
Killing Game: My Opponent Changed Into A Box

Li Yi, who carried the usury, was sold to a mysterious organization K by the Mafia. He had no choice but to participate in a killing game whose bonus was as high as 100 billion! Fortunately, he activated the human-box system, and the dead would explode a box in front of him. "The corpse box was opened successfully!” "You will be rewarded with advanced fighting skills!” He was constantly learning new skills and becoming stronger. He was determined to get the 100 billion bonuses!

DaoistmjJ0lp · Games
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179 Chs

Chapter 20 "Forty Hands" Were Killed

On the other side, Allen and his team were running separately.

He used his rich knowledge to tell the direction.

He headed for the mountain region.

Most people were still worried about collecting 5 chips.

Few people went to the mountain.

So Allen didn't get into any trouble.

Until about one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

He couldn't stand the hot weather.

He planned to find a cool place to have a rest.

The hot weather was enough to make people lose too much water and have sunstroke.

Allen didn't want such bad luck to happen to him

He looked around.


He saw a small forest with green trees not far to the east.

Even if he stood in the distance and watched.

Allen could also feel it.

In the woods.

A gust of cold wind spread out.

It was just a natural air-conditioned room.

Allen was excited.

He couldn't wait to rush into the woods.

It was a hot afternoon.

He was sweating all over.

But when he thought that he would soon be able to stay in the cool and comfortable grove for an afternoon, he suddenly became energetic.

About five minutes later.

Allen finally walked into the cool woods.

The deeper he went into the forest, the cooler he felt.

It felt like a hot summer with a 40 high temperature when he suddenly walked into a 16 air conditioner room.

Allen felt that every pore on his body relaxed.

This incomparably cool and comfortable feeling was like stepping into heaven on earth.


This kind of comfort did not last long.

Because when Allen continued to walk deep into the woods.

He suddenly felt a gust of cold wind behind him.

Although it was daytime.

But the depth of the forest was a little dark.

A gloomy cold wind blew.

Allen felt a little uncomfortable instinctively.

An ominous premonition arose in his heart.

All of a sudden.

He felt like someone was following and monitoring him.

But when he suddenly looked back, he saw nothing.

"When did I become so suspicious?"

Allen was confused.

He stretched out his hand and drew a cross on his body.

It seemed that he wanted to use it to dispel evil.

He thought to himself, "God bless me."

This kind of behavior.

As expected, the uneasiness disappeared a lot.

When Allen gradually calmed down again.

He suddenly heard an uproar in the dense forest behind him.

It was the sound of leaves rubbing as the trees shook.

"Is it because of the wind?"

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Allen immediately denied it.

If the wind was blowing, the branches and leaves of the trees should be shaking.

But just now, he heard that there was only one tree shaking behind him.

He knew there must be something wrong.

His strength was limited.

Whether it was a person or a ghost behind him.

He didn't dare to be tough.

Allen thought for a moment.

Then he decided to go deeper into the forest.

Because there was something behind him, he had to go deep into the forest to keep a distance from it.

The grove didn't seem to be big.

He believed that he had passed through the depths of the forest.

As long as he came to the end.

When he walked out of the woods, the unknown thing behind him should no longer follow him.

The plan had been made.

Allen immediately followed the plan.

He walked faster and faster.

He lowered his head and tried to move in one direction.

Everything around him seemed to have nothing to do with him.

About ten minutes later.

Allen felt something behind him.

It finally stopped following him.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

He found a stout tree.

He sat under the tree to rest.

He left in a hurry just now and he was too nervous.

Which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Allen covered his aching left abdomen with his left hand.

He leaned his head against his knees.

When he was a relief.

He felt uneasy again.

This time, the feeling was stronger.

Allen found that all the gooseflesh on his body bulged in almost a second.


He felt a shadow shaking above his head.

The shadow was like a soul-consuming arrow, hitting the deepest part of his soul.

The fear from the bottom of his heart burst out in an instant, indescribable.

Allen was extremely nervous.

His body was even a little stiff out of control.

Driven by curiosity.

He raised his head slowly.

He tried to see clearly what the shadow on his head was.

When he raised his head.

In less than half a second.

His eyes were bloodshot as if they would burst at any time.

It was a pair of feet.


Allen was scared to death.

He rolled and crawled.

To stay away from the big tree with people's feet.

When he climbed to the distance, he was paralyzed.

He looked at the big tree again.

It turned out that it was not just a pair of feet.

There was still a body on the feet.

There was also ahead on his body.

It was a complete corpse.

It was hung by thick vines on the big tree.

The dead man's face turned blue and his scarlet tongue stuck out.

Two eyeballs, like two lumps of white flesh, hung in his eyes.

Allen had seen all kinds of corpses.

But he had never seen such a horrible corpse.

The dead looked gloomy.

