
Kido System in Bleach

Ridhiro Kageshima, an ordinary teenager and manga enthusiast, finds himself living a dream that quickly turns into a surreal nightmare. After an unexpected accident, he awakens in a high school classroom, surrounded by characters from his favorite manga, "Bleach." Among them is Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Shinigami, whose presence fills Ridhiro with equal parts awe and fear. In the world of Bleach, supernatural threats are all too real, and his proximity to Ichigo means that Ridhiro is on the brink of a life-changing adventure. However, just as he grapples with this bewildering twist of fate, a mechanical voice—belonging to a mysterious "Kido system"—intrudes upon his thoughts. This system claims to be his key to mastering the Bleach universe, guiding him towards the apex of this otherworldly realm. Ridhiro's skepticism battles his curiosity as he navigates a world where manga pages come to life, and the supernatural is as common as breathing. With every new day, he uncovers the power hidden within him, bridging the gap between his ordinary life and the extraordinary one he's thrust into. As Ridhiro strives to adapt to his newfound abilities, he finds himself entangled in the intricate web of Bleach's storyline, facing dangerous foes, making unexpected allies, and rewriting the very destiny of his manga heroes. *Kidō System in Bleach* is an adventure of epic proportions, blending the ordinary with the extraordinary as an amateur teenager explores a manga world where the lines between fiction and reality blur, and where the future remains uncertain but endlessly exciting.

ridhibrata_das · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Ch-31: Ridhiro's Desperate Flight

As Ichigo rushed towards Ishida and Orihime, he couldn't contain his newfound confidence after defeating Renji. His determination to rescue Rukia burned brighter than ever. Meanwhile, Sado lay defeated, still recovering from his encounter with Shunsui.

The streets of the Soul Society were eerily empty, with most of the Soul Reapers summoned to Seireitei due to the emergency. It was a chaotic time, and the urgency in the air was palpable.

Once they were all together, Orihime began using her healing abilities to tend to Sado's injuries, while Yoruichi arrived on the scene, her expression grave. She couldn't help but comment on the unusual situation, "The sudden summon... something's not right. It's highly unusual to bring all the Captains here to deal with Ridhiro alone."

The group exchanged worried glances, realizing that something significant was happening in the Soul Society, and Ridhiro's capture might be the catalyst for these extraordinary events. They knew they needed to regroup and come up with a plan to rescue their friend.

In front of Ridhiro, the grand assembly hall of the Soul Society held a sight that sent shivers down his spine. There, standing before him, were all the famous faces of Bleach, each with their distinct presence.

Aizen, with his innocent facade, held a book in his hand, his eyes hiding the depth of his devious plans. Gin, with his eyes perpetually closed, wore that unsettling smile that sent chills down the spines of those who knew him best.

Byakuya, as ever, was stern and serious, his gaze focused squarely on Ridhiro. The Captain Commander, Yamamoto Shigekuni, stood with an air of authority, radiating power that left no doubt about his status.

And then, there was Soi Fon, her expression seething with murderous intent. She was full of energy, seemingly recovered from her previous encounter with Ridhiro. Her presence alone was enough to make the atmosphere tense.

Before I could even wrap my head around the seriousness of the situation, Yamamoto, with his booming voice, demanded that I state my purpose. His voice was so authoritative that it left me kinda speechless. I stuttered as I tried to come up with a decent answer, like, "Um, you know, we're here to save our friend Rukia. She's been captured and is facing execution."

But as my words hung in the air, I could feel the eyes of all those captains and lieutenants on me. They were giving me these looks, you know, like they weren't quite sure what to make of me. Seriously, why was everyone staring at me like that?

Captain Unohana, the kind and gentle healer, responded, "Your purpose is valid, young Ryoka, but it is also impossible. The order for Rukia's execution was decreed by the Central 46 Judges, and her crime is punishable by death."

I wanted to argue about how the Central 46 are all dead and now a room filled with cold corpses, and Aizen was totally pulling the strings, but the words caught in my throat. I couldn't afford to provoke Unohana any further, or I will have to carry my head with my hands.

Captain Tosen chimed in, his voice measured and calm, "Her crime was indeed grave and a direct violation of our rules. You have no right to challenge the judgment."

I couldn't contain my frustration any longer. Annoyed by Tosen's philosophical statements, I blurted out without thinking, "I don't care about your flimsy judgment. I'll do what I want."

My outburst echoed in the room, and it felt as if lightning had struck. Yamamoto's anger flared, and he thundered, "Such impudence! You are young, but your arrogance knows no bounds."

Yamamoto's patience ran out, and he gave the order, "Men from the Kido Corps, apprehend him!" In an instant, dozens of masked individuals, members of the Kido Corps, appeared in the room. They looked pretty intense, and each one of them had a fierce expression on their face.

These guys meant business. They started casting Bakudo spells, and soon enough, I found myself wrapped up in chains. It was Bakudo #63 Sajosabaku, and those chains were golden and felt pretty darn restrictive. The Captains were watching me with looks that said, "You're done, kid. Good effort, but it's over."

But little did they know about my little cheat. I decided it was time to show off, and I started walking confidently in the direction of the exit, dragging those chains with me. You could practically hear everyone in the room gasp in surprise.

The masked Kido Corps members tried to stop me by yanking on those chains, but guess what? The chains shattered into fragments and just disappeared into thin air. It was like a magic trick, but better! Everyone in the room was left dumbfounded, and I couldn't help but smirk a little. My mission to show off was a total success.

As I confidently walked forward, one of the masked Kido Corps members yelled in disbelief, "It's impossible!" They all started hurling Bakudo spells at me, hoping to restrain me, but those spells just shattered upon impact. It was getting quite annoying, and I decided it was time to show them the taste of their own medicine.

With a loud shout, I chanted, "Hado #16 Hakuchuu Hane!"

<System >: Hado #16 Hakuchuu Hane: It envelops the caster in radiant wings of spiritual energy, granting them extreme speed, extremely ideal for aerial mobility.

Suddenly, a pair of vibrant blue spiritual wings materialized behind my back, and my speed skyrocketed. The masked men sprinted desperately to catch up, but I wasn't done yet.

I yelled, "Bakudo #20 Oyobi!"

<System >: Bakudo #20 Oyobi: It induces a state of corruption in the target's mind, causing confusion, paranoia, and sense of reason.

It was the last spell in my inventory, but also the most powerful. To the horror of all the Soul Reapers in the room, the masked Kido Corps members started killing each other. Chaos erupted, and I seized the opportunity to make my escape, using those spiritual wings to soar through the room.

I was so close to the exit, feeling the thrill of freedom within my grasp, when suddenly, a tremendous sword slash seared through my shoulder. The pain was excruciating, and I stumbled backward. My heart sank as I saw Tosen standing in my path, his Zanpakuto gleaming with blinding light. It seemed I had more challenges to face before I could make my getaway.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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