
Kamen Rider : Die

Danny smith a mechanic suddenly die on the road back home from work. But fortunately he earn a chance to be resurrected if he join a tournament. Can he prevail against the odd and win the tournament! only Fortuna know (R18 for some gore, Violence and strong language. And as usual Kamen Rider franchise are owned by Ishimori Productions Toei Company)

Dowaray · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

"Hmm alright then you can help me, thanks by the way." I help her by bringing sack after sack of pet food inside the shelter. "Phew, we have finally done, so can I ask you about what happen in front?" She stops for a moment while opening some sack, "hmm, sure, why not." I smile happily and decide to let her decide the form of the interview. "Thank you, so which Interview do you want to do a normal one where we sit face to face while I filming you, or you work, and I help you while talking, but I will record our conversation."

She grins hearing me while looking over row and row of cages filled with animal, "I choose the latter then." I smile hearing it, without wasting anytime, as we start feeding the animals. We talk as we work, and I learn from her that a bat like creature did enter the shelter, that is what she believed. But the police doesn't believe her and insist it's a man in a bat costume that vandalizing the building. She said when the owner run the recording, the bat muttering the name Frankie while searching something.

"So, does the bat make the surrounding building windows destroyed too?" her face turn indescribable for a while, trying hard to remember something. With a voice full of hesitation, she says, "I-I don't know, I remember a small earthquake or storm maybe?" Now it's my turn to be confused by her answer, but I remember AOA and their amnestic. (Is this the work of AOA?) My face turn bitter cause I know I won't get an answer if I ask the surrounding resident. I quickly help her finish her work and thank her for her time while excusing myself to go back.

"God, damn it, what should I do now?" I kick a random can in the street to vent my irritation. (Do I need to search central Brooklyn, but that's stupid and time-wasting?) As I walk to the central area, in the corner of my eye, I see a group of hobo encircling around a fire. (Of course, if I'm not wrong the bat sighted near an abandoned factory, maybe the local hobo know something about it.) Seeing the light, I decide to go to the local soup kitchen around the central area, volunteering to be a waitress.

My hard work bear fruit as I overheard about a missing hobo by the name of Tony that live in an abandoned factory. The other say he goes missing after his beloved do Frankie kidnapped by a group of PETA volunteer and send the dog to the pound. (Bingo, it looks like my guess is right on the spot, the bat daemon is a hobo.) I politely ask one of them about Tony location before he goes missing. I go to the location via a bus, there I ask around and quickly find Tony acquaintance. From him, I learn Tony gone at night and back at dawn out of nowhere for quite some time now.

Now there are two choices in front of me, waiting around here until morning, or intercept him before he's messing up another place. I look around, hiding in the corner of a small park whispering to Upsilon, "hey what should I do?" [Well, lad, why don't you ask help from AOA] surprised I ask again "wait, you can do that?" [Of course, lad, they have an obligation to help you to subdue daemon, so why don't you talk to me via telepathy then?] I nodded hearing the news, with a serious tone, I tell him "well, I'm so utterly disappointed about the telepathy skill I don't want to." Hearing my reason Upsilon turn silent.

As I call Max asking for help, in another side of the city a detective from last night sit down on his desk busy writing a report until. "Bang!" The detective startled by the sound of a police woman hit his desk. "Father, why are my cases about the disturbance in Brooklyn get canceled!?" The detective, feeling helpless hearing her question, "Clara, please don't call me father while we are at work. And about the case I can't do anything about it, the higher up decided that." Flustered she tries to argue, but before she can do it "stop, and get back to your post, Clara." He ordered with a harsh tone, dissatisfied, she's stomping away from the desk.

With a sigh, he watches his daughter walking away, and mutter "AOA, huh?" I heard that name 20 years ago when that incident happens. New York 20 years ago when a bank robbery takes place, a group of police has surrounded the banks as a tense stand-off happen. That is until that monster appear, and killed the people inside the banks and injured the police that surrounding it. Killing my partner in the process, the police helpless handling that monster. Until a helicopter with AOA logo showed up and easily subdue it.

"sigh, I just hope she doesn't get involved with this case anymore." with that sigh the detective resume his work. Midnight on the rooftop in Brooklyn near an abandoned factory, I've been waiting here for quite a while now for that bat. I decided to wait for the bat to come back here while the AOA, monitoring the animal shelter in Brooklyn, reporting to me its location. While I'm sitting here bored by waiting, a police car suddenly stop near the factory. Curious, I decide to observe the police car.

A beautiful police woman come out of the car and start searching around the building. "Weird is she with the AOA?" I look at the parked van with AOA logo beside the building I'm at. Seeing them doesn't do anything, I sit back down again, thinking she is with them. While waiting again, finally Upsilon receive a mail telling me that the bat flying to my position. Hearing the news I decide to do some warm up first ready for a battle.

Hey, I wonder if you guys can give me an idea about one of the Kamen rider. Its for Kamen rider Rho (P) I want to make him a cleric. So, I want to ask you guys what kind of animal or object he/she could be, and what color? Anyway, thanks for reading have a nice day!

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