
Key to my heart ❤️

************ I walked into the class and was very happy it was empty. I needed a quiet place to cool off after the argument I had with Dad this morning. I fucking hate that man. I walked over to my seat and dumped myself there putting my face in my palms. I was startled when I heard footsteps at the door. "Who is here this early" I asked myself and looked up sharply. Immediately I got lost in her pretty blue eyes, I just realized I needed her, looking at her, I felt okay but she removed her eyes and moved to her seat to eat. "What is she doing here this early, Should I apologize to her for what happened yesterday?" I asked myself "No! Don't apologize" was what my mind kept telling me. I decided to just sit still and watch her. She ate like a goddess, chewing the food gracefully before she swallows. She finished eating and was going to trash the cup and paper bags when all of a sudden, she slipped and fell straight on my laps startling me. The cup and paper bags fell off her hands and she held me tight scared that she might fall. After a few minutes, she realized where she was and she looked up slowly starring into my eyes. I saw the scared look on her face, she bit her lower lip making her look extra cute and seductive. She was sitting on my laps and all I wanted to do at this point is kiss her full lips. I brushed strands of her hair aside, tucking it behind her ear, leaned in and was about to capture her lips when someone gasped at the door. "Fuck" I cursed in a low voice and pulled away from her. She whimpered and ran off. I looked at the intruder, she is one of Morgan's minions. I hissed and left the class for my private office.

Lilly_Amarikwa · Teen
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36 Chs

A promise

Candy's POV

After I heard what my friends said, I turned around and backed them in order not to say anything or answer any questions coming from them. "Why did he help me? What is he up to?" I asked myself inwardly. I heard Bella huff and after a while she and Christy stood up and left. I immediately drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up, it was almost closing time. I felt a very strong aura in the room and turned sharply. My blue eyes met with his cold brown hazel eyes. Have I mentioned that his eyes are the the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen, I think I have mentioned that.... LOL🤣.

We stared at each other for a while until his voice pulled me back to reality "How are you doing?" He asked calmly. I immediately remembered our encounter and answered hoarsely "What do you care? For all we know you planned that fucking incident and you're here acting all nice to me".

He sat there expressionless looking like a god. He said with the same tone "I know you would think I planned that shit but trust me I didn't. I'm sorry I hurt you the other day, that was not my intention". He paused looked at my face and continued "I was just trying to help, I don't mean any h...".

"Well Mr Goody two shoes, I don't trust you and I don't need your help. Now, I think you know your way out. Please leave before your crazy bitchy girlfriend of yours accuses me of sleeping with you" I said breathlessly, interrupted him.

He smiled and murmured something I could not hear. He stood up, came close to me and whispered in my ears "I am ready to do anything to win your trust my little Candy, it's a promise".

I was speechless but he smirked and walked away. My ears were on fire and my cheeks turned red due to how close he was to me. I slowly laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling blankly.

Brian's POV

The moment I left the Clinic, I laughed a little at her reaction and was about to move out of the place when my phone rang.

The moment I saw the caller my facial expression changed and a deep frown appeared on my face. I picked the call and the caller said with authority "Where are you?".

Without waiting for a reply, he yelled at me "Get your fucking self to this place right now before I loose my cool". I hung up and mutter a "Fuck you!" at the caller inwardly before I walked out in anger.

🧐Food for thought: What do you think will happen between our dear Candy and Brian?

Who do you guys think is the Mysterious caller that spoke to our dear Brian in that manner?

Dear readers ❤️, hope you're enjoying the book so far, I'm really doing my best to meet your expectations. Please comment your opinions and review my book so that I'll be motivated to keep writing. You can start showing your love for my book by voting with power stones and just know that this writer loves you all💖. Purple y'all 💜...