
Killing Game: My Opponent Changed Into A Box

Li Yi, who carried the usury, was sold to a mysterious organization K by the Mafia. He had no choice but to participate in a killing game whose bonus was as high as 100 billion! Fortunately, he activated the human-box system, and the dead would explode a box in front of him. "The corpse box was opened successfully!” "You will be rewarded with advanced fighting skills!” He was constantly learning new skills and becoming stronger. He was determined to get the 100 billion bonuses!

DaoistmjJ0lp · Games
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179 Chs

Chapter 22 Pride Was Crushed

Amazon female warrior, Bailey.

A girl who was regarded as a "noble princess" by her clansmen.

She had her pride.

She once worked hard in the jungle to become the best warrior of the tribe.

Then she went to New York and tried to be a street thug.

Bailey was not only wild and fierce but also shrewd and cunning.

The reason why she dared to sign the life and death contract and come to the uninhabited island.

It was she who had absolute confidence in herself.

She was such an excellent girl, but she still met an enemy that she couldn't fight with.

It was a strange man.

Bailey didn't even see the face of this strange man.

Because her opponent was too fast and agile.

She couldn't see her opponent's face.

The arrow she shot missed in the end.

Bailey didn't give up.

Or more precisely, she couldn't give up.

The fight between her and that strange man was not simply a fierce one.

It was a decisive battle that decided the fate of life and death.

At a secret place near the end of the marshland.

There was a wooden box containing supplies.

It was thrown at ten o'clock in the morning.

It was too covert.

In addition, the smoke on the wooden box was extinguished in advance, so no one had noticed it.

Bailey found it by accident.

She was sure that she was the first one to find the goods.

However, when she was about to open the wooden box.

A hidden weapon flew over from nowhere.

If it weren't for her innate sixth sense, which made her flip through the boxes and dodge the attack.

Even if she was not killed by a hidden weapon, she would still be seriously injured!

The two fought for a batch of materials at the same time.

As a result, a battle broke out between the two sides.

In the beginning, Bailey could still fight her enemies evenly.

But as the battle went longer, she found that she was getting more and more exhausted.

As time went by.

She felt that she might be at a disadvantage.

This was unbearable for a woman who had always been competitive since childhood.

She once swore to conquer everything, no matter it was human or beast.

She always looked down upon men.

Although she was in the city later, this idea had been improved.

However, she was wild and had the rule that Female statue humble man in Amazon.

In her eyes, men were just accessories for a moment of enjoyment.

But today.

That strange man, that strange opponent, and that enemy who was more agile than her.

She was almost out of breath.

Bailey was not reconciled.

She was not reconciled at all!

Unfortunately, the situation made everything.

She could only use jungle materials to make rough bows and arrows, not to mention accuracy and sharpness.

Because of the special nature of the feather arrows, it would take a lot of time to make them based on materials.

Although Bailey would withdraw the arrows she had shot after every battle.

However, it was inevitable that the arrows were damaged because of the battle.

To have enough arrows to deal with the enemy.

Since she went to the uninhabited island, she had been looking for materials to make arrows.

Even so, her arrows were exhausted in the battle with that strange man.

This reflected her disadvantage.

That was the simplicity of skills.

On the contrary, the advantage of the enemy was gradually shown.

That strange man had rich skills.

Hidden weapons, traps, close combat... Every skill seemed to be his specialty.

An ordinary person only had one specialty usually.

For example, Bailey, although she can also fight close, even though she runs very fast, her specialty is only archery.

People's lifespan was limited and they had to spend decades of years. It was already extremely difficult for them to concentrate on one training.

But that strange man, he could be so good at everything.

This was a bit against human beings!

Every time Bailey fought with the strange man, she felt very depressed.

What kind of monster did she encounter!

Even a genius couldn't be so outstanding in every skill if he was not one hundred or two hundred years old.

The following battle made Bailey feel more and more tired to deal with it.

It was because the opponent had too many skills.

She didn't feel like equal fighting with him now.

