
Kido System in Bleach

Ridhiro Kageshima, an ordinary teenager and manga enthusiast, finds himself living a dream that quickly turns into a surreal nightmare. After an unexpected accident, he awakens in a high school classroom, surrounded by characters from his favorite manga, "Bleach." Among them is Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Shinigami, whose presence fills Ridhiro with equal parts awe and fear. In the world of Bleach, supernatural threats are all too real, and his proximity to Ichigo means that Ridhiro is on the brink of a life-changing adventure. However, just as he grapples with this bewildering twist of fate, a mechanical voice—belonging to a mysterious "Kido system"—intrudes upon his thoughts. This system claims to be his key to mastering the Bleach universe, guiding him towards the apex of this otherworldly realm. Ridhiro's skepticism battles his curiosity as he navigates a world where manga pages come to life, and the supernatural is as common as breathing. With every new day, he uncovers the power hidden within him, bridging the gap between his ordinary life and the extraordinary one he's thrust into. As Ridhiro strives to adapt to his newfound abilities, he finds himself entangled in the intricate web of Bleach's storyline, facing dangerous foes, making unexpected allies, and rewriting the very destiny of his manga heroes. *Kidō System in Bleach* is an adventure of epic proportions, blending the ordinary with the extraordinary as an amateur teenager explores a manga world where the lines between fiction and reality blur, and where the future remains uncertain but endlessly exciting.

ridhibrata_das · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Ch-32: Torrent of Flames

Tosen, standing resolutely in front of me with his gleaming sword, unleashed his spiritual pressure, causing the atmosphere to grow heavy. Yamamoto's voice boomed in the room, his tone stern and questioning, "What is the meaning of this, Kaname Tosen? The task of punishing the invaders is the responsibility of the Kido Corps. You are breaking a serious rule by intervening."

Kyoraku Shunsui chimed in, saying, "Captain Soi Fon was deployed due to the emergency situation, which was dissolved when the summons was announced."

Tosen, seeming remorseful, replied, "I apologize for my impulsive behavior."

Just as it seemed like the situation might settle down, a massive man, accompanied by another battalion of masked Kido Corps soldiers, appeared in a flash. They immediately began showering me with spells. Everyone in the room anticipated my imminent defeat as these spells enveloped me entirely.

But to the shock of everyone present, including Yamamoto himself, the spells disintegrated with a tremendous bang. Even these spells contained high-level Hado and Bakudo in the 70s range, which should have been overwhelming for someone like me. However, contrary to everyone's belief, the system easily canceled out every Kido spell that was cast against me.

The massive man roared in disbelief, "Impossible! It's demonic! The spells just disappear upon impact!" His gaze shifted to the fallen Kido Corps soldiers who had turned on each other under the influence of my spell.

Yamamoto's authoritative voice cut through the tension, "Captain of the Kido Corps, quickly apprehend him."

I attempted to take flight, aiming to evade their grasp. However, as I soared into the air, the formidable man unleashed Hado #88 HiryuGekizoku ShintenRaiho. The spell raced towards me, but I managed to glide past it effortlessly. The sheer force of the attack caused the room to crumble, exposing our battle to the outdoors. The massive man couldn't fathom how his high-level spell had no effect, and even Byakuya appeared taken aback by my newfound speed, which was now on par with Shunpo.

Gracefully landing amidst the rubble, I addressed them in a serious tone. "Looks like there's no way out without violence. Let me show you the real Hado—HADO #18 Inazuma Jumon."

<System >: Hado #18 Inazuma Jumon: It invokes a devastating lightning storm from the sky, can be controlled at will causing widespread damage

The sky crackled with energy as lightning and thunder intensified. All the Soul Reapers instinctively prepared to draw their Zanpakuto as the overwhelming spiritual pressure radiated from the spell. The Captain of the Kido Corps uttered in a fearful tone, "It's demonic! What kind of Hado spell in its 20s is so powerful?"

Raising my hand, a surging mass of lightning spiraled around me. The Captain yelled, "DIE!" and I unleashed a barrage of lightning attacks toward them. While the Captain erected a barrier spell to protect the high-ranking officers, the sheer quantity of lightning attacks easily overwhelmed and eradicated the lower-ranking soldiers. Their anguished cries echoed throughout the area.

Yamamoto, recognizing the gravity of the situation, issued a decisive order. "Captains, the situation is out of hand. I permit everyone to attack. Bring that arrogant boy down."

As Tosen thrust his sword towards me, narrowly missing my body but slicing through my spiritual wings, searing pain surged from the reopened wound on my shoulder. The agony was nearly unbearable. Before I could react, Tosen vanished and reappeared behind me, poised for another strike. With my current speed, evasion seemed impossible, and I watched in terror as the blade neared my chest.

In that moment, my life flashed before my eyes—a collage of memories featuring my parents, so-called friends, and my cherished tablet. It felt like the end was imminent. But then, to my astonishment, the sword came to a halt just two inches from my chest. Ichigo!! it was who had intervened, blocking the lethal strike. It seemed that being friends with the main character had its perks.

With relief washing over me, I glimpsed Rukia and the others fleeing the battlefield, seeking safety. They seemed capable of handling themselves. Everyone's attention returned to the newcomer, and a surge of adrenaline coursed through Ichigo as Zaraki Kenpachi's inner fighter awoke. He roared and charged towards Ichigo, setting the stage for a battle of titans.

Their swords clashed with such force that shockwaves rippled through the area. Yet, what puzzled me was the other captains' apparent lack of action. They stood still, unmoving, almost disinterested. It begged the question—why weren't they joining the fray? Wasn't this supposed to be exciting?

Tosen, now free to engage, spoke with conviction. "Let me teach you the justice for the sin you've committed. You may be powerful, but your arrogance, underestimating a captain, is the gravest mistake one can make."

The stage was set for a fierce confrontation between Ichigo and Kenpachi, while Tosen's sense of justice fueled his determination to bring me to justice. The battle had taken an unexpected turn, and I could only hope that Ichigo's intervention would buy me enough time to think of a way out of this perilous situation.

With my combo of spells—Hado #16 Hakuchuu Hane, Hado #17 Kazeken, and the immensely powerful #20 Rekkahono'o—I prepared for the imminent battle. The first spell granted me the celestial wings, the second allowed me to conjure and control a pale green wind sword, and the third covered my hands in flames that rivaled the infernos of hell itself.

<System >: Hado #20 Rekkahono'o: It engulfs the casters hands in intense flames, unleashing a torrent of fire, creating a blazing inferno.

The sight of these intense flames shocked even Yamamoto Shigekuni, whose Zanpakuto was renowned as the strongest flame-based weapon. The sheer power of the flames was overwhelming, and their intensity was such that the very ground beneath us began to melt. It fused with the green wind sword, forming a blazing torrent of flames that engulfed my weapon. My wings, too, transformed into fiery counterparts, further accelerating my speed to a level comparable to that of a captain. I was more than ready to face whatever Tosen had in store for me.

As Tosen dashed toward me with formidable determination, our swords clashed, releasing a torrent of fire that raged between us. The clash was intense, and the flames that surged from our collision painted a vivid picture of the fierce battle that had erupted.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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