
Killing Game: My Opponent Changed Into A Box

Li Yi, who carried the usury, was sold to a mysterious organization K by the Mafia. He had no choice but to participate in a killing game whose bonus was as high as 100 billion! Fortunately, he activated the human-box system, and the dead would explode a box in front of him. "The corpse box was opened successfully!” "You will be rewarded with advanced fighting skills!” He was constantly learning new skills and becoming stronger. He was determined to get the 100 billion bonuses!

DaoistmjJ0lp · Games
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179 Chs

Chapter 19 The Regained Monster Li

It took the colonel a lot of effort to light the cigar.

He took two puffs.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down.

After a long time.

He gradually calmed down.

Even a colonel acted like this.

The rich in the hall was even more amazed.

They were all dumbfounded.

Seeing that Li killed such a huge python with his bare hands.

Everyone was astonished.

Those people looked at each other.

They silently recalled the scene that gambler Li killed the python with his bare hands.

At that moment, the whole studio was silent.

It was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

Evelyn stopped flirting with the beautiful assistant.

She turned to the screen again.

The power of gambler Li was so terrifying.

She had been convinced by him deeply.

"Oh my God! It's unbelievable!"

Evelyn blushed.

Her eyes flashed with extreme excitement.

It was hard to suppress the heat in her body.

Evelyn felt her lower body was wet and itchy.

Like ants crawling over.


Two streams of water flowed on her underwear.

The desire hidden in Evelyn's heart almost couldn't be suppressed.

Maybe it was because she flirted with the beautiful assistant just now.

Or was it because she saw the powerful power of gambler Li.

All in all, in Evelyn's heart.

She suddenly had an inexplicable love.

She had an indescribable infinite desire for gambler Li.

On the other side.

Li Yi killed the earth dragon.

When he sat on the ground to rest, exhausted.

A box exploded beside the python's body.

Blue and shining.

It was an outer box that only belonged to him.

Without hesitation.

He reached out to touch the box.

The familiar half mechanical prompt sound rang in his ears again:

"The corpse box was opened successfully!"

"You'll get a reward, the preliminary stage of python's death entanglement!"

"You'll get a reward. The lungs of the caecilian (the lungs of an animal that makes you swim in the water for a long time)!"

"You will get a hundred-year-old snake gall bladder (immune to slight poisons)!"

He had gained a lot this time.

How terrifying the death entanglement of the python was?

Li had experienced it before.

As for the lungs of the caecilian.

It was exactly as the prompt tone explained.

The caecilian was a hybrid similar to an eel. It could swim under the water for a long time, holding its breath.

With this ability, Li Yi no longer had to worry about suffocating himself in the water!

The other one was a century-old snake gall bladder.

According to the note, it seemed to be immune to slight poisons.

It might not be of much use now, but if it upgraded in the future, he was very likely to obtain the ability of immune to poisons.

Such an ability was simply a bug in the world.

Li Yi looked forward to it.

After that, he rested for about half an hour.

The sun in the sky rose again.

He continued on his way to the mountain.

Li Yi looked at his watch.

At 1:20 p.m.

The sun overhead was getting hotter and hotter.

Even in the marshland, the surface temperature had reached nearly 40 degrees Celsius.

Li had been fighting with the python and missed the second round of supplies.

Besides, he sweated a lot during the fight.

At this moment, his lips began to crack.

His body was extremely thirsty, which made him fall into the lowest state.

Li Yi walked about a kilometer.

He fell and got up again.

He stumbled like a zombie in the wilderness.

"Water! Water!"

He muttered as he walked.

How much he hoped to have clean water when his body was seriously losing water.

Although water could be seen everywhere in the marshland, there were many deadly worms in the water.

Drinking marshland water was like drinking poison to quench thirst.

If he drank it, he would never live till tomorrow morning.

Li Yi knew how to make distilled water.

Unfortunately, he didn't have enough equipment.

Moreover, his consciousness was blurred at this time, and he was unable to complete a series of precise operations.

He was about to die in the sun.

Two people suddenly appeared at the intersection ahead.

Li Yi raised his heavy eyelids with difficulty.

He looked ahead in a daze.

They were two men who looked similar. They should be twins.

Then he couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground with a bang.

The twin men were very interested in Li Yi who fell to the ground.

"Brother, we are so lucky!"

"Yes, brother! I didn't expect to find a chip here!"

"Pull out his chip. Will he die?"

"I think so... Whatever, as long as we can survive."

"Well, brother, wait for me here. I'm going to pull out the chip of that guy."

"No problem, brother. Be careful!"

The brothers discussed with each other.

Then the younger one came.

He was about to remove the chip from Li Yi's neck.

Li Yi was lying on the ground.

He heard clearly what the brothers had just said.

When the twin brother came to make him turn over.

All of a sudden.

Li Yi turned over.

He directly used death entanglement to entangle the twin brother.

The chip on the neck couldn't be removed.

If it was taken down, there would be only a dead end.

After the battle with the python, Li Yi didn't want to kill people.

But if someone wanted to hurt him.

Then he would never be softhearted.


A crisp sound of bones was heard.

Li Yi broke the twin brother's neck with the python's death entanglement.

As for the elder one.

Seeing that his brother seemed to be in danger, he ran away without hesitation.

However, Li Yi would not let him escape so easily.

He fumbled on the corpse of his twin brother.

As expected, he found a machete.

He pulled out his machete and threw it directly in the direction where the twin brother escaped.

It was accurate and ruthless. He was killed with a single slash!

The twin brothers' bodies were both blown out of the boxes.

Li Yi opened them one by one, but they were all useless.

Sure enough, the stronger the enemy was, the stronger the hidden ability of the corpse boxes would be.

He didn't want to think about it.

He pulled out the chips from the twins' necks.

Then he searched up and down the brothers.


Li Yi found two bottles of water on the two corpses.

There was also a bar of unfinished chocolate.

He gulped down the two bottles of water.

Then he put the half piece of chocolate into his mouth.

With the supplement of water and food.

Li Yi was not as depressed as before, and immediately revived with full blood!

At that time.

A fierce beast with firm and deep eyes came to life again.

After being baptized by hot blood, Li Yi's state had undergone a tremendous change!

There would be another bloody storm in the marshland on the uninhabited island.