
Key to my heart ❤️

************ I walked into the class and was very happy it was empty. I needed a quiet place to cool off after the argument I had with Dad this morning. I fucking hate that man. I walked over to my seat and dumped myself there putting my face in my palms. I was startled when I heard footsteps at the door. "Who is here this early" I asked myself and looked up sharply. Immediately I got lost in her pretty blue eyes, I just realized I needed her, looking at her, I felt okay but she removed her eyes and moved to her seat to eat. "What is she doing here this early, Should I apologize to her for what happened yesterday?" I asked myself "No! Don't apologize" was what my mind kept telling me. I decided to just sit still and watch her. She ate like a goddess, chewing the food gracefully before she swallows. She finished eating and was going to trash the cup and paper bags when all of a sudden, she slipped and fell straight on my laps startling me. The cup and paper bags fell off her hands and she held me tight scared that she might fall. After a few minutes, she realized where she was and she looked up slowly starring into my eyes. I saw the scared look on her face, she bit her lower lip making her look extra cute and seductive. She was sitting on my laps and all I wanted to do at this point is kiss her full lips. I brushed strands of her hair aside, tucking it behind her ear, leaned in and was about to capture her lips when someone gasped at the door. "Fuck" I cursed in a low voice and pulled away from her. She whimpered and ran off. I looked at the intruder, she is one of Morgan's minions. I hissed and left the class for my private office.

Lilly_Amarikwa · Teen
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36 Chs

Spending the night together

Candy's POV

When we got to school, it was almost 7pm so I asked him to hurry and help me take the bags to the cold room. He reluctantly carried some bags smiling like he won a lottery. I hissed and took the remaining bags, closed the boot and rushed after him.

I opened the room and left the key there. He went in, went to the back and started arranging the items on the shelf. I ignored him and was about to put the bags I was carrying down when all of a sudden, someone I couldn't recognize closed the door and locked it from outside.

I was shocked and ran to the door screaming "Hey you! Open the door now" I said banging on the door. The noise attracted Brian and he rushed to door asking me what happened. "I was trying to arrange these items when someone just closed the door and locked it" I said breathlessly.

"Hey, Who's out there? Open this door, this is a cold room for Christ sake. Do you want us to freeze in here?". He said shouting and banging at the door as well. We knocked, shouted and pleaded for about thirty minutes. I decided to call someone and realized my phone was dead. I asked him to do so but he said he left his phone in the car.

It was then it dawned on me that I might the night here in this room with my enemy and he looks so calm about it. "No, don't think negative, your parents will be worried and will come to get you" I said inwardly giving myself hope. "No you idiot, they would think you're over at Bella's place and won't bother coming to look for you".

I muffled a scream and sat down dejectedly. "Don't worry, the place is not so cold" He said when he saw me rubbing my shoulders with my palms. I looked at him murderously. An hour later, he said "Maybe we should worry, it's very cold in here. I'm freezing!".

I chuckled and said slowly "That serves you right". After a while I felt like I was freezing as well and had to suggest something that might help us out because we still had like three hours before the school guard will find us here because he checks everywhere by 12am.

"Okay listen, I read somewhere that if you're freezing, you have to hold someone and feel their body heat so you can feel better" I said with difficulty. He didn't say a word rather he moved closer and cuddled me.

I felt butterflies in my belly the moment he cuddled me and it made me feel better but I was noticing that it was getting harder for him to breath, so I had to hold me close to my chest. I rubbed my palms together and touched him with it so he can feel much better.

"Mom, I've missed you so much. Please come back to me" He suddenly said while holding my face with tears in his eyes. I was shocked. I have never seen this side of him, he looks like a vulnerable child that needs to be protected.

So I held him tightly and hugged him but then I felt his body go limp in my arms. I was afraid and panicked immediately. I felt his pulse and he was still alive but his body was very cold. I was thinking of ways to help him when I also felt myself blacking out and I went into oblivion.

Food for thought: Who locked Brian and Candy up?

Dear readers ❤️, hope you're enjoying the book. I promise you would not regret the fact that you added this book to your library. Purple y'all 💜...