
Key to my heart ❤️

************ I walked into the class and was very happy it was empty. I needed a quiet place to cool off after the argument I had with Dad this morning. I fucking hate that man. I walked over to my seat and dumped myself there putting my face in my palms. I was startled when I heard footsteps at the door. "Who is here this early" I asked myself and looked up sharply. Immediately I got lost in her pretty blue eyes, I just realized I needed her, looking at her, I felt okay but she removed her eyes and moved to her seat to eat. "What is she doing here this early, Should I apologize to her for what happened yesterday?" I asked myself "No! Don't apologize" was what my mind kept telling me. I decided to just sit still and watch her. She ate like a goddess, chewing the food gracefully before she swallows. She finished eating and was going to trash the cup and paper bags when all of a sudden, she slipped and fell straight on my laps startling me. The cup and paper bags fell off her hands and she held me tight scared that she might fall. After a few minutes, she realized where she was and she looked up slowly starring into my eyes. I saw the scared look on her face, she bit her lower lip making her look extra cute and seductive. She was sitting on my laps and all I wanted to do at this point is kiss her full lips. I brushed strands of her hair aside, tucking it behind her ear, leaned in and was about to capture her lips when someone gasped at the door. "Fuck" I cursed in a low voice and pulled away from her. She whimpered and ran off. I looked at the intruder, she is one of Morgan's minions. I hissed and left the class for my private office.

Lilly_Amarikwa · Teen
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36 Chs

In the hospital

Writer's POV

The Security guard was doing his rounds in the school and finally he came over to the cold room. He checked the area and was about to leave when he saw the key in the door.

He became suspicious immediately and brought out his teaser. He opened the door slowly and went in. He was so surprised to see Brian his boss and a girl he couldn't recognize on the floor looking lifeless and cold.

He suspected the girl to be a burglar and Brian maybe tried to catch her and was trapped inside with her but on a second thought, if the girl was a burglar, Brian wouldn't be holding her in this manner. "They look like a couple" he said inwardly and took a picture of them.

PS: He is a social media freak.

"Oh shoot, let me get help" he said and rushed out. He came back with three guards and they were rushed to the hospital.

Candy's POV

I saw myself in a very beautiful garden with a lot of beautiful flowers. I kept running around like a free bird when all of a sudden, someone caught me by the wrist, turned me to face him and drew me closer to his chest.

It was Brian and he looked so handsome. I smiled and hugged him. I smiled and tried to pull myself away playfully but he grinned, pulled me closer and was about to capture my lips with his when I heard voices "She's moving, call the doctor".

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see my parents and friends. I felt dizzy and tried to get up but the doctor gently pushed me down because of the drip attached to my hand. "Relax miss Candy, you're out of danger"He said casually. "I need water, I'm thirsty" I said with difficulty.

My mum rushed and got me a cup of water which I gulped down immediately. After a while, I turned and asked the doctor hoarsely "What of Brian? Where's he?". The doctor answered "He's in the ICU and is in a very critical condition but we're doing our best for him".

I sighed and asked my parents how long I have been asleep. My mum replied "Two days. You really scared me dear". Dad said nothing, he just came over and hugged me tightly. I asked of Simon but was told that he has gone to school.

After a while, my parents left to get me something to eat and Bella showed me a post on her phone. It was a picture of I and Brian with a caption saying "Cute couple locked up in the school's cold room". I was stunned and looked up to see Bella grinning.

I immediately defended myself "I was only trying to keep myself warm". She and Christy immediately attacked me with questions. I just smiled and asked them to leave me alone but they laughed at me and continued with their questions. My parents came back and my friends left for school.

In the afternoon, my parents left to go home and freshen up and I was left all alone in my ward. When a nurse came to take my vitals, I asked her if she knew the guy that was brought in with me and she nodded in affirmative.

I asked her if I can see him and she asked me to wait so she can confirm from the doctor. She later came back with a wheelchair and helped me get into it and we left the room.

Dear readers ❤️, hope you're enjoying your time with me 😜. I hope I'm meeting your expectations. Forgive my errors in the other chapters, I promise to do better. Purple y'all 💜...