

Although he knew that this would only intensify the sense of suffocation, he could not control himself when he was on the verge of death.

Or, even if he was directly strangled to death, he didn't want to suffer this kind of torture again.

The pain was more terrifying than death.

Even if he was burned to death, stabbed to death by a knife, or drank sulfuric acid to die.

He won't feel the pain of strangling.

Allen didn't know which immortal he had offended.

Why should he bear the ultimate pain of this world!

When he was about to die.

"Da! Da!"

A shuttle bullet was fired.

It happened to hit the vines that were hanging Allen.


The vines were broken by the gun unexpectedly.

In the wilderness, only a few people could have such amazing skills.


Allen fell heavily to the ground.

Although it hurt, he was saved.

He felt as if he had returned to the world from hell in an instant.


Allen gasped for breath.

He coughed violently while gasping.

It seemed that a patient with asthma was about to cough to death.

He stretched out his right hand and kept massaging his neck.

He hoped to relieve the almost broken windpipe.

But it was useless.

There was a deep red blood mark on Allen's neck.

If it was a second later, he might be hanged alive.

The massage lasted for a long time.

He panted and coughed for a long time.

The pain was slowly alleviated.

He began to notice his right foot.

It was too sudden when he fell just now.

He was not prepared at all.

Now he felt his right foot numb and painful.

He didn't know if it was broken or not.

If it was broken, it would be better to die directly in the woods.

He didn't want to suffer in the following game.

Allen touched his right foot.

He moved a little.

"I'm fine. I didn't break it. I just sprained it!"

He felt lucky in his heart.

However, two questions appeared and hovered in his mind in an instant.

"Who wants to kill me?"

"Who saved me?"

Allen looked up.

He still couldn't find the person who wanted to kill him.

As for the person who saved him, it was an old acquaintance.

It was retired special troops, Ken!

Just now, at a critical moment.

He used an accurate shooting skill to break the rough vines and save Allen from the "hanging rack".

As for where the gun came from.

Without doubt.

Under Ken's leadership, their team could easily get a large number of throwing goods and materials.

The guns were also put in one of the boxes.

Besides, there was one more thing.

When colonel K announced the rules of the second round of competition, most of the teams were torn into pieces and killed each other.

Only the three-person team under his command was safe and sound.

They didn't shoot at their teammates.

This was the basic quality of a soldier.

What's more, the three of them were retired from the special troops. They knew how to maintain the tie triangle.

Therefore, it was the only team on the uninhabited island that was not affected by the colonel's rules.

Ken carried the gun on his shoulder.

Wearing heavy military boots, he walked up to Allen.

Allen collapsed to the ground and felt a little better.

Even so, he still looked very embarrassed.

Ken looked at Allen up and down with a faint smile.

Then he said, "Nice to meet you again, newbie."

"My name is Allen, not newbie!" Allen stubbornly retorted.

He didn't want to thank her.

After all, Ken killed all his nine teammates in front of him last time.

The hatred hidden at the bottom of his heart made him unable to be polite to him.

See Allen's bad attitude.

Ken's tone became cold and harsh.

"Believe it or not, I can shoot you to death now!"

Although he said so, he didn't mean to shoot.

Smart as Allen was, he had already found out that he was lying.

Although he didn't know why Ken saved him, Allen knew he only pursued interests.

Ken must want to do something with him.


How could a veteran who killed people like slaughtering chickens be so merciful to him?

He would not tell the truth.

Allen stood up and asked, "Ken, where are your other two teammates?"

Seeing that Allen was not scared by him, a hint of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

But it disappeared in an instant.

The reason why he wanted to save the newbie was to make use of his intelligence?

Thinking of this, he replied honestly, "They have gone to investigate. The man who was about to hang you should be hiding in the woods now."

"Do you know who wanted to kill me?"

"Who knows?" He replied casually, and then he guessed, "Maybe it's for the chip on your neck. Now those people seem to be fighting for it!"

"No!" Allen shook his head. "Before me, there were 15 people who had been hung alive, but none of them had lost a chip on their necks!"

Ken listened to his words, he looked up curiously at the people who were strangled by the rough vines.

Even though he was used to the bloody scene.

Seeing the horrible looks of those dead men, he was shocked.

"Damn it!" He cursed.

There were indeed chips in the 15 dead bodies.

"Maybe there is a murderer who takes pleasure in killing." Ken couldn't help but think.

Not long.

Two reconnaissance teammates came back.

"Have you found the murderer?"

One of the teammates replied, "We saw him. He is two meters tall and looks like a savage. He is very fast."

Another teammate continued, "That guy's speed is too fast. He seems to be deliberately making fun of us!"

Hearing this.

Ken looked at Allen.

"What do you think?"

"That brutal killer must be hiding nearby to monitor us now!"

"Yes, I agree with you." Ken nodded.

Then he said to his teammates, "Give me a pistol."

His teammate did as he said and handed him a pistol.

Ken took the pistol.

He found a slightly higher tree and climbed up agilely like a monkey.

He climbed up the high ground of the trees.

Stand high, Ken began to observe the surroundings.

His sharp eyes were like an eagle, tracking his prey.

It was a huge forest.

Everything seemed to be unable to escape from the Hawkeye.

"I found you, baby!"

Ken murmured.

It only took a few seconds.

Then he found a hidden place for the savage killer.

"Let me see how capable you are!"

Ken quietly loaded the bullets.

He raised his pistol.

He closed one eye and aimed at the target.

He adjusted the height a little.

Then he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A gunshot rang out.


It was a head-on blow.

Not far away, in the dense forest, there was a sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Ken lowered his head.

He made a few gestures to his teammates under the tree.

The two teammates immediately rushed in the direction where the savage was knocked down.

However, to everyone's surprise.

When the two teammates rushed to the destination, they found that there was no one except a pool of blood on the ground.

They used gesture recognition with each other.

Ken jumped off the tree in depression.

Seeing Allen walk up to him with a puzzled look.

He said lightly, "The prey has run away!"

"Didn't you hit him just now? I thought you hit him!"

Allen said, recalling the shooting skill he had displayed when Ken saved him.

He was the best shooter.

He was surprised that he didn't shoot the man.

While Allen was lost in thought.

Ken shook his head, "I'm sure my bullet hit the left eye of that savage! What confused me was that I gave him a head-on blow but he run away. "

Then he seemed to be talking to himself

"Does that bloodthirsty savage also have a teammate? Or does that shoot not kill him at all?"

This was a knotty problem.

Maybe he would know it in the future...