The expression on his face made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

He looked so miserable.

Even if Allen closed his eyes tightly, it was hard for him to forget.

He was sure.

The corpse that he saw today.

He would never have a good sleep again.

It turned out that the human had been hanged to death.

It was so horrible.

Allen trembled all over.

He felt as if he had fallen into hell.

This damned place.

He didn't want to stay any longer.

He stood up and was about to run away.

As soon as Allen stood up.

He suddenly felt as if his head had been hit by something.

He looked up.

Another dead body was hung!

The same situation happened.

Allen thought.

The eyes of the dead man seemed to be staring at him.

In this gloomy and dark forest.

It was as if he was gazed at by an abominable ghost.

He felt dizzy.

He was scared to death.


He was scared to the point of losing his mind.

He could no longer bear the fear in his heart, like a headless fly, running around.

At that moment, he suddenly realized.

There were all dead bodies around him.


The sky and the earth were spinning, and every corpse was staring at him.

Their heads were like oranges.

Their faces were dark blue, the corners of her mouths crooked, and their tongues stuck out.

Every expression seemed to be interpreted.

What the real regret of death was.

Half an hour passed.

Allen felt as if a century had passed.

He was too frightened.

He was in a coma.

He woke up from a coma.

Seeing those horrible faces, he fell into a coma again.

He repeated it over and over again.

Half an hour later.

Allen calmed down a little.

Although he was still terrified.

But he had already found some skills to overcome fear.

That was not to look at the faces of those hanging ghosts.

Those faces made him doubt life.

Only by not looking at those terrifying faces could he slightly relieve the fear in his heart.

Allen tried to remain calm.

He looked around.

15 people were hanging on the tree.

In addition, there were 5 corpses nearby, and the cause of death was different.

In general.

There were 20 corpses in this forest!

Four hours ago.

The players on the uninhabited island.

They had tried every means to survive.

There was such a team.

At the end of the first round of the game, the number of the team members had reached a terrifying 20.

The name of the team was "forty hands".

No one knew how this team was established.

No one knew who the leader of the team was.

However, when the players saw such a large group of teams, they all took a detour.

It was said that two fists were difficult to defeat four hands.

A large-scale team liked "forty hands".

Even if each team member's ability was mediocre.

But they relied on the advantage of numbers.

They could also walk freely on the uninhabited island.

However, when the rules of the second round came out.

Hearing the colonel's request, everyone had to collect at least 5 chips.

The 20 people immediately fell into the mutual attack.

In just an hour.

5 of them were killed by their teammates.

Their bodies were casually abandoned in a cool forest.

The remaining 15 people.

They set each other up and fought with each other.

When they were about to kill each other.

They met a "monster".

He was also a player.

And he was a single player.

Unlike other players who were left alone.

The player saw "forty hands".

Instead of evading, he followed them quietly.

At first, the "forty hands" players fell into internal strife because of the rules of the second round.

They didn't notice the strange man behind them.

However, when the number of the members of the "forty hands" decreased sharply to fifteen because of the fighting.

The player finally started to move.

That was a strange person.

He was two meters tall, but he was unusually agile.

He had long hair and looked very strong.

However, his hair looked very dirty, as if he hadn't washed it for many days.

Besides, he often carried long and thick vines.

He looked like a savage walking out of a mountain.

The savage took advantage of the internal strife of the "forty hands" team.

He made a move decisively.

Every five minutes, he would hang a person with the vines on his body.

He acted very fast.

No one could see his action!

He was so tall, but he had such a sensitive bodily movement skill.

With such terrifying strength, the members of the "forty hands" were in danger.

No one dared to save their teammates who were hanged by the vines.

Not only that, but the savage also restricted the forty members to stay in the dark forest.

As long as someone tried to escape from this area.

The savage would use vines to end the lives of the fleeing people in advance.

An hour later.

"Forty hands" remaining 15 people.

They were all hung by the vines on the trees.

That's it.

A small forest in the marshland.

It was like spider silk hanging on the ground.

The bodies of 15 people were hung.


It was exactly what Allen had seen just now,

Those fifteen horrible corpses!

In addition, with the five corpses left by the members of the "forty hands".

They were all in the woods, and there were a total of twenty corpses.

Allen gradually calmed down from fear.

He had recognized the origin of the 20 corpses in the woods.

"They are from 'forty hands'!"

Bailey and he had led a team of ten people before.

They had met "forty hands" before.

At that time, there was almost a fierce battle between the two sides.

Luckily, Allen showed up in time.

He stated that the fight would only result in the loss of both sides.

The leader of the "forty hands" was convinced.

Allen still remembered.

Back then, the leader also invited him to team up.

Allen didn't think it was a good idea.

So he refused politely at that time.

Now it seemed that.

It was wise to refuse him.

Otherwise, there would be another dead body on the tree.