It was like a hunter playing with his prey.

Like a cat grabbing a mouse.

The cat was not in a hurry to kill the mouse but played with it until the prey was exhausted.

At this moment, Bailey felt like she was the prey.

She was like the innocent mouse!

This made her feel angry and helpless.

Damn it! How dare he bully her like this?

She swore to herself.

As long as she found an opportunity to fight back, she would kill that guy!

Although she hated him.

The real problem had to be solved.

Bailey was determined to get that batch of materials by herself!

She gave up the bows and arrows she was good at and was ready to fight.

Before that, she needed to make some preparations.

One arrow was broken.

She sharpened the tip of the arrow and sharpened the end of the arrow, temporarily turning it into a dagger for close combat.

To make her attack more covert.

Bailey rolled up her red hair and turned the arrows into a dagger.

Like a hairpin and she inserted it into her thick hair to hide it.

Bailey was ready for everything.

She was going to attack.

However, it was different from before.

This time, she chose a different route.

In the past, to maintain the center of gravity and improve the accuracy of the bows and arrows, she would attack the ground.

This time, she chose to move from the tree.

On the one hand, it was more convenient to hide above.

On the other hand, she could launch a sudden attack and assassination from above.

Bailey climbed up the tree as planned.

Her body had been painted green.

Including her beautiful face, which was also painted green.

It was the natural paint made by the green leaves.

She moved very slowly on the tree, almost as slow as a sloth.

The reason why she did so was that she hoped she could secretly transfer the goods and materials without being discovered by her opponent.

After all, her goal was to get those materials that could decide their life and death!

The plan went well.

It was not a long distance.

But it took Bailey more than an hour.

She was sure that she was like a chameleon, moving slowly, without even waking up the insects on the branches.

Such a secret action.

She was so careful.

Finally, God did not disappoint her.

Bailey was only one step away from her goal.

She held her breath and lay on the top of the tree.

She looked at the goods and materials in the wooden box under the tree.

Bailey felt that everything seemed to be within her reach!

But before she took action.

She looked around cautiously.

She didn't find the strange man.

Bailey's heart raced.

She was too nervous.

She didn't expect this plan to be so smooth!

She gently jumped down the tree, like a cheetah falling from a high place.

Without a sound!

Bailey reached out and touched the smooth wooden box.

It was like touching her lover's chest.

At this time, she was very hungry and thirsty.

There was everything she needed in the wooden box!

Clean water and sweet food.

Thinking of the beautiful things, she felt more and more hungry.

Bailey couldn't wait anymore.

She was about to open the wooden box.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden breath from behind.

Although the breathing sound was very light, Bailey, who had an acute insight, could still clearly feel it.

She acted almost instinctively without thinking.

Only leaving shadow, she pulled out the wooden hairpin on her head!

The broken feather arrow, which was temporarily used as a close combat dagger.

The next second, Bailey didn't even look back.

She stabbed him.

She used her left hand to attack his heart.

The speed was fast, the angle was tricky, and the attack was hidden!

Bailey was sure that as long as a person was standing behind her, she could kill him in one shot.

Unexpectedly, the enemy behind him was unexpectedly powerful!

The enemy not only grasped Bailey's left wrist.

He even held her neck tightly with his right hand!

The enemy was very powerful.

Bailey felt that she could hardly breathe.

She grabbed her right hand back crazily.

Unfortunately, she fought back.

The arm that didn't have the advantage in strength was completely at a disadvantage in the reverse attack.

Her enemies behind her almost completely subdued her.

Just as Bailey was about to struggle again.

The enemy behind her didn't show any mercy to her. He just hit her hard with one elbow.

It hit hard on the back of Bailey's head.

At that moment.

Bailey felt dizzy.

Her body was out of control and her muscles relaxed.

She was completely paralyzed and unconscious.

Until the moment she completely closed her eyes.

Bailey was still unwilling to give up.

She's afraid she's going to die this time.

She didn't know what would happen to her next!